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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. Welcome Greg! Tank looks great! That's some pretty white sand... I wished mine stayed that white! Sent via Tapatalk
  2. About a mile long! :-p But I'll be posting one soon for my referral program on my sponsor thread... I know, such a tease!
  3. V2 will be here just in time for Christmas! Amber, I have a green one that I can get you if you want. Let me know. Sent via Tapatalk
  4. What zoa is that? Cat eyes? Sent via Tapatalk
  5. Sad day Kim! Sent via Tapatalk
  6. Yeah, nothing like begging vets for this stuff! Sent via Tapatalk
  7. The baby-faced breaking bad! Sent via Tapatalk
  8. I got 2 packs sitting in my stand right now at ready! Seth, do you use them for AEFW? I only used it as a whole tank red bug treatment and use Bayer as my AEFW dip. I found them both more effective in those specific roles. Sent via Tapatalk
  9. Once everything is stable again, you'll just have a good excuse to go frag shopping! I know it sucks but try to save what you can now and just know there are better times ahead! Sent via Tapatalk
  10. I only feed my fish and don't target my corals or inverts. They get some indirectly via uneaten food or fish poop. ☺ I feed everyday and rotate 2 days of frozen (mysis, bloodworms, LFS food [similar to Rods]) with one day of Prime reef flakes, new life spectrum pellets, and Hikari seaweed pellets. I feed a ton! Every other day I throw in a sheet of nori or red seaweed sheet. I dose amino acids/vitamin mix 2x a week. Sent via Tapatalk
  11. Salinity, nitrates, and phosphates are the only other culprits that come to mind... either that or you picked up pests from one of your coral sitters. Sent via Tapatalk
  12. Oh no, you said the "A" word! Sent via Tapatalk
  13. Looks like coca-cola! Sent via Tapatalk
  14. Thanks guys! It's been an exhausting and exhilarating road from death to life again in my sps world. What has been fun is this new mariculture phase I'm been in lately. I am finding a new joy in finding diamonds in the rough and since the smaller than 2" frag ban has been lifted, I've opened my tank up to the maricultures even more. It's been a delight to add great potential maricultures and seeing how they've colored up in the tank. I hope to document some of this coloring up and show the progress from ugly duckling to the beautiful swan... at least I hope swan! Here's another one I found that I have great hopes for. Let's see if I can go from bleached to "the bomb" with this one. Sent via Tapatalk
  15. Uh oh, I'm in trouble now! Sent via Tapatalk
  16. Sure, I'll have to collect the $300k up front though Brian. Sent via Tapatalk
  17. I'm working on it. Who wants to buy a 5 million dollar home? Anybody? Sent via Tapatalk
  18. Saw this guy at the store. Looked super healthy and Shane at Fishy Business has always had some of the healthiest fish livestock. Sent via Tapatalk
  19. Dude! You're selling my children off! Sent via Tapatalk
  20. I love all my children the same!!! That huge tassled filefish you had was pretty awesome! Hopefully the Dome gets you one!
  21. Hmmm, I might have to pick me up a scribbled rabbitfish now. Had a foxface and he was a perfect citizen. Sent via Tapatalk
  22. My apologies... I can't help staring at your wrasse! :-p. I'm still waiting to add about 4-5 wrasses to the tank but have to finish that canopy first or they'll all go carpet surfing in no time. Sent via Tapatalk
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