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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. I didn't get a chance to update but... I have phosphates again!!! It actually took me two separate doses of 6 mLs to get me up to 0.02 ppm... but my Hanna meter finally stopped reading 0. Oh, and somehow I ended up with a giant deresa clam and a chocolate tang this week as well. The chocolate tang was part of my final reef additions for my fish stock. I am waiting on a powder blue tang and a regal angelfish (I know, I'm crazy... but they are so pretty its worth ditching LPS and clams if needed) and that should finish my large stocking plans. The rest will be about 3-5 various fairy wrasses and I'll call it a day. I'm just waiting for a canopy to be built before I start adding those carpet surfing wrasses to my tank. I know for sure one will be a leopard wrasse and the rest fairy wrasses to add some zoom, zoom to my tank.
  2. FarmerTy


    Anybody bringing coral to my house is always welcome!
  3. FarmerTy


    Those should be the emeralds on fire if I'm not mistaken. Sent via Tapatalk
  4. FarmerTy

    WTB tangs

    Always wanted one of those but heard they get really big and they are a little more on the aggressive side as they get bigger. You can go to Niko's Reef or River City Aquatics and I'm sure they can order them for you. Sent via Tapatalk
  5. Don't listen to this guy! I heard he feeds his dogs cat food and his cats dog food. Kidding aside, I will agree with Ozarka, I'd feel perfectly fine using it to feed my saltwater fish but just not as the only food I feed them. Sent via Tapatalk
  6. The bottle had a formula on the back. 0.8vp=m, where v is the total volume of the tank in gallons, p=the desired phosphate increase in ppm, and m=the volume of product to use in mLs. Hope that answered your question Reburn. Sent via Tapatalk
  7. I wish you well in your health Greg! That was very kind of you to give out all this stuff for free. Sent via Tapatalk
  8. Scooby-Doo was my hero! On a side note, now I'm going to tell my wife that you called her bumbling Robb! Sent via Tapatalk
  9. I thought I saw some at River City Aquatics the other day if no fellow ARCer has any for you. Sent via Tapatalk
  10. My phosphate has been sitting at 0.0 ppm way too long and I had the opportunity to double-check my results with another hanna meter, which also showed 0.0 ppm. Dosed 6 mls of the Seachem Flourish phosphate to increase my levels to 0.03 ppm, where I usually aim to keep it at. I've also killed the GFO and will monitor my values daily in hopes of finding the perfect regiment that will keep my phosphate levels around 0.03 ppm. Wish me luck! Sent via Tapatalk
  11. RCA had one for sale in their consignment area. I'd check them out. Sent via Tapatalk
  12. Hey someone has to poke at the mods every once in awhile! Sent via Tapatalk
  13. Great, I'll take a look this week and hit you back up if there is something I might order. Thanks for sharing with the group! Sent via Tapatalk
  14. Let me take a quick look around. What's your timeframe for ordering? And where are you located? I can't see from tapatalk. Sent via Tapatalk
  15. I've been called scientist before... but mad? Has a nice ring for sure! I'm going to start dosing honey next month! Sent via Tapatalk
  16. I say read Volume I of Robb's build thread and do the opposite of everything he does! Sent via Tapatalk
  17. I go with the, if it isn't broke methodology. If everything is happy, then just let it be. Sent via Tapatalk
  18. Maybe I'm overly particular of my phosphate level since I run a mainly SPS tank but I try not to let it get over 0.1 ppm of phosphate. Typically it's at 0.03 ppm though... but I realize this is for an SPS tank so the levels could probably be higher. If nothing is unhappy in your tank with 1 ppm of phosphate, then keep on trucking! Sent via Tapatalk
  19. Stickies are impossible! It took me 7 years to get one! Sent via Tapatalk
  20. Been using those for 4 years now. Big fan of getting similar quality at a budget price! Sent via Tapatalk
  21. Did someone say dose Potassium phosphate? Worked like a charm to increase my phosphate levels when I was experimenting with the tank. May start doing it again since I'm pulling 0 ppb on my Hanna phosporus meter too. Just to keep this on topic, I am a big fan of varying the fishes diet and feeding the heck out of my tank. To do that though, you have to have a good system of exportation of nutrients as well.
  22. It used to be 2 mls of Bayer for every 2 cups of tank water but then I realized i could not really overdose it so now I just pour it in until it's cloudy white enough that I can't see the coral anymore, leave it for 10 mins, then dip it in two different rinse baths of tank water to get rid of the residual Bayer. The additional rinse baths are critical in my opinion otherwise, the residual Bayer will nuke your pod population and kill off any crabs or shrimp you have in the system. I only do this for SPS but I've heard it works for softies and LPS as well. Obviously it's a pesticide so wear your gloves and use proper safety precautions. I have dedicated Tupperware that I use for this and I make sure that's all they are used for. Only type of SPS that I noticed had an adverse effect to the dip was my surhasoni but they aren't too common so most won't ever run across this issue. Hope that helps! Sent via Tapatalk
  23. I don't actually dip with interceptor and only have it on an as-needed basis. I've only needed it once when I got a piece from a fellow reefer with red bugs and my dipping procedures were a little more relaxed back then. Any SPS frag I get now goes through a pretty rigorous dip of Bayer Insecticide and a very close visual inspection before being added to the tank. I'm still gambling without a QT I feel but I am okay with the odds. The interceptor treatment for red bugs worked very well as an in-tank treatment but it'll nuke your pod population. Sent via Tapatalk
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