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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. Were your SPS colorful before dying on you? Or were they mainly brown? Were polyps extended? Sent via Tapatalk
  2. Ditto for AAF, been the the last two weekends and they were there, 1-4 pm, Saturday. Sent via Tapatalk
  3. Let's see how the saltwater stores in Midland hold up to our own in the ATX!

  4. You can save those plugs and grow some nice zoa colonies on them! Sent via Tapatalk
  5. My corals come from a long line of abuse... I'm glad that hardened them up for your abuse as well. Yeah, your nitrates and phosphates probably crept up. Sent via Tapatalk
  6. That's great that they both made themselves at home! Great build! Sent via Tapatalk
  7. Sorry for the looses bud! Any suspicions as to why? Did the water quality get really bad in the tub? New tank looks good! Sent via Tapatalk
  8. Something that looks good under MHs! And yes, I meant for the double meaning... :-p Sent via Tapatalk
  9. Just a quick read but have Bpb double check your numbers before doing anything. After all my years of reefing, that still got me and I could have saved a bunch of coral just by having someone check my numbers. The ones I thought for sure didn't need to be double checked were the ones that were the culprits. Secondly, I doubt it's the lights but some experimentation wouldn't hurt. Typically if it's not enough light, you'll get darker corals and browning but not instant STN and RTN. Same thing for the most part with too much light... you'd get a bleaching event but if the coral was healthy, it would survive it and regain it's color. I don't know much of your regiment but just try to think back of any other major changes besides the lights. My guess would be too much GFO as I have had that strip the tank of phosphates before and cause STN. My other guess would be unstable alk. Are you hand dosing? Using 2-part? CaRX? Perhaps all of your corals got really happy and started growing and caused an alk drop? A simple drop of more than 1.5 dKh can cause RTN/STN in my tank easily... even when healthy. Sent via Tapatalk
  10. Once the wife gets out of grad school and stops sucking up all my money, I'll be on the next flight with you Richard. Bring me back some goodies! Sent via Tapatalk
  11. I don't know much about the Red Sea program though I do think very highly of their vitamin and amino acids mix, Reef Energy. I think a lot of people use the BRS 2-part and have had great success. Sent via Tapatalk
  12. Means nothing without pictures. :-) Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
  13. How do you think I have such great success at SPS... the secret ingredients are MSG and duck sauce. Shhhhhh..... Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk
  14. All in the name of science sir! I do need some mentoring to work my way up to Gifmasterplus elite level though. Thanks for the clarification of the process Mike and the discussion of intended goals of the program. For our nominations, would we be sending them directly to any committee member or just blast it out on the discussion thread, such as this one?
  15. Got some salt at the house if you need it sir.
  16. First off, I just want to say kudos to Mike and his supporting cast for making the club an engaging and fun place to share our experiences and our joys/sorrows in a family fun environment where everyone is just super friendly and helpful. I think initiatives like this keep the forum engaging and a wonderful tool to share experiences and knowledge in a form that is helpful for newbs and seasoned veterans, alike. So Mike, from the process forward, will you be adding two more members to the committee first? As it looks like you have 3 currently and you were aiming for 5. Afterwards, will the nominations of the mentors take place? Will nominations only be from the committee or will members be able to nominate a potential mentor. For instance, can I nominate Brian, even though he can't tell by touching the water that it is at 58 degrees or 82 degrees? And if he is nominated by me, will he then be chosen from several other nominees by the committee and then given a mentor position in the club? Would there be room for co-mentors? Say we had two experts in sea horse tanks. Would a situation arise where we could have both people be a mentor for sea horse tanks? Just throwing some discussion items out there. Looking forward to the program!
  17. I'm in, and be happy to receive the shipment since I work from home. I'm not exactly in the "middle" but I'm close to three highways (I-35, MoPac, and 183... by the Domain) so if desired, I can receive the package and distribute.
  18. +1 The foxface I had was a algae eating monster! Didn't matter what type... palatable or not... he'd munch it. They go from juvenile to adult sized really quick though so it will probably outgrow your tank very quickly but nothing I've seen beats their algae munching abilities.
  19. Why aren't there corals in this tank yet? This is taking FOREVER!!!
  20. FarmerTy


    Do I have to pay acan support? Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk
  21. I'll post something after I have my frag glueing party after the America weekend! USA! USA! USA! Plus, that will give time for my caps to encrust so I won't get blasted for having chopsticks in my tank as support rods. I won't hear the end of the jokes from the peanut gallery here on ARC. Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk
  22. Wuh? Videos are so early 2014... I'll gladly Snapchat anyone a video of the tank that wants it. Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk
  23. Chromis aren't the brightest fish out there. Most of mine swim around with that face 24/7. Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk
  24. FarmerTy


    So tempting... but I'm a known acan killer!
  25. Maybe you can be one of the other alias that Brian created for me. Bald and goatee your flavor? Or with a pony tail?
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