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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. The juxtaposition of such a peaceful looking fish with an epic battle soundtrack will be sweet irony! Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk
  2. I'll sell you some clownfish/mandarin caviar Planeden? How about $9.99 for about a quarter-size amount of it? Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk
  3. I see how it is Bluemoon... posting on a day that was outside of our gentlemen's agreement! Seriously though, great video. I'll make a note to myself to put aside more money for post production processing. Your opening title probably blew my entire videos budget right there. Thanks for the great video to entertain me while I wait for some new tires for the wife's car. I have a sudden urge to fight a battle with an axe in middle-earth for some reason now. Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk
  4. Alright, back to the business of the tank. My sophisticated cooling system went down for a day so I ended up having to pick up a replacement. Set the budget back a bit but this is my favorite hobby so it's worth the money. Check, one $9.99 clip-on fan from Wal-mart... I opted for black this time to match the uber sleekness of my sump. Also, round 2 of my clownfish fry automatic feeder system has commenced. They laid their 2nd clutch of eggs, this time there are even more eggs for my chromis to dine on when they hatch. My mandarin fry automatic feed system is still functioning as I saw them spawn again just last week. I am still aiming to setup my banghai cardinal automatic feeder system but I'm missing a female cardinal fish. I'll get on that! In other news, my blue tuxedo urchin has been training for the World's strongest urchin contest sponsored by Red Bull and is working on his frag lifting skills. He dead lifted 17 polyps of Cat eyes the other day but hopes to be lifting the grandis palys by next month's time. Quick summary on the tank, everything is looking good. I have gotten everything stable now and with the increased SPS growth, my alk dipped a bit but I have set the CaRX to start pumping out the good stuff since everything is in growout mode now. I am getting just a little STN from the dramatic drop in nutrients once the biopellets fully came online and my GFO use is upping again. Nothing crazy and I assume that this will be the last episode of changes as my system seems to have fully balanced out now with the biopellets fully onilne and all my SPS in growing mode again. Back to work! It's been a crazy month! BTW, look what I found at HEB a little while back! Sweets for everyone!
  5. Cutting up my Red PPE palys, 6-7 polyps, $15. Also have a random ricordea rock that has been sitting in my sump. The ricordeas haven't been getting the best light so they are a little smaller right now and faded but are normally 3" across. There are 6 green ones, two different varieties. $25.
  6. That's great man! If it were me, why chance it and just let it sit stable for a bit and then bring things back. Or maybe just one piece at a time until you got everything back. I wouldn't think it would take too long to stabilize since you basically just did a tank swap but I think some extra time to balance out wouldn't hurt.
  7. That's awesome! Montis are very forgiving of water quality and are a good way to test you system out to see if one day you can keep acro frags alive!
  8. Sounds like you just need to keep up the regiment and let your system balance out. I'd imagine the last bit of cyano will slowly start to disappear in time in the next couple months without you changing anything.
  9. My cat eye's have a much more pronounced green center. Perhaps Mike's cat eyes of war? Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk
  10. Happy bday el jefe! Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk
  11. I'll take that one of the left if nobody has dibs yet. Thanks! -Ty
  12. What if I promise I'll only look at the fish and corals? Eyes on the prize Ty! Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk
  13. What is this patience business? We're part of the "now" generation! I want it now!
  14. I would suspect possibly your RO/DI water. Do you buy your water or make it? What do you feed your fish?
  15. I don't want a screen cap, I want full viewing access to the webcam El Jefe!
  16. Sorry to hear that! Moving SPS colonies is tough!
  17. There was a big threaded discussion on it on reefcentral you should probably pull up and read. I would link it but I'm on the phone right now. I think the main concern of leaching into the water was nullified because the medication was trapped in the gel matrix of the food and is released upon consumption only. Obviously some would be released upon defecation but by then, the active ingredients are more benign once passing through the fish. Again, not sure if this will work for brooklynella but wanted to mention just in case it helped. Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk
  18. Woohoo! I'll pick you up on the way Victoly! Bring your swimsuit because he has an awesome pool we can swim in for a bit before we start bagging up all the coral. Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk
  19. I want one of each sir!
  20. Sorry Gonzo for the loss! I know Aquatek carries Dr G's medicated food which is supposed to help with ich (don't quote me on that, it is what some have experience with and shared that). Don't know if that works with brooklynella but I don't think it would hurt.
  21. Glad those kids were wearing the proper head protection in case the celebration went awry!
  22. It might not be a bad idea. I have the Korallin C1502 but it's only rated to 300-400 gallons. I'm currently at 250 gallons and probably getting close to max. Been eyeballing a larger CaRX the last couple of months but haven't found a good used one anywhere. At worst, I can put kalk in my ATO and that'll buy me some time until the behemoth leaves me. LOL.
  23. Wow! It's like when I moved my giant acro colonies. I moved 3 of them from the old tank to the new tank, about the size of a football each, and was too tired to move over the CaRX that night. The next morning, my alk went from 7.5 dKh to something like 5.8 dKh! Yowzers!
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