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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. It's a shame because I buy frags from manly looking frag tanks only. Maybe next time Richard. But for real, where did you get this? I am daydreaming about stuffing one under my stand and plumbing it into my tank. The wife won't ever even see it! Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk
  2. I love my 210. Great dimensions for a large tank!
  3. Nevermind, looking at that picture of your fixture, looks like you may have T5 bulbs, which at that height off your water, can grow just about anything.
  4. Well, if I had to guess, you either have power compacts or T5 bulbs for lighting. Since you mentioned you got it and the tank for breakfast tacos as currency, I'm going to guess power compacts. They are fine for keeping some softies but nothing that requires a ton of light. For the test kits, $20-25 will get you probably over a year's worth of tests for all 3 parameters so I'm not sure you can beat that price much more than that. But if you are doing it just for kicks, your results would be interesting to see. Kind of reminds me of when they had us make litmus paper back in elementary school. I'm sure you are familiar with the chemistry behind cycling your tank but the biology of it might interest you as well as you look into it further. Best advice out there is just to go see people's tanks, maybe as you are buying frags after your tank finishes cycling and then mimic as best you can their methodology for the tanks you like. Each person's tank is as different as the owner's are and the animals they keep. At least you can mimic one's that are similar to what you want and then personalize it from there and make it your own.
  5. Whatever it is, hope that it keeps reproducing in your tank and one jumps into the pump every night around 8pm everyday. Autofeeder... check! Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk
  6. Welcome! This is perfect timing as I was needing two frag racks!
  7. Ty's red mille! Haha. Alright! I love peer pressure! Video! Video! Video!
  8. FarmerTy


    Surely there is a warranty that covers it if it is that new. Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk
  9. FarmerTy


    I had one about 3 years ago and if I remember correctly, mine did the same thing towards the end of its useable life. It worked great for about a year and then started to malfunction on me. I got rid of it quick since I really didn't want something temperamental in charge of adding water to my tank automatically. Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk
  10. Mental note: buy some cnidarins and grow them in my frag tank. Let's have ARC be the #1 supplier of cnidarins to UT research facilities!
  11. From my experience, the palys will extend higher than the zoas and start shading them out. It all depends on the growth type of the mat but the several times that I had this situation, my palys always won out. If you just put a mix of zoas together, depending on the type, they'll stay where they are and form boundaries, or grow throughout each other and you'll have a mottled color rock.
  12. Looks functional to me! If that doesn't work, I got some extra bamboo sticks laying around my house you can use. I think you'll be fine at that height and the corals will still get plenty of par.
  13. Little do you know I got a 361 gallon tank on order! Mine's bigger! Pictures look great, I almost want to buy a frag of that red mille! Looking forward to the new tank build bud but not really looking forward to helping move that 360 gallon tank. Where's the video?
  14. I owned a YJ for the better part of 7 years and then bought an LJ in 2005 for the sleeker, smoother ride of the coil springs and the longer body (and an awesome hardtop!). I unfortunately had to give up the Jeeping lifestyle as I changed careers from being a 10-year Environmental Scientist to a Residential Real Estate Agent and driving people around in my LJ with the top off wasn't for everybody. Go figure! Now I'm just a poser with the name! And Rav4Ty doesn't quite have the same ring to it. If you get a chance quemist, start a tank build thread and start listing your equipment. It'll be a good way for you to document your build and also have a central location where specifics of your build can be discussed and advice given if needed. We're big fans of pics around here so get snap happy!
  15. Awesome! Don's got the best frags!
  16. To elaborate, the plan was to duct it to the exterior of the house and while I was in the attic doing that anyways, run a line beside/inside it so that it can pull fresh air into my skimmer intake. I've read about too many issues with tanks 200+ gallons causing moisture related issues inside of houses. That and I use evaporative cooling to keep my temperature stable so I'd like to pull as much of the moisture and hot air out of the house as possible. I don't even want to imagine what that room will feel like in the summer with 1200 watts of metal halide in there. Talk about a sauna!
  17. Looks great man! Might be time for you to upgrade your tank for your soon-to-be giant SPS colonies!
  18. It will vent outside. Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk
  19. Just depends on your definition of heat issue. I run my tank with an average temp of 81-82 so to most, that would be a heat issue already. My only method of cooling are two clip-on Walmart fans. I run through about 10 gallons every 5-7 days of top off water. Remember, currently there is no hood so the MHs vent openly. Once the canopy is in place, I will install a bathroom vent fan hooked up to my Apex to control temperature and at the same time should take care of the humidity in the house when the AC is not as active.
  20. You mean you didn't reread all 19 pages of me blabbing on about my tank to find out? I am getting some help with the canopy but will be skinning the stand myself. My MHs will be mounted from the ceiling since my tank is so high anyways that it is less than 2' from the ceiling. The canopy itself will be finished to the ceiling as well.
  21. Tankfucious says... keep your electronics/cables off the ground and if possible, with a drip loop. We play with boxes full of water and electricity, caution should be taken when possible. We wouldn't want to accidentally fry that expensive Apex you own or the controller to your LEDs.
  22. Since we've been winning them free at the Monthly meetings, just in case you don't make it to the meetings (which you totally should), the long grabbers can be bought at Harbor Freight for $2. http://www.harborfreight.com/36-in-pickup-and-reach-tool-61413.html Another good find there was their precision knife kit (3 scapel tools with assorted blades), perfect for fragging zoas and other softies, was just $3 dollars! http://www.harborfreight.com/13-piece-precision-knife-set-32099.html Happy budget reefing! -Ty
  23. Hi, welcome to the club! My wife is a grad student as well at UT! Do you have a tank yet? What equipment are you looking for? If you check the for sale section on the club, you might find some great deals. Anyways, welcome and feel free to ask any questions you may have. This is a great group to learn from. -Ty
  24. My fish are officially offended Manny.
  25. Bah, think of it as your cycle starter juice! Haha, just kidding. Tip the tank over and blast it with a hose.
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