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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. Uhh yeah, small mixed bag of 5 NLS pellets, 10 Prime reef flakes, and a small sheet of nori. Be the first one and get 2 mysid shrimp and 3 bloodworms extra in your bag! Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk
  2. The calibrated thermometer was spot on with my Apex. Way to go Neptune and thanks Richard for letting me borrow it. Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk
  3. Very exciting James! I was wondering how your move went.
  4. I'm with Subsea. Removing the sand from your old tank would cause you to have two unstable tanks versus one solid one and one new one. I don't think the benefits of your old sand is worth the risk. When just as simply, you could seed the new sand with some of your old sand and get roughly the same result without destabilizing your current tank. The multiple removals of sand will just cause multiple mini cycles in both tanks. Regarding the live rock transfer, I had luck cycling the new rock with one piece of mature rock from my old tank. Once it was fully cycled (no ammonia or nitrite detections), I slowly moved over the mature rock from the old tank at a similar rate that I moved over the livestock. I feel it helped the new system cope with the increased bioload when I transferred some livestock and transferred some mature rock with additional denitrifying capability at the same time.
  5. Saw your new tank at Niko's. That new tank build is going to be great!
  6. Manny, your desire to have the new sand on top and the old sand on the bottom will be spoiled by your cleanup crew. Tried that once in an old 65-gal and regretted it for the two years I had that tank. Hopefully my experience can save you the same misery.
  7. Mako, I don't think most LEDs are scuba certified. Manny, if you aim for March 15, I'll be hosting the March ARC meeting at my house. It'll be the grand unveiling of my new tank, not to mention a great talk/presentation. I'll be catering in some food too so if you can make it that weekend, come on up! It'll be good times! I do enjoy 2nd generation frags!
  8. That's not my tank! That's a spaceship!
  9. My preference is to not reuse sand. If you really want to, then do as Timfish mentioned and rinse it out with old tank water.
  10. My setosa does not have white caps for growth. My forest fire digi does however. Could be alk burn, adjusting to new lights, or STN. Give it some time and see.
  11. We had some good times my old tank! Got my stainless steel top brace in the other day. Looks like it'll work out just fine. Next step, aquascaping! Then I'll try to build the canopy and skin the stand. Here's a pre-aquascape FTS for reference purposes. I only have two lights on but you get the picture. My eventual aquascaping goal is low and minimal rockwork, so that my SPS have room to grow and my large fish stock has plenty of swimming room. The canopy build is going to follow the same build as this guy from the Reef Tank Forum: Here's some pics of his sketchup. I needed something accessible from the front and back and this looks like it fits the bill. His build thread http://www.thereeftank.com/forums/f6/build-thread-232-gallon-peninsula-tank-190911-15.html I'll skin the stand last as that is low on the priority list. I've already bought the plywood and the magnets so at least it'll be ready to go when I have time to focus on it.
  12. I don't have any fancy gif skills but welcome back!
  13. You should be using the same cuvette. The first time is to zero it, then it reads it again with the reagent. It is ideal to keep all conditions as similar as possible, including cleanliness of the cuvette and even the direction it is facing due to imperfections in the glass. Doing so will help minimize errors in the reading.
  14. I have 2 Iwaki 40xlrt external pumps that will be on the market soon. I think they will fit the bill if you have any interest.
  15. How far are you pushing it? External or internal?
  16. I'm sorry you wasted all that time Kim! Haha. I'll take a FTS when I finally get around to aquascaping. I've been spending all my time making sure I wasn't losing coral up to this point. Got someone picking up the old tank this Saturday. I'll be sad to see it go but happy it's going to someone who will make good use of it and I'll be happy to have the space back.
  17. Could you imagine if acro eating flatworms got that big! I think I had a nightmare about that once!
  18. I keep about 2" and I don't clean my sandbed either. Hermit crabs will never be allowed in any of my tanks again. They serve no purpose for me.
  19. My upgrade to the 215 gallon all of a sudden feels really puny. I really feel bad for all my fish now knowing that they don't swim around in 20,000 gallons of pure saltwater bliss. The pillar does drive me nuts too!
  20. If you remember my tank Clark, all my colonies were grown from frags 2" or smaller. In general, zoa frags and lps frags I have noticed do better the larger they are. SPS frags IME have better survival than large colonies.
  21. Get a nano you two! Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk
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