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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. Empty every 7-14 days as well and pull it out once or twice a year to clean. You'll be surprised how much efficiency you lose once things get caught in your needle wheel impeller.
  2. I only send forth my minions out into the world, not take them back!
  3. Yeah, I aim for 2"-3" below the rim for the bubble line so that sounds about right.
  4. My suspicion was the venturi line as well. A cup of warm RO/DI water down the tube usually works for me to clear it out. My other guess would be something biological trips it out. Perhaps macro going sexual since that seems to be the hip thing right now, or a dying tube worm that is sending out eggs/sperm. I have the G3 and the G4+. I've only had it spill over when I used 2-part epoxy and one time when my tube worm did his swan song and released gametes into the water.
  5. Hey wait a minute. Methinks I'm being duped!
  6. Aw sweet. I was wondering because he seemed so tame from Day 1 Travis. He followed me around and seemed to stare at me... trying to will me to feed him. Coolest part about him is his eyes function independently of each other, kind of like a chameleon. Did he have a name Travis? Like to keep him named the same if he did. My wife would enjoy that as she names them all.
  7. That's a whole lot of halide going on at once. Bonus points for those that can spot the powder blue. Just wanted to throw this picture up because the colors are so ridiculous on the powder blue that it looks like I photoshopped him in. Got my diatom clean-up crew on it. Do your thing Mr. Conch!
  8. This is one cool guy. He even bullied the powder blue today in the sump and got his fill of mysis before letting the powder blue get any. That was not how I saw that one playing out. They are the same size!
  9. You have brought shame on my name. You know what you must do now...
  10. Easy, you'll give him a complex! Sascha - Remind me to hide my powder blue next time you swing by.
  11. CreeperTy? Anybody buy this awesome tank yet? Lildodoo, what did you upgrade to?
  12. Finally getting my diatoms and turf algae growth. Almost there! And yes, this was another cheap way to sneak in a shot of my blonde naso
  13. Travis - they definitely were a "whoa!" in their bags and then a "wow!" once I put them in the tanks. They are as healthy and as beautiful as if I had gotten them from someone else's tank as opposed to being shipped halfway across the world in a bag. Kudos to your stock and suppliers. The copperband I'm getting from a local reefer but be sure I will be visiting you again once its time to add some airplanes of the sea (aka wrasses) to the tank. NvrEnuf - the naso blonde has been my coveted fish for a long time now... almost as much as most covet the achilles. I just never had a big enough tank that I would feel right getting the naso. I know maybe 5-10 years down the line he (i hope its a "he" so he can grow those awesome streamers) may want a little more room but hopefully by that time, my house and tank will grow with him. The planning goes for the long haul as I add these tangs knowing that they'll be with me for a long time and possibly multiple tank moves later. The powder blue is a beautiful specimen and is very active. I can see why they typically recommend a 180-gal and larger for these guys, even though they typically max out at 5-6" in captivity. Their natural environment is in areas with high wave activity. Swimming around in the splashing waves in giant schools, its no wonder they have that aggressive reputation they have when they are housed in smaller tanks than they should be. Its like sticking me in a small room with two people I dont know... eventually I'm going to feel a bit cramped and cranky.
  14. Just an interesting observation i wanted to share. I just witnessed the powder blue tang watch the filefish eat mysis and decide it was okay to eat them too. It had already tried a couple and spit them out and ignored them since then. Enter the filefish, who comes roaring in to eat the mysis and in the feeding frenzy, all of a sudden the powder blue comes in too, feeling like he was missing out, and goes chomping down on some mysis.
  15. Option #2 sounds awesome! That's it for fish minus the addition of a wrasse or two. If my chromis ever die, I will replace them with anthias as my schooling fish.
  16. I posted in the wrong thread earlier (what I get for using a phone to do it) so I will respond here. Travis moves fast! The words came out of my mouth and next thing you know, he was calling me to pick up my fish! The PBT did give the filefish a wedgie in gym class but otherwise, no other evidence of bullying was noted. All kidding aside, they are getting along just fine.
  17. I must note both were nicely plump and didn't look too worse for wear from their travels. Thanks Travis and also Chris for getting me these awesome specimens! Go Niko's Reef!
  18. First time in a long time I've made a major fish purchase. I usually just adopt them from other people's tanks as those are usually the healthiest specimens but with the upcoming upgrade, I wanted to get all the tangs that I eventually want in my new tank now before all the old livestock started setting up territories. All of my old livestock is still in the old tank, most notable a giant desjardini sailfin, rabbitfish, and yellow tang. There are plenty more but for the purposes of fish compatibility, these are the ones worth noting. I planned on adding a copperband butterfly, blonde naso tang, and a powder blue tang. The naso I am not worried about being first in the new tank. Its not so territorial and generally very peaceful. The powder blue on the otherhand has a far more warranted reputation of being a bully. In comes Niko's Reef with access to some awesome fish stock and corals. Travis found me an awesome blonde naso tang and powder blue tang and I picked them up today. 5" blonde naso 4" powder blue The powder blue is in the sump until I can add the rest of the tangs at the same time to the new tank. The naso is currently enjoying all 215-gals all to himself. Powder blue feeding... good sign.
  19. That's rare to find show size fish that are already fat and healthy and used to tank life. My preference is to buy fish from other reefers as you know they will eat and are far less stressed than their freshly wild caught counterparts. I hope all of these fish find a great home! Great looking stock Jeremy!
  20. Sad to hear Jeremy! Im sure you'll find another hobby that you'll do more amazing custom work in that you'll enjoy very much!
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