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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. Looking good Ky! Just a thought, but I'd be surprised if regular water changes don't keep all of your parameters in line. But if you did get to that point where the water changes aren't keeping up anymore, mixing in kalk with your topoff water should take care of the deficit, probably for the life of the tank, unless you go crazy on the SPS. Have you been monitoring your daily tank usage and found deficiencies? Is that why you want to get dosers?
  2. By the looks of your DIY skimmer, you could probably just build a robot to make you those filter socks Jake!
  3. Time to break the 210 down guys, I've run out of projects! Haha. Maybe I'll just get into crocheting so I can sit in front of the tank and watch as I do it. Who wants exclusive handmade TT filter socks? Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk
  4. The drone is strictly forbidden in the house but that's mainly due to my awful piloting skills. Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk
  5. Too late Planeden, I already recommended myself. I am choosing my free frags as we speak.
  6. Great ingenuity! Look, even the new guy is posting videos! Sorry, had to use you Jake as my beaming example of people using video to show their tanks. I hope you don't mind!
  7. If you can find my hippo tang, I'll return the favor. Haha.
  8. Hi Tom, Welcome to the club! I'm a big fan of your SPS setup and covet your orange shoulder tang. I don't know what the prize is for finding the hippo tang but I spy something in the bottom picture nestled amongst the SPS colony. Mine prefers my purple stylo colony and hides in there all the time. I'm addicted to SPS myself so its good to have you join the community in Austin as there isn't a ton of SPS dominant tanks here. Hope your move goes smoothly! -Ty
  9. I used Alamo Glass off Lamar/Airport blvd. Seems like a family business and I like to support those kind of shops. Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk
  10. Welcome to the club and thank you for your service! Like others have mentioned, tell us what you are working with and what you want to achieve. I'm sure a bunch of people will chime in once we know what you got. -Ty
  11. I only know one speed! I say that as I still don't have a canopy on my tank. Haha! Thanks James for the hookup!
  12. I'll take them both off your hands sir. Pmed!
  13. When do they expire James? I may be interested. Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk
  14. No problem Kim! I figured why not since some people have been asking about how to do it. Our tanks are full of life! Why not enjoy them in all the glory of video where we can see all the interesting movements instead of a still shot? Plus, nowadays, everyone pretty much has an awesome video camera right in their pockets at all times. Let's share the joy we get out of our tanks! Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk
  15. It was the filefish that got banished for being a zoa eater. The CBB wrote an impassioned letter about how having the benefits of an aiptasia eater was more beneficial to me than clams. He is on temporary parole for now. He's quite the convincing fish regardless of his glaring faults at penmanship (fins and pens... who knew?). Planeden, I'm just trying to make lemonade out of lemons. If you think those rock mounds aren't going to be towering with SPS colonies in about 1-2 years, then you don't know me at all! I'll resign my ARC club membership and turn my 210-gal into a betta haven with fields of plastic plants as far as the eye can see and a spongebob squarepants treasure chest bubbler as the centerpiece.
  16. I've secretly nominated myself. Just like I've secretly nominated myself head of my household but the reality doesn't always match what's in my head.
  17. Want to know how to shoot awful videos with cheesy background music like me? Here you go! http://www.austinreefclub.com/topic/30857-how-to-post-a-video/
  18. I've added my updated FTV for my 210. Ignore all the ugly SPS at the moment.
  19. Here's my fish video I took last night. Count them... 7 chromis' still!
  20. Check out the thread below. Simple guide to post a video via youtube. http://www.austinreefclub.com/topic/30857-how-to-post-a-video/
  21. Hi all, In the spirit of trying to get more reefers to post videos of their tanks, I've decided to do a step-by-step write-up on how to do it quickly and efficiently. 1) Shoot video (I'm begging you! Please turn the phone sideways so we don't have to look at tiny vertical strips of video with black bars on either side) 2) Upload to Youtube (setup an account if you don't have one already) 3) Click on your icon pic (little circle in the top right of the screen with your picture) and select "Creator Studio" in the drop down menu. 4) Click on the left side of the screen "Create" and select "Video Editor" 5) Drag your video to the "Drag video here slot" 6) Checkmark the options for "Auto Fix" and "Stabilize Video" 7) Click on "Audio Tab" and turn the volume all the way down (unless you enjoy the sound of water splashing and pumps) 8) Click on the "X" to close the video options 9) Click on the "Musical Note" tab for the audio 10) Pick a lovely background song (you can preview by clicking the play button) and drag it over to the "Drag audio here" area below your video 11) Click "Publish" in the upper right of the screen 12) It'll jump to a screen that says your video is currently being processed 13) Click on the small share tab towards the bottom of the screen 14) Scroll down and copy the link 15) Paste it directly into your forum post and you're done! I'm sure there are a million other ways but this is as simple as I could do it without using another program or editing software. Now let's see those FTV (full tank videos)! -Ty
  22. Quick update. Some of my SPS seem to be on the road to recovery. I am starting to get polyp extension and some coloration back. It's nice to see that after a month of no polyps and everything looking brown. I am sure there are several reasons that caused my SPS to react poorly to the upgrade but the main reason I have deduced has to be my sky-high salinity. It was sitting at 1.032 for a week before I realized how off it was. Either way, I'll take my losses and work on growing some of those giant colonies back over with some new 1-2" frags down the road. I'll stick with my policy of not buying colonies for the tank and just grow small frags. I know my system was successful before so I just need to repeat it. It will actually be kind of nice to repeat the process again since it was so fun to see my little frags turn into colonies over the years instead of just having giant colonies already. Maybe out of the misery of watching some of my SPS die, but I found a new appreciation for LPS/softies and my fish community. I very much enjoy watching my fish swimming around the tank and even look for the random inverts and other life forms I have added to my tank in place of my thriving SPS population. I added two sea urchins (orange and blue tuxedo), a pink and black sea cucumber, two cleaner shrimps, 5 emerald crabs, and a couple of rock anemones. Very interesting to observe their behavior within the tank confines. I'll post some videos of the fish in a bit once they upload. Fun thing to observe is my once isolated 7th chromis has been welcomed back into the group. He was spurned for the last 6-7 months but maybe the extra room in the new tank calmed them all down a bit and they welcomed him back into the group.
  23. I got my money on the other guy! Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk
  24. Ahhh, there's where my wealth of ignorance on LEDs shows up. Haha.
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