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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. I tried offering the bank coral credit as a down payment once but was vehemently denied. Maybe if I gave it a fancy name like coralcoins they would be more open to it next time. The March meeting will be a fun one. I'm bringing in some Asian food and there may be a small gift for each family/person that attends... and no, its not just my business card... but you're free to take that too if you want. :-) Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk
  2. PM sent regarding my order. I've just paypaled you as well James. Thanks for putting this together!
  3. As a matter of fact... Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk
  4. I know that Don Duncan and Wizard prefer Rowa Phos and they had some amazing SPS tanks. I was using HCGFO but switched back to the regular GFO to try to compare the difference and see if it's worth the extra cost.
  5. You rang? I don't have a showroom/mancave like Richard but I will hosting the March meeting at my place and there will be some nice SPS frags there I will be unloading.
  6. Great looking nano! Welcome!
  7. Wow! I was totally kidding but if you get that far already, that's amazing! Does a giant 29-year old wife count as a kid? Because I cooked dinner for her last night, tucked her into to bed, and gave her lunch money today for school. Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk
  8. That tank is going to be AWESOME! Can't wait to see the progress of this build. I expect this to be ready for the April meeting at your house Kim! Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk
  9. James, I'll send you what I would like to order later today. Thanks for putting this together! Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk
  10. Woohoo! I won! I won! Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk
  11. Yeah, got a great house in north austin with BRAND new tile in the living room and dining room. Perfect for reefers! I'll notify the owner that he will need to vacate and leave his tank too. Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk
  12. I'm thinking I need to catch up on the trend. I'm a year late but better late than never! I'm still one of the few dinosaurs running MH so I guess it fits the bill. Save me a frag Richard!
  13. Sounds like you are James! I might be in on some stuff too.
  14. Clark, mine get blasted with flow and the polyps are out... usually even more so because of it. Not exactly sure why the SPS aren't happy but I can help you at least eliminate some things that might NOT be the issue. Keep experimenting and observing, I'm sure the reason will turn up eventually.
  15. Already I can tell you are wayyyyy smarter than me James. You aquascaped and added sand before adding water! Looks great man!
  16. Forced fragging... I am looking to put together a group to organize a forced fragging. I need 5-7 people to go with me over to Richard's house and stand around and "convince" him into cutting up some awesome chalice frags. BTW, if you don't get this is a joke... then let me say clearly, it's a joke! Awesome find Richard! Those will look great in your top-down view tank.
  17. Those meters have a screw in the back for adjustments but it's practically useless as there is no independent adjustment for each probe. I've talked to some filter guys and they say it's trash after the calibration is off. On that note, I may have missed it but what is your TDS coming out of your resin? How do you know it is spent? Are you just relying on color change?
  18. These are not the orange plates you are looking for...
  19. I was wondering what all those people were doing on my lawn. I thought it was the extended line to Ramen Tatsu-Ya off Ohlen winding back to my place. Its tasty, I was about to get in line myself.
  20. Good strategy. I've loaded up my tank with about 70% ARC member frags in my tank. All but two pieces were grown from 2" or smaller frags.
  21. Looks like a romantic night out at Sascha's reef! I've seen some really nice looking LED lit tanks. I'm sure yours will be one of them. Congrats on the new lights!
  22. Well some of us aren't tank upgrading robots sent back from the future haze152! I can't upgrade overnight like you did! Must have been a blur watching you upgrade! Jimbo was even able to move houses and setup his tank before I could even upgrade mine in the same house. Fail on my part! Anyway, I heard that bamboo and pvc canopies were all the rage in Europe these days (zip ties for extra flair). Open stands with a birdsnest of wires were the new trend as well.
  23. My 2 cents, salinity just a tad bit low and your Ca just a tad bit high. All others parameters look good. The key to keeping SPS is stability. I know you had a temperature fluctuation I believe in the last couple of weeks. If you remove all fluctuations of parameters and keep it as stable as you can, the SPS will respond. They won't respond right away either... it could be going good for weeks and nothing. But over the long haul, the fruits of your labors will pay off. To me, the other key is knowing your PO4 level accurately. Less than 5ppm is just the start with PO4. If you can get it down below 0.1 ppm, you're doing pretty good already. The trick is to know it more accurately (I recommend a Hanna meter) and to maintain it at that low level without a lot of fluctuations is the key. No polyp extension is usually not ideal. It's alive, but that's it. When it's happy is when you start seeing all the polyp extension, at least that's what I have observed.
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