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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. Yeah, much more effective if they are actually blowing over the water surface.
  2. Polished aluminum is what they use for those type of reflectors. I might be down for an order of your homemade reflectors too if you can get the bulb mount down as well. Great DIY skills!
  3. I got two simple $9.99 clip on fans on my sump, controlled via the Apex, and it does wonders for my heat control.
  4. Couple of quick questions. Do the acrylic covers fully close off the tank on top? Meaning not much ventilation to tank? What's the average temperature of the back sump room you have setup? Here's my observations and best guess of your heat source depending on your answers to the questions above: 1) You acrylic cover is not allowing enough ventilation and water surface/air interchange, basically created an enclosed area for heat to build up and not be released via water surface interchange 2) Your sump room felt really hot when I was there last. Possible lack of air exchange in that room could be adding to your heat problem. All 3 pumps were housed in that room and they all air cool, basically heating up that sump room. That, would defeat the purpose of external pumps for reducing heat transfer to the tank as it would heat the air in the sump room and transfer the heat via surface water exchange. I think its your lack of ventilation with the acrylic covers to the tank and the warm sump room causing your heat. You could downgrade your external pumps but honestly, I don't think they are directly affecting your heat issue as they are run externally. I could imagine running 3 Mag18's submersed in the sump causing your heat issues but not 3 external Iwaki's of similar rating. Just my 2 cents. If it were me, I'd just run one Iwaki 70 and call it a day for your return. That's plenty of turnover for your tank. I had an Iwaki 40 for my 210g and that was more than enough, I even dialed it back. I know your skimmer requires you to run a 2nd one since it's a beckett style skiimmer so you can't really change that without buying a new skimmer. I would also switch to clear netting for a cover in the main display and then make sure my sump room temperature isn't too hot. Perhaps just leave the vent on all day for a couple of days and see if your ambient temperatures drop in your tank. Hope it helps!
  5. Ooops, didn't mean to word it that way for the talking about new members! I meant we would have new topics to talk about and discuss on the forum. Dang you Planeden for twisting my words!!!
  6. Hi all, I've been a little busy of late but I just wanted to post some of the details of the March meeting at my place. 1) I will be opening it up to anyone who wants to set up a tank at the house to swap frags (PM me for details of setting up the tank if you desire). Niko's Reef said he'd be setting up a tank! Awesome! 2) I will be catering in some delicious snacks for everyone (eggrolls and springs rolls). I will be basing the amount I order on who has replied that they are coming so help me estimate by responding in this post as many have done so already. 3) Should be a pretty nice day out (possibly cloudy but temperature-wise nice) so this may spill out into the backyard. Obviously lots of staring at the tank inside but hanging outside is welcome for those that need a break from the 400 watt metal halides. Quiet you LED guys! 4) I don't think we have a speaker for this meeting so I was volunteered/voluntold to either talk about upgrading tank do's/don'ts or I might do an SPS primer if people are more interested in that. 5) There will be a free gift for all those that attend. 1 per family/person that comes to the Ty's Mahal. 6) If anybody is interested in bringing any food or snacks, you are welcome to. I don't have a ton in the way of drinks so if people want to focus on that, that would be helpful. I can have coolers setup with ice if that helps! That's all I can think of! I'm pretty excited to be hosting my first meeting and getting to meet more of this awesome club. New members, you are what makes our club exciting because it gives us old reefers something to discuss and talk about. So if you are on the fence about coming, please do as we love to meet all the awesome new people that have joined our club and you could pick everyone's collective brains in person on what to do (and not do). Believe me, we've all made a ton of mistakes over the years. More than we'd like to admit sometimes. Anyways, hope to see everyone there on Saturday at 3pm at my house. 1315 Meadgreen Circle, 78758 -Ty
  7. It's good to see you more active again on the club Kim! That move stole you away from us for a bit! That pico looks liked it survived the move just fine! Looking good!
  8. FarmerTy


    Welcome to the club Todd! Sorry about the cracked one but just a good excuse to upgrade. :-)
  9. Getting back into that wall! I like it!
  10. Are you looking at the chili pepper monti in front of it? I can see somewhat of a yellower looking polyps versus the greener looking polyps but that looks like its more based on the intensity of light and possible camera used. I've had a rainbow monti before and it doesn't really look like that to me.
  11. Bogdan, give it time. Mine was just as bright green before I did the tank swap. Yours will color up nicely. My piece is already starting to.
  12. I'll be backup on the large clams, depending what type.
  13. I think your decimal jumped places. 0.02 ppm is what I am guessing you meant. Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk
  14. That's what they have over at Niko's reef!
  15. These are the lengths Sherita is willing to go to make sure we all have amazing zoas and palys! Dedication! Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk
  16. Did someone find something distinctive in its claims of been that much more efficient then gfo? All I have seen up to this point is hearsay and claims but no official evidence or research. Would love to use it but the lack of data makes me hesitant. Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk
  17. Yikes! That's crazy Sherita! Hope you recover quickly! Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk
  18. I just remember from a post last year that someone said it had it. Unconfirmed though so don't go cursing my name if it's not there. :-)
  19. I think that's what the article linked above from reefbuilders was implying.
  20. I heard rumors of the container store having the black versions of the light diffusers.
  21. Yeah, first dose for 5-7 days I think. Then you can redose if necessary. It's actually pretty reef safe too, except that I heard some coco/fan worms have issue with it and oddly xenia.
  22. Had good success with prazipro myself. Not very harsh at all. Found that a freshwater dip is a good start to all fish being QTed. It stresses out the dipper more than the fish really. Just match pH and temp first. Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk
  23. I call that the "I'm fighting with my own reflection" move. He looks fine. Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk
  24. If that's the case, I have an answer for everything... blah blah blah... just Google it. You're welcome! Haha. Btw, I've found that a 1:3 ratio of peroxide to tank water for about 5-7 minutes was less harsh and was effective for killing algae off zoa plugs and rocks. Good thing peroxide is cheap too! You can also just use a pipette or a plastic syringe to squirt pure peroxide (meaning 3%, undiluted) on the rocks while they are out of the water and trying to avoid the zoas. That works as well. Depends on your level of infestation. But if it's just zoas, live rock, and algae, I'd dunk that whole rock in the 1:3 diluted peroxide and call it a day. Observe it and if you see some growth coming back in a week or so, do it one more time and you should be solid. SPS, just snap at the base and leave the encrusted part and reglue somewhere else. For aiptasia, personally I've had no luck with any of the aiptasia chemicals as I feel like they kill the main polyp but cause it to release spores or gametes. Almost better to leave the one alone instead of injuring it and causing it to split multiple times. Only luck I had was physical removal (cutting piece of rock off or chipping) and luckily for me now, a hungry copperband butterfly fish. I am aiptasia free!
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