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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. Uh oh, someone must have put on some Al Green!
  2. Three corals left and the old tank is all but shutdown. I am treating some zoa rocks with peroxide to remove the hair algae before transporting into the new tank. My welder is working on the metal trim frame so hopefully I get that soon so I can start working on a canopy and skinning the stand. I'd eventually want to organize all my electronics but that'll have to wait until the stand is skinned. For now, I'm on STN watch. Had to chop up my blue tenius colony after missing the STN on that coral and letting it spread way too far. Also finally making full use of the manifold on my return pump. I plumbed all my reactors to the pump (CaRX, GFO, and biopellets) and have removed all the auxiliary pumps that used to run all the separate reactors. I'm sure that'll take a good amount of heat out of my system! Funny thing to note, my blue hippo officially thinks he's a chromis. He started hiding in the purple stylo lately. Photobombed!!! Good job Copperband! Side tank view (still haven't aquascaped but I enjoyed the view nonetheless) I think I got busted by my naso... he doesn't look so thrilled at what I am doing.
  3. Should have hit me up first! It is actually on loan right now but let me see when they'll be done with it.
  4. Get a shark! The wife will love it!
  5. Macro is not invited in my tank! Jokes aside, I'm on the heavy skimming camp and no macros. I don't want any issues with it going sexual or creeping into my display. To me, it's like inviting xenia or GSP into my tank, weedlike uncontrollable spreading! In reality it might not be that bad, but the only pruning and trimming maintenance I want to do is fragging my SPS and zoas. Chaeto gets a free pass since it plays nice in the sump. But like Sascha says, it's all about finding your style of tank. It helps to see as many tanks as you can and seeing what you like. Then mimic it as best as you can and add your own twist on it.
  6. I don't think he is doing it anymore because of time constraints. At least that is the last thing I remember him saying.
  7. RAWR!!! Mine! The mystery acro looks like a blue tenius.
  8. If you are planning on external, I got a pair of iwaki 40xlrt pumps I will be selling cheap. Pm me if interested bud. Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk
  9. My old 125 before I upgraded. Was running 250-watt on this tank. Currently running 400 watt on my new tank once I upgraded to a deeper tank. Hope the info helps and ignore if it wasn't what you were looking for. Thanks. Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk
  10. Sorry I don't have any info on the SuperReef but figured you would want to know about the Plusrites because of their excellent price value. Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk
  11. I use the plusrites, 20k spectrum in the 400 watt bulb. $13/bulb at 1000bulbs.com. Best bang for your buck out there for MH. Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk
  12. Finally! I knew you'd be back! Great looking tank... look forward to the build bud.
  13. Like most things in life, the truth is somewhere in the middle. Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk
  14. I am sure you can talk to one of the local fish stores about shipping them for you.
  15. Honestly, I've done that drive with a nano tank and buckets of corals. They all survived! Just give all the rocks a good rinse first in saltwater. Then bag up your corals like a fish store would. Then float them in buckets and drive drive drive! I drove it straight... 22 hrs... with a 30 min nap. I was young and stupid though. Only thing was all my corals were in the car with me and climate controlled.
  16. You can just store it all at my place indefinitely if you want! Great tank Shane!
  17. Rifis, anything left is in the first post. PM me if you want anything. Thanks.
  18. Here I am busting my butt upgrading for the last two months and you go and make me look like a chump and do it over a weekend! Looks great bud!
  19. When you're ready, I could always be convinced to pull out the SPS clippers if someone was looking to buy enough to warrant it.
  20. I'm back in action! Sorry for the delay. Ckyuv, I'm sure more frags will magically appear in a couple of months.
  21. All, if I haven't responded to you yet, please be patient as I got an influx of PMs. I will answer them in the order received. Right now I got to pick up my wife from Grad school or I'll be in a heap of trouble.
  22. Fire and Ice Zoas -10 polyp frag, $15 -sold Red Cap, $2 whole dollars, about the size of a cereal bowl. Has a section that is burnt from my SPS but it will grow back over it. -sold Forest Fire (some need to color back up) -frags of roughly 1-2", $10/frag -1 pending, several more available representative pic Spongodes Monti (some need to color back up) -3x large frags (1"x2"), $10/frag -1 pending, 1 left -small frag, $5/frag -sold representative pic Green Fungia plates -size of a silver dollar expanded, $15/plate -1 pending, 1 left ORA Jeremy's Digitata - pretty rare in Austin -large colony (top left of group pic), $50 -multibranch large frags, $25/frag -small frag, $15/frag -sold
  23. Well, finally shutting down the old tank. I removed all the rock I wanted to keep and cut off all the corals from the old rock that wasn't going to be transferred to the new tank. As always, things don't cut clean as I planned or I dropped maybe a coral or two and made some accidental frags. Version 2.0 of the clumsy frag sale begins! Here's a giant picture of almost all the frags in my sump that I need to get rid of. Some of the frags in the picture I am keeping so don't get too carried away! I will be either using representative pictures or pictures of the mother colonies since some of these pieces were in my old tank and I wasn't running the lights as much in there and they lost some color. Get them back in a regular setup and they'll color right back up in a couple of weeks. Hydnophora (brightest green in my tank) - -Large base(4" x 3"), top right of group pic, $20 -large frag - $10 -pending Here's a pic of the small hydnophora frags I sold in the last clumsy sale. I'm selling the base that the mother colony was attached to and a large frag. War Coral, -2 large frags ($20) -1 left -2 small frags (15) -all pending -smaller piece ($5) -sold Red and green coral in background Superman Monti (needs to color back up) -2 small pieces $10/frag -last one pending Sunset Monti (needs to color back up) -2 large frags $15/frag -all pending -1 small $10/frag -sold representative pic Yellow Scroll Coral -a bunch of small pieces, all for $10 -pending Meteor Shower Cyphanstrea (some frags need to color back up) -frags roughly 1"x1", $20/each -3 pending, 2 more left blue and red coral in background King Midas Zoas -2x 8-10 polyp frags, $15/frag -all sold Green and Cyan Favia -2 small pieces, $5/frag -all pending
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