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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. Anybody know a place in town I can pick up some black pvc and connections?
  2. I've always wanted angels but could never have them because of the coral. I must get fusion now! Victoly, depending on your billing rate, I might have some work for you on the moon. It'll be 5 years each hitch but imagine the corals you could buy when you get back.
  3. You make better charts Victoly. I'm going to send you my data in access database form and have you query me some data.
  4. Yes. I got your donation JCAB. That was very generous of you sir and I'm sure the family will really appreciate it as well as all the other donations from us ARC'ers. What a great club! Over $1,000 raised so far! I've been just clicking whenever I think about it but I'm not overly worried about getting it. Everything is running great as is and I'm already past the timeframe for being one of the cool first people to get it. I'll just be one of the lame guys who finally gets a smartphone or streams a movie for the first time instead of watching a dvd. Haha.
  5. Madness, Those should be the plusrite bulbs. Been using them for 3 years now with great success. There's been a lot of discussion on their effectiveness. I tend to agree with them through my own experience in my tanks. Good find!
  6. As to the generosity of this club, I am in awe of the giving nature of ARC and how quickly people responded and wanted to help. We have raised a little over $1,000 so far! I will wait for any last donations and also give the family some time to settle back to normal life and will present them with all of our donations sometime next week. Thank you all again for your generous support of his family during this difficult time! If anybody else would like to donate, please Paypal me at [email protected]. 100% of the donations go to Tim's family. Also, from the conversations I have had with his family, his cousin will be taking over his tank and hoping to carry the torch for Tim with the reef tank. The gracious crew at RCA and I will be helping transition the tank and also help with the setup and maintenance to ensure their success. So all of us reefers will not have to worry about Tim's tank crashing from the lack of attention. His legacy can live on!
  7. Well said ckvuy! I wanted to upload some pictures of the ceremony for those that could not make it. It was a beautiful ceremony and amazing to see all the lives that Tim had blessed with his short time on this earth. You will be missed my friend. RIP. His RCA crew with his girlfriend His family
  8. Yeah, I remember seeing his clams. I probably shouldn't have sprinkled Tony Chacheres on the clam earlier that morning.
  9. Well I'm going to In N Out when it opens so I can get on the beta first!
  10. Wonder if In n Out has the same effect? Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk
  11. Its just me and you left JCAB. It feels like gym class all over again!
  12. So far I have Offroaddodge, ckyuv, and myself going tomorrow. Let me know if there is anyone else planning to attend tomorrow so I can have some balloons ready. Thanks!
  13. Got both of your donations guys! Tim's family is going to be blown away by everyone's generosity on this club.
  14. Got a zoa frag for you, just let me know how the schedule is looking. Thanks!
  15. I spoke too soon! Mine is eating alright... Looks like clam is on the menu tonight! He basically shredded the insides before I could intervene so I snapped a picture for prosperity. I put what's left of the clam in the sump but I'm pretty sure it's a goner. I put this on you Madsalt! He was enraged once he heard me call him soft so he showed me what's up!
  16. Got it George! Thank you for contributing, as well as many others today. We have such a great community here!
  17. I'll take a 3 slot version. Let me know how much you want and pickup schedule. Thanks! Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk
  18. All of these amazingly beautiful and large fish for sale on this forum lately has been testing my limits of moderation!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ckyuv


      Try looking at them and only having a 65g with 7 fish in it already :P

    3. FarmerTy


      Well I'm glad I'm not the only person being tormented by all these awesome fish!

    4. Mlaw


      just have to keep reminding myself that I'm saving up for lights.

  19. How far are they into treatment? Are they eating yet? Sorry for all the questions! Just want to be informed.
  20. I'm still in the running for last one to get it. Denial gets easier the more times it happens to me. I wish I would have figured this out during my dating years before I got married. Too bad my wife doesn't get to read these posts... I always love a good jab.
  21. Anything below 10k makes me want to gag! Haha. When I overdrive my bulbs, they turn whiter on me. Very odd indeed.
  22. We are so sorry for your loss Thomas! We as a community miss him very much and we are all better off for having known him. Let us know if you need anything at all during this difficult time! You have my number. -Ty
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