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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. You're doing just fine without the macro lens. I wouldn't even bother! The pictures are amazing!
  2. This is going to be an awesome build! Looking forward to the build thread.
  3. Since I like you, I'll let you have it for $50. More of a storage fee than a buyback discount. Well I'm charging a $60 enjoyment fee for the time you had it, but I'll waive it if you throw in those zoas next to it in the picture.
  4. Its a sign! You must build a canopy for a 40g bowfront for discus!
  5. Short-term, you should be fine with water changes. Once your stock starts increasing (mainly towards SPS), CaRX is easier and cheaper in the long run. I've done hand dosing, peristaltic pumps with 2-part, and CaRX. CaRX is definitely my preferred choice with a SPS heavy tank.
  6. Aw man, I didn't know Sherita sent you over there for recon last night!
  7. I was going to guess lighting change as well.
  8. Aw man. Sorry to hear! Good luck with the new job search!
  9. Niko ordered a blonde naso and a powder blue tang for me. I'm sure he can find you a sailfin or blue hippo.
  10. Oh jeez, this thread has gone downhill quick... and somehow I got sucked into the vortex.
  11. Thank you sir! You are a scholar and a gentleman!
  12. Oh, you're PFP?!?! Nice to meet you man!
  13. I'll keep working on the those million dollar listings... TeslaTy does have a ring to it... but do I detect a hint of feminine tone to it? I'll give myself until the end of the weekend to come up with a new screen name.
  14. I owned two different Jeep Wranglers for about 14 years... oh, and my name is Ty. I've been contemplating a screen name change since I sold the Jeep early last year. Rav4Ty doesn't just quite have the same ring....
  15. Very intriguing! Thanks for the information nvrEnuf. I'll have to take a good look at the space underneath my stand but I'm sure I can find a spot somewhere. In sump is what I will end up trying if I go for it since I should be able to find room in a 65-gallon sump. If not, I need to work on my tetris skills. I will gladly take you up on the offer to seed some knitting pad for me nvrEnuf. Be happy to toss a frag your way for the quick start help! How long do you think it will take to seed the knitting pad? Trying to figure out how long I have to get my ATS setup and ready for the knitting pad.
  16. Rockstarwiggle, your screen name makes a lot more sense to me now. Hilarious!
  17. Hmmm, you got me thinking. I'm old school and since I have had a successful SPS tank doing what I did before, I am always hesitant to make changes to the proven formula but honestly the idea of an ATS always intrigued me. Perhaps a temporary one like you suggested could be applied until the tank matures. It would also greatly reduce any potential bryopsis comebacks by hopefully outcompeting it. Do you have a good link to one that was built? I would like to do some research on this. Do you have a picture of yours that you could share? I don't have any caulerpa in my system but out of curiosity, how would it be a problem?
  18. After swapping out new GFO, I went ahead and did a couple of large "transfusions" between the two tanks. Altogether, I probably swapped about 60-70 gallons of water with no ill effect observed on corals in either tank. That wasn't too surprising since the tested and monitored parameters between both tanks were very similar. I could probably go ahead and move all the corals and live rock over this weekend and not have any troubles but I am planning to bomb the old tank one last time with Kent's Tech M just to make sure there is no chance of bryopsis following me over to the new tank. I haven't seen any evidence of it for almost 6 months now but better safe than sorry. I will aim to start moving some more coral over slowly and leave most of the live rock in the old tank to endure the Tech M treatment. But enough of the blabbing... here's what you really want: Hmmm... how did all those corals get into the sump? Another look down the opposite side of the old tank:
  19. Agreed. I think etannert is on the spot with the diagnosis.
  20. Hi Deanfe. Could you post your water parameters? Any big changes lately? Lights? Big water change? Added anything like new livestock?
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