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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. I was just thinking about it when I was responding but, I should just switch my 2nd and 4th port so that my return to the tank is the top one and I won't have to worry about the air blast as it'll just go to the tank. It's sometimes nice to just write things out... Sent via Tapatalk
  2. It was an awesome tank for sure! I was running a GFO reactor on the 3rd port but pulled that offline and run my biopellet reactor on the 4th port. The 1st port is unused currently. I like the design of the manifold. With the vertical design, I have to remember to close the valve to the effluent to the tank when I shut it off, otherwise, air gets into the top of the manifold and comes blasting out through my biopellet or GFO reactor. Perhaps if someone was planning to mimic this design, maybe build in an air bleed valve on the top of it so you won't have the same issue I have with it. As long as I close that 2nd valve though when I shut off the return pump for repairs/maintenance, I'm good but I don't always remember that when I need to. Sent via Tapatalk
  3. Here is my manifold. It has 4 outputs that are all controlled via true union ball valves. There is a port for 1/4" tubing to feed my CARX and an extra ball valve port for misc purposes. I cannot take credit for building this as Offroaddodge gave me this when I bought his old pump off him. I just wanted to upload a picture of it in case it helped anybody. Sorry, this is the best photo I could take of it in the sump. Sent via Tapatalk
  4. That looks like a nice, cycled tank there Sparkle. I'd do a little water change to lower the nitrates and start slowly stocking over the next 3-6 months. Sent via Tapatalk
  5. Diatoms. They are just using up the silicates found in your sand. They should tail off in a couple of months once they use up all the silicates in your system, unless your RO/DI water is a source of more silicates. I have observed my fighting conchs eating this stuff. Sent via Tapatalk
  6. Wow, I love my fish and all but that's above and beyond. Sent via Tapatalk
  7. Here are some stills I caught just for fun. Sent via Tapatalk
  8. Caught something interesting on video today... enjoy!
  9. In, heard he's offering free dives in his tank once he sets it up for all those that help. Sent via Tapatalk
  10. Well it's great that you found out why your tank is not happy. Sent via Tapatalk
  11. My catch looked about the same Lenver. Great deals indeed. Hope you got there Makena. Sent via Tapatalk
  12. Sorry James! Losing fish is devastating, so much more than losing a coral for me. It's just a different kind of sad. I wish you well in the recovery and thank you for sharing your story so others can learn as well. Sent via Tapatalk
  13. Yeah, frag plugs, 18 for $2.50. Trace elements (potassium, iodide, and strontium), 20 Oz for $3. I saw new clam kits and biopellets too as well as other random stuff. Sent via Tapatalk
  14. Apparently the Houston store sent them a bunch of Thrive products to unload so they've marked everything 85% off. My total bill was $304 and all I paid was $46! They had trace elements, alk, small frag plugs, and biopellets. Sent via Tapatalk
  15. There's nothing that'll correct a reef keepers mistakes better than a good water change. Knowing your parameters is ideal. Perhaps take your water to a local fish store and have them test for you. Sent via Tapatalk
  16. It's currently sitting under 600-700 par. Light hungry indeed! Sent via Tapatalk
  17. Always been a sucker for a well-colored jedi mind trick colony. Sent via Tapatalk
  18. There are so many causes of RTN and STN that pinpointing the reason is often difficult. Birdsnest to me are an anomaly. They will just grow and die for no explainable reason. I've had difficult to keep species of acro be fine for 3 years and randomly, the easy to keep birdsnest will die with no changes to water condition. I remember reading an article where it detailed that certain types of birdsnest have more difficulty than most corals to adjusting to changes. Sent via Tapatalk
  19. STN- slow tissue necrosis RTN - rapid tissue necrosis
  20. Just give it some time. Everything else around it seems happy. I'm sure some type of livestock accidentally brushed against it and ticked it off.
  21. Oh man, is it too late to pull out? :-P Sent via Tapatalk
  22. 1.027 should be fine but I would double-check your salinity with someone else's equipment or the local fish store. PO4 is a little high too but looks like you are taking care of that with the GFO. I would start with very little GFO and slowly take down the PO4 level over time. Stripping it out too quick will cause issues as well. The real issue I think still is reading nitrite levels at all. Cycled tanks shouldn't be reading any nitrite. Sent via Tapatalk
  23. I don't know how long your system has been setup but a cycled tank should not really register any ammonia or nitrite. I would assume the nitrite is what's doing the damage and a guess at your phosphate level as a possibility too since you don't know the level in your tank.
  24. Appreciate it. Go ahead Pham, I was just inquiring. I think it'll fight with my current tang population. I need one that will be the biggest in the tank so there's no question who is the boss.
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