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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. Got some hardy frags of SPS if you are interested. Forest fire digitata and green birdsnest.
  2. You can frag it and sell it as Planeden's palm coral.
  3. For observational purposes, the zoas and the algae will literally bubble during the treatment. Once you put it back in the tank, the algae will look fine and the zoas will look ticked. By the next day, the zoas will look a whole lot better and the algae will start lightening in color and will disintegrate in a couple of days.
  4. Chop it off the rock Dennis. That looks like bryopsis to me... which is highly invasive! If it were me, I'd toss the whole frag because I'm paranoid and a bunch of zoas aren't worth the trouble of bryopsis. If you wanted to try to save it though, try a couple of peroxide dips until you don't see it anymore and then just keep a good eye out for it to see if it ever comes back. You can just Google how to do a peroxide dip on zoas. It'll tick the heck out of your zoas but they will survive. Mine always did. Btw, this peroxide dip works on almost all algaes and doesn't hurt zoas. Don't do it on SPS or you'll literally melt their skin off.
  5. Those are probably the fibers it lays down to attach to the rock. They look very stringy and look like the equivalent of stringy tendons when I have seen my clam move.
  6. A true yellow is a hard color to come by in corals. Yellow scroll corals, yellow polyps, and Jestep's plague-like destructive sponge is all I can think of. There are some yellow zoas out there like your true dragoneyes and a couple varieties of yellow SPS. I say just get him a yellow tang and call it a day.
  7. Good to meet you JR and Eric! Glad the frags are doing well!
  8. Thank you everyone who made this possible tonight. It was fun to see the behind the scenes equipment and to see some of the same equipment I run in their backroom. Validation!!!
  9. Just let it keep sitting. The vinegar should help with it. At the worst, it's a skimmer... they handle the dirtier side of the hobby so being a little dirty shouldn't be too bad.
  10. Looks like I won't make it early. Enjoy the tasty burger fellas! See you at the tour!
  11. Burger there is pretty good. If I wrap everything up in time today, I may join up! Good idea Dennis!
  12. All sold except red cap (size of a cereal bowl for only $5!) and one large hydno $10. I goofed and miscounted. Going to the meeting tonight and tomorrow to Austin Aquarium if anybody wants it. -Ty
  13. Thanks Richard! I generally run it at 8 dKh for the extra safety buffer but the downtime of switching the CaRX to the new tank really ate into the alk available in the new system. And with colonies the size of volleyballs, it doesn't take long to soak up all that alk! Like Richard said, kalk in your top-off is a good idea after water changes can't keep up with it anymore.
  14. If it were me, I wouldn't. Why do all that extra work if its close enough. If you start piling in the SPS, then I would start dosing once your parameters show that you are deficient.
  15. Ohhh... me, me, pick me Mike! I'll be coming!
  16. Thanks bud! The CBB is happy and fat, just like when I got him from you. He follows me around the tank and waits at the surface when I am working in the tank, hoping I will drop in some food. Awesome fish! Plus, he destroyed some aiptasia the other night and I have never felt so happily evil in my life. Die aiptasia! Die! I did get the smaller impeller for the pump so I don't have to dial down as much. Replacement was a cinch and the impeller was cheaper than a cruddy koralia impeller. I figured you were so busy shutting down the tank that I didn't want bother you to weld a frame around the to rim of the tank. Got a guy doing that now, but I'm sure there will be other things needed. I'll definitely hit you up for welding!
  17. What goes up... must come down!
  18. Good luck with the upgrade! We can swap stories on upgrade blunders whenever you want.
  19. Hadn't gotten to the green cap yet. These aren't the last of the accidental frags yet. :-(
  20. Yes sir. I can bring one for you.
  21. Still have smaller hydno pieces available and the large red cap.
  22. Sorry guys, my PM was full. All 3 large hydnos are spoken for, as well as the warp speed, and the birdsnest. The SPS bases are gone too. You guys don't mess around!
  23. Weekend update by Ty Ta: Okay, no SNL style show here but good bullet points. I'm over my ich worry. Fish are eating like pigs and the one that broke out first is over it. The rest should follow within the next couple of days. Alk was crazy low in the new tank. We're talking in the 4's. Getting it slowly back up over the last couple days. Sitting at around 6 now and aiming for 8. That should stop the STN I've been seeing in the new tank but still doesn't explain what I saw in the old tank. Perhaps the old tank had too high of alk since colonies were being removed as alk and Ca still were being supplied by the CaRX so those colonies STN'ed, and then in the new tank the opposite problem was occurring and they were STN'ing due to low alk. Cooking up some baking soda as we speak. I feel like I run a meth lab right now... Breaking Frags!!! Aiming to move the rest of the corals to the new tank this weekend During the week, I'll slowly aim to clean up the last big rocks I'm moving over and transition them as well At the end of the week, I plan to catch all the little fishes left in the old tank (6 chromis... 1 already made the trek in my volleyball size birdnest colony, 2 clowns, 1 hippo tang, 1 banghaii cardinal, 1 midas blenny, 2 mandarins, and 1 dartfish) I'll end up moving my last 2 reactors over to the new tank, already setup the CaRX last night on the new tank Aiming for next weekend shutdown of the old tank... wish me luck!
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