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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. Dude, I think you have an algae problem in your tank... Sent via Tapatalk
  2. I'm feeling a little nauseous... Sent via Tapatalk
  3. I love that urchin! It's like when your dog has an accident on the floor, I just tell it "bad" and move on. Bad Urchzilla, bad! Sent via Tapatalk
  4. Urchzilla ran off with an impressive bounty of 4 frags today. Sent via Tapatalk
  5. No hair algae here. I think you southies just need to move up north where the water is perfect up here. Good thing I know a good agent. Sent via Tapatalk
  6. This is an official warning to please submit any and all photographs of your tank by the end of the weekend or else a video warrant will be placed on you and you will have 2 weeks to comply. Sent via Tapatalk
  7. 3, do not mix carbon and GFO in the same reactor. Carbon, in my experience, works good enough for me passively without a reactor. Just know that neither will do anything for your nitrate issue you mentioned but will at least lower phosphates and remove some organics. Sent via Tapatalk
  8. I'm pretty smitten with my long tentacle fungia plate right now. I could stare at it all day... Sent via Tapatalk
  9. At 200+ gallons Bigsby, you might want to look into exhausting the air above your tank outside. It'll remove the heat and the moisture. I've already seen humidity related issues in my house from the 125g over the years so I couldn't imagine what my 215g will do. Once I can finally get an open weekend, I'll install that exhaust vent above the tank and use the full canopy to funnel the hot air and humidity out of the house. While I'm at it, run a line down for my skimmer to get fresh air and add some carbon in case there is anything nasty in the air. Sent via Tapatalk
  10. Hey hey... my wife is red-headed Bluemoon!
  11. I love all my children the same! But I'll get one up maybe later today when I get a chance! Great specimens so far!
  12. I'll take a large mint julep frag Sam. Just let me know where to paypal to. Thanks! -Ty
  13. Hi all, I'm always curious as to what people's favorite pieces are in their tank. It can be what's currently in your tank or what you used to have. Maybe the newest thing you just got or an old favorite. Let's see those pics!
  14. That would be the holy grail media Orion! Depending on your system, you might be able to just run biopellets and as long as your phosphates aren't too high in your system, it may take care of them as well, even though they are way more efficient at tackling nitrates. You can run them in a phosban reactor with some modification on the TLF150 and no modification on the TLF550. Sent via Tapatalk
  15. No problem! Sorry, I've been living in the big tank world for so long I forgot about the size constraints of nanos. My old nano cube would be ashamed of me right now... forgetting my roots like that. Glad you got it figured out. I will agree with you on size, not just equipment being less delicate but the larger water volume is very forgiving for our unavoidable human errors. Sent via Tapatalk
  16. I'm pretty sure these pictures are photoshopped! There's no way those flowers are that red! And those growth shots barely show any encrusting! Joking aside, the house is looking great! Thanks for the update bud! This is a part of the new career I enjoy the most... seeing how everyone makes their new house their own slice of paradise. Sent via Tapatalk
  17. Well after Gig'em rehomed some of my frags today, I thought it prudent to fill the void with more coral. One efflo and one lokani c/o the Victoly express that runs from Houston to Austin The other addition is a funny story as I saw this long tentacle fungia plate at aquatek a couple weeks ago (and most know my weakness for them) and I kept staring at it... almost a little too slightly obsessed for my own good. I kept telling myself, no way are those pink tips on the plate. Those leds are trying to trick me. I told myself I'd go home and research it and if there were actually variants with pink tips, then if it was still there the next time I go back, I'll buy it then. Well, a couple of weeks go by and I guess you know how the story ends. Sent via Tapatalk
  18. Reverse gorilla nipples? Sent via Tapatalk
  19. Their ability to recover is amazing! I think the anemone should be fine and I couldn't imagine the excitement when you saw Homie going into the anemone for the first time... or even Homie's excitement after 20+ years without an anemone.
  20. May be going out of town that weekend but if not, I'm there bud.
  21. You've officially failed out of my SPS identification class sir! Sent via Tapatalk
  22. You're too busy running all over the country instead of picking up your frags! I have a Gig'em corner setup for you. Lol. Sent via Tapatalk
  23. That's my sump Bpb. Sent via Tapatalk
  24. Somehow Victoly changed careers and became a coral broker. I'm still confused myself but I think I just bought some corals from Houston... Btw, you rock dude! Sent via Tapatalk
  25. I'll give him a try. Thanks for the heads up M215GTBFAM. Sent via Tapatalk
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