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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. In all the craziness, I forgot to update my tank size on my profile. Pshhh... 125 gallons... hello 215!

    1. Planeden


      OH NO!!!!!!

    2. Robb in Austin

      Robb in Austin

      Claim it was a typo

    3. ceastman


      go 512.....

  2. I've run two clip on fans from Walmart for the last 4 years on my system. I run a higher temp than most though, 82 degrees for my average temp.
  3. Once my system was stable, all I tested for were the big 3, alk, Ca, and Mg. I also tested PO4. And once that was stable with the CaRX, all I did was test my PO4 and alk every month to see where I was at. I must note that I am assuming you are keeping your eye on your temp, pH, and salinity. To clarify, when we spoke of Ca readings being off at the March meeting, we were only referring to the Hanna Ca meter. There is actually a formula to correct the offset of the reading if you wanted.
  4. I'll take that fluval chi if there aren't too many scratches on the glass. -Ty
  5. Perfect, that'll give you enough time to come build mine as well! I'll supply a whole bag of tootsie rolls for your trouble sir.
  6. I want to see a video of the aquascaping with some catchy beats RobR!
  7. I'll take both the urchins dshel1217!
  8. Thanks for the awesome frag! You have an amazing tank! Why is there a thousand photos of my over exposed tank on ARC and none of yours!?
  9. I'm pretty sure that was a legacy TT fungia plate bursting out of the sand.
  10. From a flow perspective, a 1" bulkhead will only let a finite amount of flow through it per second. I think the idea was to have excess water on the top side versus the drain side so that you will have less of a likelihood to be deficient in flow to possibly cause bubbles and gurgling. Basically jam more water through that bulkhead on the top side than it can handle so you always have positive pressure on it thereby reducing your chances of developing of bubbles or causing a bad case of the gurgles. That's my best hypothesis, but I am not a flow expert in any sense of the word.
  11. Breaks my heart. He was so beautiful! I have no clue Juiceman but that doesn't look good... almost looks bacterial in nature.
  12. If lifting all those buckets of water is going to make me Tybio, then it might make it somewhat worth it. Don't start planting the LED bug in my ear ckyuv. We at least gotta have one old school 400 watt MH guy on the club. I think I really am the only person on the club with 400 watt halides.
  13. Time for a quick update. The zoas and LPS are looking great in the tank and the fish are all healthy and happy. I'm still having some trouble with the SPS acclimating so I shipped out some colonies and frags to some fellow reefers until this thing blows over. Surprisingly, the setosa and hawkins echinata are going gang busters and seem unaffected but all acros, birdnest, and montis are feeling the burn. They are all browned out and some are STN'ing. For now, I have cut back on GFO and biopellets as those are both the things I changed the most when I upgraded tanks. I am also running extra carbon and will be doing some large water changes. I'm very excited about the water changes... like super excited. Like I can't wait to carry all those buckets of saltwater and mix salt...
  14. I caught that information on the durso website, but plumbing is the weakest part of my game when it comes to tanks so take the info for what its worth. http://www.dursostandpipes.com/make-your-own-durso-standpipe
  15. I am very much late to the party, but at least now I have an awesome emperor angelfish! Is it just me or can I not move around the boxes for my dashboard? I can only move the outlets and display to the other boxes but can't move the boxes themselves! Sometimes the windows 8 touchscreen throws off some of the options so just wanted to ask to see if its just me.
  16. Looks like I joined the cool kid's club today! I was just sending out some work emails and thought, has been a couple days since I tried to register, and presto, I'm in. Go figure, it's like dating, once you stop hunting for it, it comes up on you.
  17. If I did, my lights might not be sitting on bamboo sticks right now! Haha. I heard ct67stang is handy with the building skills. Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk
  18. From the looks of that plumbing, you look like you got it covered and should be giving advice, not asking for it. Haha. I got a touch jealous when you built a stand in like 4 hrs and I've been staring at my lights on bamboo sticks wondering what I am going to do for a canopy for like 2 months now.
  19. Yikes! Monkeys can get into everything! With all my expensive equipment, I still chuckle to myself knowing that 2 Wal-Mart clip on fans keep my temperature stable.
  20. You are more than welcome to swing by my place bud and test it.
  21. I would just cut the hole and put them on top. Those reflectors are amazing, shame not to use them. If you can get a canopy built for not too much, that would be ideal.
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