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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. I can see how not having a wife that shares his passion might be an issue... luckily he found one. Awesome system. Sent via Tapatalk
  2. I got a new favorite, Sam's rainbow nebula microclados! I have such a fickle heart... Sent via Tapatalk
  3. It was about 4" from a 400-watt MH so that might have helped. Sent via Tapatalk
  4. Yeah, just took 10 mins in my tank and it colored up and encrusted already. :-p Sent via Tapatalk
  5. I have to stop hanging out with you Sam! You're going to get me in trouble! Feeding the addiction! Sent via Tapatalk
  6. That colony is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen besides my lovely wife! Sent via Tapatalk
  7. You've blabbed my super secret cycling dry rock plan! You're out of my secret circle Bluemoon! Sent via Tapatalk
  8. Where else am I gonna put my shark!?!?
  9. C'mon GifMasterplus! You couldn't even do a simple text edit to write AipTysia-X on it? Sheer laziness man! Brian would have done it... and then slapped my ponytail face on the box as well.
  10. I always got one eye open... waiting for that monster tank! Sent via Tapatalk
  11. Quick update on my CaRX situation. I think I mentioned on here before about my CaRX being maxxed out and not keeping up with my usage in my tank once everything was happy again. Well, come to find out, the real problem was my pH probe (off by 0.35!)... either I didn't calibrate it correctly last time (1 month ago) or the probe is going bad. Either way, I switched the tank probe for the CaRX probe and recalibrated both just to be sure. My effluent is coming out a lot higher now and I'm not having to hand-dose to keep up with my usage! As a backup, I have a giant CaRX on loan and if I can get it up and running, I may just do the swap and be upgrade proof for when my wife royally screws something up and I can guilt her into a 400+gal tank. Not likely since I'm running the higher score on screwups but a guy can dream!
  12. His predecessor won me a couple of "photos of the month" contests with that same shot. I'm glad he's taking to that hole as much as the last one. I'm still sad about the loss of the original "buggy" when I upgraded my tank.
  13. +1 on the BRS dry pukani rock. I used it to fill up my 210-gal and it was nice that they allowed me to request the type of rock (i.e. give me the largest rocks you got). I combined it with my existing live rock in the new tank and it seeded in no time.
  14. AipTysia! Annoying as heck!
  15. I think that's where the mentor program El Jefe is starting on the club will come in handy. There were plenty of guiding hands when I first started... I was drowning in so much research and articles that just seeing someone's applications of those concepts and their own personal stories of trial and error helped clear up what was good/bad advice I found on the internet. If your digitata, then I'm your regular aiptasia. Pesky, relentless, and like on this club, everybody is stuck with me and can't get rid of me.
  16. It's always nice to be rewarded with great results from careful observation of one's tank. I'm glad you are learning to understand the specific language of your own tank and reading what it's trying to tell you. Sent via Tapatalk
  17. Thank you sir! You made my morning with that video... so calming and the musical selection was top-notch. I think your watchman goby claimed the birdsnest frags and I dig acancatraz on the right side of the tank. Kudos sir! Sent via Tapatalk
  18. I setup my thread to double-post any obviously ridiculous comment so the person commenting can be shamed by the community for speaking such blasphemy about my tank or its owner.
  19. Better take cover... heard something about a meteor shower! Sent via Tapatalk
  20. Those half colored polyps are even more hypnotizing in person! Sent via Tapatalk
  21. That's like taking away the drugs of an addict, I'm going to replace it with something else! That one mound on the right would have filled my old 65-gallon to capacity and I have a sneaking suspicion it weighs more than me. But you are correct, once all these frags grow out, I'll run out of room fast. The goal is to let some of the mariculture one's grow out and color up to see what they look like. Once I know what potential I have in all the colonies, I'll do a clearout and keep the one's that appeal to me most.
  22. Blue tip efflo Lokani Rainbow stylo Blue bottle brush and in the background are Miyagi tort, mint julep, and 2 maricultures Closer pic of mint julep It was a decent red before I moved it higher Sent via Tapatalk
  23. I have an official problem... I'm seeking professional help... I am a hoarder! Oh btw, the "I only buy 2" frags or less" has been thrown out window. So much for restraint. Here's some of what I've collected in the last 3 months. Hoeksemai Still ID'ing Yellow lantana 3 milles from an online order and one blue piece from Midland while I was visiting Green mille with blue growth margins Blue tip tenius Hologram monti Sent via Tapatalk
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