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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. That sounds like a good Yoda quotable... chaos leads to destruction... destruction leads to frags... frags lead to happy ARC members...
  2. For those that haven't seen Richard's setup, go! Buy a coral and trust me it'll be worth the price of admission! He may charge you extra to look at his koi pond though.
  3. Looking good Bpb! I'm sure there are plenty on this board that'll help you out with your too much red problem!
  4. They were all welcome in my home. I like the carnage! I even added giant zebra mexican turbo snails, largest one is about 2.5-3" across... talk about bulldozers!
  5. Big surprise that Kim was at the dome. Sent via Tapatalk
  6. Looking good bud. When are you going to open up the coral store? I have cash and am obsessed with SPS! That 300-gal would make a nice stock tank... just saying.
  7. Oh, and the clowns are at it again. Anybody else have reoccurring clown fish spawners? I feel almost guilty that they keep laying them and none survive. Sent via Tapatalk
  8. Just a late night pic with both the islands lit and the middle MH off. Wanted to snap a pic before I start glueing up my millions of SPS frags on the rocks next week and liberate my sandbed and reclaim the sandbed! And somehow I ended up with a 5-gal nano... Sent via Tapatalk
  9. In regards to what bud? My massive kill off of SPS via death by high salinity or the resultant high nitrates when I was trying to figure what was wrong and pulled my biopellets? Everything is peachy keen right now... the ORA Hawkins Echinata is just bleached because I turned it over. I'm trying to balance out its tan... nobody wants a Farmer Ty tan. Sent via Tapatalk
  10. I can feel my acros cringing right now. Sent via Tapatalk
  11. You ever dose nitrates? If so, what do you use? I heard potassium nitrate is a good option and can be found at Home Depot as a stump remover. I might start trying that soon to see how it effects the phosphates in the system in regards to biopellets. Heard some good success stories with it and it might be nice to use that and eliminate GFO use if the biopellets can do it on their own. Sent via Tapatalk
  12. You know you want it! Sent via Tapatalk
  13. I'll remember to order a keg for the next ARC monthly meeting I sucker them into letting me host!
  14. I'm only naming ways in which I was destroying my tank. Surprisingly, adding phosphates actually helped it out at that point.
  15. If I had to guess, I'd say nitrates or phosphates, as I imagine feeding the dendros in a smaller tank tends to overload nutrients in the system if you don't have a good export system in place. Sent via Tapatalk
  16. Sorry to hear Planeden. Do you know your parameter levels on your tank? Perhaps post those and people can chime in on what may be the potential problem? Sent via Tapatalk
  17. Next up, STN, RTN, vodka overdosing, too high salinity, too high nitrates... I'm sure this will be a running log. Sent via Tapatalk
  18. I read a post where a guy knew his kid was throwing a party while he was out by the drop in pH via his Apex. Sent via Tapatalk
  19. For those that have upgraded lights or switched technologies, if you ever wanted a reference as to what a bleached coral looks like, here is a good photo for it. You can see the clear white flesh of the coral. It is an ORA Hawkins echinata. What it should look like is the beautiful blue thing to the right of it. Will it survive? yes indeed. How do I know? I've done this a time or two before. I am mainly posting this as I have heard concerns of people switching to LEDS and worrying about bleaching their coral so I wanted everyone to have a picture of what actual bleaching looks like so you can compare and diagnose. Happy reefing!
  20. Apparently the urchin thought it would be fun to make a fool of me today.
  21. Who wants to buy some special edition JediTy Mind Trick Monti? Sent via Tapatalk
  22. Thanks guys! My ego is paper thin and very needy. Sent via Tapatalk
  23. That hurts my feelings victoly. I know I killed a lot during the great upgrade of 2014 but I would like at least honorable mention. :-) Sent via Tapatalk
  24. Baffles are overrated! Sent via Tapatalk
  25. Old ancient tradition passed down through my family for many generations... Sent via Tapatalk
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