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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. Wife wants it white so that's the end of that story! Sent via Tapatalk
  2. Wait, I thought he was a real estate agent, not a carpenter? :-) I really had no idea what I was doing but it's starting to come together into something that I might end up liking down the road. There's still a lot of painting and trim work to do but I like where it's going. Sent via Tapatalk
  3. Forgot my ORA German Blue polyp acro (no, not the digi) that I got from him. Here's a better picture of the Oregon Tort. Most beautiful blue you can get from an acro! Sent via Tapatalk
  4. +1 to what Jestep said. Just my opinion only, but I feel like it's like trying to keep the common cold out of your house. Ich can come on a drop of water from any new addition. The odds of being that sterile with all your additions is just even exhausting just thinking about it. Naturally healthy fish will recover from it. Like Jestep said, garlic soaked food may help out. Dr. G'S medicated food I heard was helpful too... all of this may be anecdotal but it doesn't hurt to try. I think you'll do more harm trying to catch it out, putting it in a QT, and medicating it then just letting it get over it in the tank. A nice, healthy, and happy fish should be able to fight it off and not succumb to it next time around. Sent via Tapatalk
  5. My only caution is almost all slugs are very specialized feeders. Unless you keep supplying what they need for sustenance, they will all ultimately die in the long-term. Hence why their popularity has diminished in the hobby because rarely will one have the adequate supply of food for them to survive. Sent via Tapatalk
  6. Tim was a huge player in my switch to a predominantly SPS tank too! Didn't hurt that he lived right down the way from me... or maybe it did as I was always over there. Here's a couple of gems that will live on in my tank: ORA Hawkins echinata Neon green surhasoni in background Sent via Tapatalk
  7. I'm sure you've had your hands full Peter! I do want to see updates on your monster tank though! Sent via Tapatalk
  8. Thai, I have the bigger hammerhead version of that pump. If it leaks, you can just replace the seal and that should take care of it. Call reeflo support, they are great and they usually sell the parts for cheaper than retail outlets. These pumps are one of the few out there that will actually use less electricity the more your restrict the flow... extra bonus. Unlike other pumps, it does not stress the motor, it just lowers your electricity bill. For anyone looking to purchase, these pumps are indestructible and come with great customer support. Sent via Tapatalk
  9. Dinos are definitely toxic so it may be a reasonable assumption. Sent via Tapatalk
  10. I believe the reeflo's have a seal that can be replaced. Just call them. Their customer service is great!
  11. What's the average squish factor of a HVAC tech?
  12. If you mean by firmware, then yes, it's upgradeable. If you mean by hardware, then Neptune will gladly sell you extra modules and more EB8's (controllable power ports) to upgrade it's controllability. Sent via Tapatalk
  13. Haha, it's like I'm back at work again Jim. Thanks! Sent via Tapatalk
  14. By no means is my AC system a well oiled machine... my house was built in '76. Haha! Jim was just making a joke about the whiteboards from earlier when a geologist and a scientist were reliving the days of working side-by-side with engineers. Thanks for the heads up on the continuous run exhaust fan. Now I'll have to budget a little bit more money towards that... or maybe run a "get a fancy exhaust fan" fundraiser at the frag swap. Sent via Tapatalk
  15. I was gonna do aluminum foil and duct tape! Sent via Tapatalk
  16. So you've trained your blue hippo how to do its best Vanna White impression? Sent via Tapatalk
  17. Thanks Richard! If you see anything that interests you, just take it because all I'm going to do is use my money to buy a bunch of stuff from you anyways. Save me the middle step! Lol!You can thank my Samsung Galaxy S5 for the pics. Sent via Tapatalk
  18. Haha, the good ol' times! I do miss my engineers sometimes. Sent via Tapatalk
  19. Oh believe me, I worked with my fair share of engineers while I was a consultant so I know all about it! Haha. While not the ideal solution, it's the best I'm going to be able to do with my limited knowledge of AC ducting and my desire to not make things worse! I'm sure I can rig it but without intimate knowledge of the impacts of rerouting the hard ducting, I'd rather not risk it.
  20. I was thinking the same thing with the Pistons Dustin. I may work on that before anything else, seeing how the top of my head is extra sore today for some reason. Jim, originally I was planning to relocate the vent outside of the canopy and modify the existing hole for the exhaust fan. Then I realized it was not just a vent with soft ducting run to it but it was actually run with hard ducting and unfortunately it's connected directly underneath the hard ducting. Seeing as how I would rather not mess with the hard ducting, I will probably just manually close off that duct and install one just outside of it to keep air distribution the same in the house. Sent via Tapatalk
  21. In response to KimP making me look like a slacker with the progress on her tank build, I decided to get moving on my canopy and managed to mock this up during the week with some helpful advice from a fellow reefer, c67stang. I'm sure he laughs himself to sleep with the ridiculousness of some of the questions I asked him. Fun side shot since I was standing there anyways I managed to hang my lights from the ceiling and for now, hung the supporting cables. I'd like to run all the cables up and to the side so it still allows me access to the back. Getting back there tonight was cumbersome with all those cables in the way. I'm pretty impressed with the euro cabinet hinges I bought to use on the front piece of the canopy. It's holding that plywood with ease and the easy hinge action to open is very nice. That plywood is about 30 lbs and it's holding it up with little strain. I still need to work on some type of prop or pneumatic system to allow it to hold the door up by itself but for now, I am using the patented "rest it on my head" system that I've employed since I was a kid. I'll work on framing the sides of the tank and then once everything fits nicely together, I'll take it apart and put a couple coats of primer on everything to protect the wood. Afterwards, I'll be adding a bathroom vent fan as a final step to vent the hot air and humidity out of the house and also keep my tank cool while at it. As for my tank, everything is looking pretty good these days as most of my sps have been encrusting nicely. I think I finally diagnosed the problem of too little nutrients in the tank and once I took action to remedy that, everything has been looking good. I shut down my biopellets a couple weeks ago, I have been without GFO for months now, I dosed phosphates and nitrates, and I even shut my skimmer off for close to a week. I now have it running again but set it to skim very dry. I even added an air bubbler to help counter my lower pH from my CaRX. I'll run it like that for now until I get the opportunity to run a line up through the roof for the skimmer air input and help raise my pH by drawing air from the outside. I'm hoping to do that when I install the bathroom vent fan. That's all I got for now. Hopefully this can all be wrapped up before Thanksgiving. That's the deadline I'm giving myself. Sent via Tapatalk
  22. I put ball valves on both my return pump and on my return lines to tweak the flow just right. Careful on putting ball valves on your return pump. Some types of pump will actually use less electricity if the output has a restricted output (reeflo) but some will actually increase the wear on your pump so read up about your particular one before throttling the output. Another alternative is to use a T and divert some water back into the sump to reduce your flow to the tank without having to throttle your return pump down. Sent via Tapatalk
  23. I don't know of any place local. Brs sells it in 2' by 2' sheets amongst other places that carry it online. Sent via Tapatalk
  24. Its awesome to see one of our local stores make such a concerted effort to supply our area with a great selection of reasonably priced SPS frags! Go Jake and team! I hope it's okay that I am posting this picture I snapped yesterday! I mean really, a strawberry shortcake frag for $20? That's too crazy to be true! Sent via Tapatalk
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