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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. Love those palys. Beautiful coloration! That's a great price for those.
  2. Ammonia, gone, nitrite, gone, nitrate... still there but not too high at all. Time to get some more tester corals in the sump. PVC is a reefers best friend. Had an extra ballast and reflector sitting around so I'm going to use it to help transition the corals over slowly without having to take any offline on the old system. Don't judge! Here's a side shot of the old tank as looking at a near empty tank is depressing sometimes.
  3. Tiger tails I'm not so worried about. They do have some toxicity but not nearly as much as the colored planktonic varieties.
  4. No problem and thanks for the compliment! It was good meeting you Randy! See you at the meeting.
  5. Yeah, my video doesn't show up on my samsung galaxy either. Odd.
  6. I have 5-6 tiger tail sea cucumbers. I could use to lose a few.
  7. The globs at the end are about 2-3mm in size... similar to medium sized pellets.
  8. I did add some blue hypnea the other day.
  9. Yeah, that's totally different from my kit. Guess I'm sporting the old one. Glad you found a video that answered your questions.
  10. Man, you get to play in the house? I had to do all reef related stuff in the cold garage. Looking good Robb!
  11. The name doesn't ring a bell but I am getting older these days and that was about 2 years ago... Thanks Woods!
  12. I was thinking Green Mako too but he's a San Antonio guy if I remember right. We talking Austin person?
  13. I should note that I will be going to the January monthly meeting tomorrow. For the event only, I'll double the polyps to 10 polyps (instead of 5) for $15 if anybody is going to be there and are interested in a frag. The pink ring glows intensely under my blue LED supplemental strip for you LED peeps out there. Niko, I'll double up your polyps too when I drop by your shop just because you're cool and will be supplying us with awesome corals soon.
  14. I do have giant zebra snails in there as well and a clam. It looks like either some type of egg sac or somebody's intestines. My guess is intestines... since it almost looks like there is a large and small intestine. If that is the case, I wonder what's running around with no intestines in my tank.? My clam did close up oddly on one side only in my tank yesterday but only for like an hour. And it's only 5" long so I doubt it has reached sexual maturity yet and that is some kind of egg sac. If i remember right, They are broadcast spawners.
  15. I have 4-5 cucumbers in the tank so hard to pinpoint if any one of them even did anything. Planedan, its a video.
  16. Looks like my cucumber spit out his innards. Either that or something got it on in my tank. Anybody? http://youtu.be/3qvUD7oM7NU
  17. Added a video of the zoas to entice those on the fence. http://youtu.be/-Mp8RaZrQsU
  18. I used it before and was happy with the results I got. They were pretty consistent with my Hanna Alkalinity meter I use now without the human error involved with me and titrations. Was there a specific question you had or did you just want user feedback? Hopefully I answered your question.
  19. Not sure if Clint is talking about her but as a matter of fact she and her hubby are getting their new tank in this weekend. It's a big one. Woohoo! I'll have to hit them up. I owe them a ton of coral for that sweet stand they gave me.
  20. Rumor is that they were overgrown by macro.
  21. I hand out cigars and a glass of scotch to everyone who lets me borrow equipment, brah.
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