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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. If you are talking about the reactor in that giant tank at the front, then it's too small. I saw that one the other week. Thanks for the heads up my 215 gallon tank brother-from-another-mother. Sent via Tapatalk
  2. Well, not much to update other than everything is still happy and encrusting nicely. Too nicely actually as I now realize there is no way my CaRX will ever keep up with this new tank so I'm in the market for the new CaRX. Anybody have a giant CaRX sitting in their garage, collecting dust, just let me know. Hint hint... Ol' Aggie. Even maxed out, I'm losing about 0.3 dKh/day so I have been having to supplement my CaRX with some 2-part to keep up with the tank's demand. This is going to get old real quick. Would just run kalk for now but don't want to implement a new system and add another variable for me to monitor... really another way for me to nuke my tank. So, I'll hand dose what can't be made up by the CaRX by itself and then wait for the perfect upgrade in time. Chopping up that massive purple stylo colony and selling it off is looking like a better and better idea, each day. I could easily imagine getting rid of that thing would help me lower my alk demand big time! It's the size of a volleyball! I managed to glue some frags up on the rocks but there are still plenty more to find a home for. I'm adding some rock from my sump to the DT so that I can have even more space to glue frags. Once I get them all off the sand, I'll run a couple of pictures and videos on this thread so you don't all have to read and can look at pretty pictures instead. I know, what a chore... reading... I got a TLF 550 reactor with a recent swap with another member and am now running 1000ml of biopellets instead of just running 500ml. Overkill I'm sure but so far I have seen no side effects of it. Swapped out my GFO for some fresh stuff and my carbon as well. Everything is pretty much is automatic mode now which is great because work has been so busy for me. I don't know if I mentioned before but 2-3 weeks ago, I took all my SPS out and dipped them in Bayer since they were all unmounted and easily removed for dipping. I have gotten so many new frags, which I always dip before adding to the tank, but the paranoid part of my personality got the better of me and I dipped all pieces again for peace of mind. I even used a triple dipping system, where I dipped in bayer, and then used two different rinsing buckets (which were routinely refreshed) and even after all that, some traces got back in the tank and killed off a bunch of pods. I mean a ton! As usual though, nothing else was even effected in the tank, not even the spawning clownfish as they laid another clutch a few days after. Even now, all the pods are back... so maybe they all just went into hiding for a bit and then came back out once it was all removed via the carbon. Anyways, I'm starting to rattle on. Basic summary, refreshed all media, glued up some frags with many more to glue, dipped all SPS again out of paranoia, CaRX is not keeping up anymore so I have to manually hand dose to keep up, and otherwise, everything is happy and encrusting at a very quick pace.
  3. You sir have some enviable skimmate! And no, I don't say that to everyone...
  4. Looks like it to me! Kill it with fire!!!
  5. I'll see if I can distract him and sneak some corals in my pocket! I'll give you 50% of the loot!
  6. Odd, it should be able to push out the same amount of water being pushed in from your manifold unless there is a blockage. Sent via Tapatalk
  7. That thing was purring like a kitten...err... bubbling like a calcium reactor. I was digging the LPS tank you set up on the side to go along with your SPS tank. Looked great! Sent via Tapatalk
  8. Don't know until I get my fancy upgrade CaRX. I'll update you stat once I find a good upgrade. Sent via Tapatalk
  9. I forgot about this thread! Here's another video I took and only posted to my build thread. It's old but I do enjoy the game show background music. Give me another month and I'll post a more current video. Got to get around to glueing all my frags up. Sent via Tapatalk
  10. I like your acro island at the top! Good lookin' naso creepin' in that one picture... he's got his eye on you.
  11. I can't afford the peristaltics rated for the size of my CaRX upgrade. Give me the hook up brah!
  12. What? A mile? I thought you were moving to Houston or something! Bpb, you really shouldn't talk about Manny and Dustin like that. I know they like their Petco and all but...
  13. Uh oh! I hope not! I'll be in the area showing houses tonight. If you want, I can run by and put a 2nd pair of eyes on it to see if anything looks amiss.
  14. I'd use a small maxi-jet or something like that... maybe "T" the return line. Actually, I thought you had an extra spout on your manifold from your return line that you were going to use? I used the aqualifter previously with my CaRX and both times, they both didn't last more than 8-10 months and clogged really easily. I "T" mine off the manifold of my return pump now with success.
  15. I think a lot of people on the club use the BRS reactor or the TLF 150 reactor as well if you want to look into either one of those.
  16. Hey Manny, Glad everything made the trip just fine and you got a new aquascape to boot! Be happy to have you come by for your frag-a-thon. I'd hit up RichardL, XanReefer, Phamily, and Woods for some great zoas/acans/montis. Sam, Juiceman, Don Duncan, and ol' Aggie for SPS. I'm sure I'm missing a bunch more peeps but that's a good start. I guess everyone ditched Bpb in College Station... who's he gonna play with now? Might as well just move to Austin.
  17. Good call on the check valve, if saltwater hits that cylinder, it's toast! Sent via Tapatalk
  18. Salinity looks perfect Justin. I'm pretty sure your alk and your phosphate levels are the culprits for your SPS dying. If your nitrates start creeping up with the bio ball usage, then it'll start killing them too around > 40 ppm nitrates... at least that's what I observed in my own experience. +1 to what JimH says... a reactor with GFO is highly effective at removing phosphates. Just slowly introduce it as stripping the water of phosphates too quickly can cause issues with your SPS too. Sent via Tapatalk
  19. About time Bigsby! Haha. Tank is looking good sir. How about a FTS with all the corals in there? Sent via Tapatalk
  20. Haha, had an alk swing of my own when a bubble got trapped on my pH probe. How's the knop reactor working out? Sent via Tapatalk
  21. Juiceman, can you take a picture of your setup? Closeups of your regulator too? Sent via Tapatalk
  22. I'm going for 512.... 125 ---> 215 ---> 512. Sent via Tapatalk
  23. Looking good sir! All this came from a leaking tank! Remind me to poke some holes in my corner seals. Sent via Tapatalk
  24. Quit trying to kill my coral Sascha! Sent via Tapatalk
  25. Very nice! Great setup and the tank is looking good. Sent via Tapatalk
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