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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. In my experience, my Mg hardly ever moves so I test every 3-6 months at best. Part of this may be due to the CaRX replenishing some of it. Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk
  2. Awesome, just in time. I'll be PM'ing you in a bit. Thanks for offering up to the club!
  3. Place an order? I'm making you put on apron and the full face shield and its CYOF (cut your own frag) style. Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk
  4. Once you have colonies like you do, I would highly recommend two-part dosing, kalk in your ATO, or a CaRX. I tried hand dosing to keep up when I initially started SPS and eventually, it was needing way more than I could ever keep up with on a regular basis. The resultant spikes with alk while I was trying to keep up probably wasn't ideal either for my SPS either. The demand on my old system at its peak was ridiculous. If my CaRX shut down for a 24hr period, it would easily drop from 8,0 dKh to 6.8 dKh.
  5. I always wondered how you got the acro inside a monti cap. Glad its not copyrighted material because I think I am going to use the idea. Even just thinking about it Manny will cost you a $1 and if you want to steal it, you'll have to sign a waiver. "I, Manny, hereby declare that I will not hold JeeperTy responsible if my tank looks so crazily awesome when I glue my acros on my monti colonies that I win tank of the month and begin a life of fortune and fame, which ultimately leads to disaster as I cannot handle all the success that I end up crashing my tank on purpose to relieve myself of my tank of the month responsibilities."
  6. Careful what you wish for James. I'm going to be hacking up that purple stylo colony in the next couple of weeks... mini colonies will ensue. I can always frag a piece of the green birdsnest for cheap. I'll let you know when the dremel adventure begins!
  7. Haha, actually, the purple stuff is actually red turf algae... and I don't mind it at all. It's prettier to me than the base live rock and my tangs munch on it all day. Win win for now at least! It is pretty amazing how quick things turn around in this hobby... it can also run the other way just as fast! Some zoas are encrusting to the sand right now but you are correct, some are on large rocks already. I am just planning to do that with all of them now and let them all grow out... and even make a point to separate some to individual rocks and not have multiple types on one rock. For the sunset, as with all montis, some will win against the acros and some will lose. I just let them grow out and pending which one is winning, I may relocate. Previously, the sunset won against the blue tenius but lost horribly against the hydnophora. For some of my montis, I have been known to glue my acro frags right on top of the monti colony as it encrusts outward. I like the contrast sometimes and you can't beat the location.
  8. Happy to report that everything is looking good in the tank and everything is chugging along nicely. Finally got my alk/Ca usage balanced out with increased growth of all my SPS now. I'm getting this close to hitting the cruise control button soon. I'll aim to start glueing up frags on the rock work and reclaiming my beach. I'm also thinking of putting all the zoas/palys on their own large rocks and then putting them all next to each other to create a zoa garden. Enough talking, people start zoning off by the 3rd sentence anyways... like that Dave Chappelle skit... I'm sure someone is thinking of a half goat, half man playing a flute right now. One of the old tank just because I kind of miss it.
  9. To the chromis: This is not the urchin you are looking for... Those with a keen eye and a sharp wit will appreciate that the urchin is ironically sitting on a jedi mind trick colony.
  10. Fairy wrasses? Anthias? A school of chromis? Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk
  11. +1 to Neon Reefer To those who want to try to eliminate it completely, I say knock yourself out with running fallow for 8 weeks but its just going to get introduced through another source. A frag from someone else, a net you used from your quarantine to your display. Have I lost a fish to ich... perhaps, but to me, I'm sure there was a bigger problem that resulted in its death and the ich just finished it off. Ich to me is like the flu, if you're immune system is compromised whether through stress or another reason, the flu might kill you. But on otherwise happy and healthy individuals, you will most likely beat it most of the time. Will I run around my house and try to disinfect everything to keep the flu virus out, no, it's not feasible to me nor I do I feel it possible to control. I feel the same way about ich... why waste all the energy and effort when it only becomes a real problem when the health of the fish are already compromised by something else. I had a full blown ich attach when I upgraded my tank. The fish looked like they had fuzzy white sweaters on. Did any die? Yes, 2. Do I feel the need to QT my entire system now and run fallow, no. Of the 2 that died, one was already battling flukes and the other I can't exactly point out why but it probably had some other issue going on too!
  12. Somehow I ended up with a bunch of frags this weekend and need to clear some out. 1) Green Spongodes $10/piece (two very large pieces 3"x 4") -BOTH PENDING No pic but here is a representative pic. 2) Large piece of orange cap - $5 (3" x 4") Mother colony 3) Candy Apple Reds $25/frag (8 polyps) - PENDING Mother colony
  13. Check out my new biological temp probe.
  14. Looking good! Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk
  15. I've already planted some seeds... the acro market is starting to bud... or should I say... encrust. Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk
  16. Man, I need to make another trip to San Diego soon! Beautiful stuff!
  17. Happy birthday Robb! Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk
  18. Thanks for the good reading Mitch! Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk
  19. I'm sorry, did someone say SPS and Real Estate in the same sentence?
  20. It'll get there bud... time is on your side! Plus you don't have to worry about killing anything since you got rid of most of your SPS colonies. Those softies and LPS can sure take a hit compared to SPS. If you have the most over-documented tank award, then I'm glad they took away my crown. I guess no news is good news in this hobby. My tank build thread has turned into a circus now with the lack of updates! For Mg, I usually aim to increase it 100 ppm/day. I usually just slowly poured it in and had ill effect.
  21. I should have said Robbfoolery ...
  22. What time are you thinking VuDeezy? Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk
  23. Don't look at me. I didn't change anything! I'm thinking we've been victim to a moderator's tomfoolery! Haha.
  24. I'll grab the 4 chromis for $10 Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk
  25. I should totally change this build thread title to the musings of ARC's best and brightest!
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