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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. I would say it depends on your bioload and the depth of your sand. Your first big issue would be depletion of oxygen. The more bioload, obviously the quicker the oxygen gets used up. But also, the deeper the sandbed, the quicker that oxygen gets depleted as well. Your next issue would probably be flow or temperature based. You wouldn't have a battery operated air bubbler handy, would you?
  2. Looks like a green digi to me. If he can flick it with his finger and it breaks, then its got digi written all over it. The odd, gnarly growth pattern and the whitish growth tips is what makes me think it's a digi.
  3. You've gone too far sir! Calling me a shrimp lover! That's low!
  4. The sandwich is the best method for adhesion!
  5. If John and I weren't ragging on each other, I don't know what else we would talk about. Ha!
  6. I'm looking forward to it and will be bringing a drone for entertainment to fly around that giant park/backyard/greenbelt of yours. -Ty
  7. Similar to how I view our friendship, the shrimps where initially offensive to me but eventually won me over with their old man ways and comical movements. They can't crack jokes as well as you but they've earned a place in the tank nonetheless. Haha.
  8. I only do it on zoas and palys. I've had ill effect on SPS with it and have never tried LPS.
  9. Copperband butterfly fish. I would advise against that for now as they are sensitive fish and don't acclimate well to reef tanks.
  10. I would stick with Jestep's advice and just mix some more saltwater to dilute it. Adding Ca will only lower the concentration of alk if it is a high enough concentration to cause abiotic precipitation. You will basically bind your Ca and Alk and create a snowstorm of calcium carbonate. That'll basically convert usable Ca and usable Alk into a solid form that is not useful to our corals in its current form. Bpb brings up a good point... we must keep in mind the volume of the newly mixed saltwater and the tank volume. If you are just doing a 10%-20% water change with a higher dKh value with the newly mixed water, then its overall effect on the total system dKh may be minimal, depending on the concentration of Alk per volume of saltwater. I could probably mix up 5 gallons of newly mixed saltwater with a dKh value of 11 and add it to my total system volume of 250 gallons at a dKh value of 8 and see very minimal effects.
  11. This just in, I have a lugols solution plastic container for sale... asking $30. Just kidding.
  12. Two forts! Those kids are living it up!
  13. Snapped in half! To give it credit, it's about a 1' long and about 1.25" in diameter.
  14. Yes, you will need to have either the full Apex unit with VDM or buy an module with VDM for your Apex Lite/Jr. Then have Victoly make you a cable and you're done. I am currently running my two WP40s via my Apex.
  15. Also, recorded this video the other day when I turned on the sump light and found all of these amphipods running around! Sorry for the video quality but I didn't have time to clean the glass before they all scattered!
  16. So I come home from an out-of-town wedding and caught my sea cucumber red pink-handed! Snapped my ORA Jeremy's Digitata in half!
  17. No problem at all! Sorry for the delayed response but I was out of town for a wedding. I really never like interjecting but I just thought to myself, man, if I was in the same situation right now, I wish someone who had experienced all of this before would have just told me... Ty, you really don't have to do all that with the current bioload (and selected corals) that you are running. They will be perfectly happy if you just keep up with your water changes. Now once you ever decide that a dominant SPS tank is the way to go, then all the testing and dosing is almost mandatory as water changes won't keep up. I say to all those that don't want to do all that, to just keep a couple of choice SPS and leave all that extra work to those that are glutens for punishment and want a dominant SPS tank. Then just test your tank every couple of weeks or month, keep doing water changes, and just enjoy the tank.
  18. Your skills still amaze me Kim! Your husband is one lucky dude!
  19. Looks like goniopora. They generally have poor survivability in reef tanks but there have been more people having better success with them lately due to the advent of readily available micro foods such as oyster eggs and reef frenzy to name a few. Just be careful because over feeding will reduce your water quality. Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk
  20. I guess the general point I'm trying to make is we can sometimes get caught up in numbers and maintaining perfect parameters to optimize the growth of our corals but personally in your situation, from my experience, I would say regular water changes will take care of all of your needs without having to test daily/weekly and obsessing over perfect numbers. That will leave you more time to just enjoy the tank and less time dosing, testing, and worrying about numbers. Your corals won't mind too much that your Ca an Alk levels dip and get replenished every week or two weeks, whenever your water changes are conducted. As long as the median value remains in their tolerance zone. Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk
  21. Ideally yes, the less the parameters fluctuate, generally the better the results. I've never really had issues with Ca fluctuations affecting anything but the alk fluctuations can be really apparent if it is too severe. How often do you do water changes? Encrusting montis will use up the alk and Ca pretty quickly as well. It's pure mass/uptake when comparing usage of the elements so thinking about growth rate is better than thinking about acros versus montis. For instance, a red cap has an amazing growth rate when happy and will uptake a lot more Ca and Alk than my slow growing oregon tort colony that may be bigger in size. Hope that makes sense as sometimes I don't explain things very well. Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk
  22. I'll route it to your bedroom closet. Honey, what's the smell? Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk
  23. Thanks elizzy! I'm excited to take my wife there and enjoy the sweet life! Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk
  24. Can you make me one that empties my skimmer for me while you're at it? Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk
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