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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. Thanks guys! I'm sure they were ducking behind the SPS colony because of the creepy dude standing there with a camera filming them!
  2. So, ever sit around at night wondering to yourself... I wonder what a pregnant female mandarin goby looks like? Well if you do, look no further! You can scratch that one off your saltwater bucket list! Well now that you know what that looks... ever wonder to yourself... I wonder what it looks like to see two mandarins spawning? See below! Congratulations, you are 2 for 2 now! These two were doing this for the better part of an hour last tonight. Sometimes they would actually release eggs/sperm but most of the time it was just all about the dance. The gametes are so small that I didn't realize anything was actually happening until all the chromis started to flash around the pair and started frantically eating things out of the water that I couldn't see. Most of what I filmed didn't catch the release of gametes but more of the dance. At 1:40 in the video, I think some where released then but I think they were all out by this point. Happy viewing! I'd like to thank these guys in the following video that made this happen. If it wasn't for their hard work and sustainable nutrition, we wouldn't be witnessing this today.
  3. Looks awesome Sherita! Looking forward to the build of this system! Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk
  4. I knew if I nagged hard enough, the videos would come flying in! Haha. What can I say, I love reef tanks and love looking at everyone else's tanks.
  5. I think Jestep covered it well. Only thing I would do different is actually use less than recommended and then ramp up. I was surprised how little is needed and how quickly it will remove nitrates once the bacteria set up.
  6. Tank looks just as good in person! Good luck with the move bud!
  7. Elegant Reef. They have a decent coral selection and fish stock. I want that giant blonde naso of theirs in the show tank!
  8. Yeah, the lovelli looks very similar to another coral I had already in the tank so I got rid of one of them. Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk
  9. Do as I say Gonzo! Not as I do!
  10. That mystery zoa is an eagle eye and the mellow yellows I have seen called dragonflys as well. I'm glad you're enjoying the lovelli and the bonus war coral that came with it. My original colony was right next to my war coral colony so you lucked out! Haha. That PBT is looking mighty fine sir!
  11. Jazz with a little background Reeflo return pump... I forgot to mute out the video sound. Ol Aggie, I'm starting to not think its chloramines. I ordered a new full kit of chloramine filters and a new mixed bed DI resin tube but I haven't installed it yet. The SPS seem to still be recovering the same so that leads me to believe it is just the increased salinity and possible tank newness. I have also shut off my biopellets so that may be a possible other cause. I am eliminating each variable one by one until I can hone in on exactly what caused it... or at least what was the greatest contributor since it may be a sum of all of the conditions that caused it. I'll report back with what I find out for the next person thinking of upgrading an SPS tank.
  12. After almost two months of SPS not looking happy in my tank, it's good to see this again! Hooray for polyps!
  13. Nevermind, it was just tapatalk being a pain. Cool video Mike!
  14. Maybe because it doesn't like me? Anybody else seeing the video? Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk
  15. It's like Bob Villa meets Julia Child, with color commentary by Brad! Excellent video Kim! I'm sad we didn't have a Jonathan sighting. I'm sure he'll pop up in the next volume. Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk
  16. I say remove the sheetrock. Wet drywall is like the perfect media for fungus to grow on. Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk
  17. Argghhh... copyright blocking! Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk
  18. It's not about the WPG anyways... it's all about the motion of the little ocean. Thanks Jaebo and Reeflo!
  19. Hey wait, this is my tank build thread! You can't jump on here and question a guy's WPG on his own tank build thread!
  20. I must be doing something right then going to a 210. Yes! Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk
  21. Guys... guys... let's stop the bickering. Just bring the rock over to my place and we'll put it in my sump. Yeah, that was really all I got... Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk
  22. Guys, guys, we don't want this to get out of hand and people start pulling out par meters and such. Let's keep it civil. As long as we are all in agreement that my halides are awesome then we can all move on happily. I know I will! Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk
  23. Its because I went on a rant about how much I loathed shrimp in a reef tank to gig'em and now he's giving me the ol' "salt in the wound" rub-in that I rightfully deserve now that there are two cleaner shrimps swimming around my tank. Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk
  24. If it was me, 30 mins tops and I'd have that generator running already and powering some circulation pumps at the least.
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