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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. Houston, we have phosphate! I don't know why the city of Houston needed to know that but I told it anyways. I just tested and got a good solid reading of 0.06 ppm of phosphate. Looks like it's time to put some GFO back online. It actually makes me feel good to see phosphate levels slowly increasing in my system again. Makes me feel like there's nothing wrong with it now since I don't have a disappearing phosphate problem.
  2. Is that a certain type of filefish? Do you have a pic? I think a lot of LFS have been selling the matted filefish as the aiptasia eating filefish. It's really hit or miss. The last time I tried one, it swam by a rock with 3-4 aiptasia on it daily and never ate them. It did, however, devour a good assortment of zoas before I realized it was the one doing it.
  3. Hilarious... and yet so true. [emoji23]
  4. That is one of the worst product descriptions I've ever read! I get it... you can feed things with it! Haha!Don't you have enough knickknacks sitting around a lab somewhere that you can just build yourself one? [emoji16]
  5. Ding ding ding, you won Jim! Sorry guys, I'm ditching the scientists for the engineer!
  6. Alright, just a quick synopsis. I received my Hanna alkalinity standard and tested it against my alk meter. The standard is set at 100 ppm and when I tested my meter, it consistently read 106 ppm. For now, I will assume my meter reads 6% higher than the actual concentration. I would like to also test this against either the Red Sea or Salifert alk test to see how it compares as well. Anyone with either kit interested in running a sample for me in the name of science? [emoji38]
  7. It's like I took a time machine and went back to the past. Let's see, engaged environmental scientist that has been traveling a lot and everytime he goes out of town, things die in the tank.... sounds oddly familiar! Here's a picture from your future self: I'm confused by this. Has the future gone more low tech ?? apexfusionwebcam_zps13795101.jpg Hey, no looking at the fine print Jim! Those were two modes I created to test the ventfan when I was up in the attic at the time. The real ventfan outlet was cutoff at the bottom of the page and is set to turn on 10 mins every hour and on the full time the lights are on.
  8. It's like I took a time machine and went back to the past. Let's see, engaged environmental scientist that has been traveling a lot and everytime he goes out of town, things die in the tank.... sounds oddly familiar! Here's a picture from your future self:
  9. If there was something you want to magically appear under your Christmas tree or at your door... what would it be? I'll go first: -a vertex skimmer neck cleaner -a magnetic probe holder -an Apex leak detection module with leak detection probes I'm sure we all hope that our significant others or family members could see this thread!
  10. I wouldn't consider my opinion the final word on the topic but export, primarily via skimmer, of the bacteria is the ideal method to remove the nitrate and phosphate that has been incorporated into cell structure during growth and reproduction. They can also be consumed by corals, sponges, and other inhabitants in the tank but eventually, they will die and release some nutrients back into the water... same principle as macro algae uptake of nutrients via chaeto or other type of algae... if not harvested and removed, if the macro algae dies, it will release the nutrients right back into the system.
  11. You wouldn't have happened to snap a picture of it?
  12. It's a primo set of bits too. I was surprised by the variety of bits available and the quality.
  13. I would imagine the nitrate/phosphate reducer component of Red Sea is the liquid carbon dosing element of it. If so, it is best utilized with a skimmer whether they say it's pivotal or not.
  14. Manny, since you've gotten to read up about it, maybe you can clarify. As far as I understand, the major part of the program is nutrient reduction and then adding back in needed components, such as vitamins and amino acids. Very similar to a lot of systems out there. My understanding is that the nutrient removal portion is more than likely just some type of liquid carbon source, like vinegar or vodka. The beneficial part of the Red Sea program is versus just vodka dosing yourself without the kit, it is the metered implementation plan of theirs that keeps it simple by determining your usage based on your results of your tests. If you're not running the Red Sea program in its entirety, what portion do you plan to use? I just use the vitamins and aminos complex B. Normally I'd be running biopellets and GFO and just dose the vitamins and aminos but my new tank seems to be running fine without either GFO or biopellets.
  15. Almost looks like a fungia plate. Does it have a hard base?
  16. A copperband butterfly might make short work of all the aiptasia... they are just very sensitive fish and have a lower survival rate. Maybe try the overpopulation method, just buy a ton of peppermint shrimps and let them loose in your tank and don't feed if you can so they are super hungry. Maybe even stab a couple of aiptasias to put some blood in the water? Just a thought here, I have never tried that.
  17. Congrats bud on the new baby!
  18. Toss the chaeto. Not worth it in my opinion. You can get some more chaeto from me with much better hitchhikers.
  19. On the lighter side, I'm thankful for no more STN on my acros, no aiptasias in the tank, and no AEFW to be seen! Woohoo!
  20. Every year I think it's good to take a step back and reflect on what you are thankful for with this hobby. What better time than Thanksgiving! I'm thankful for a great hobby that I am passionate about and challenges me all the time, a calming reef tank I can stare for hours at, and a great community on ARC of which to share all of it with. A special thank you to my loving and supportive wife who allows me to disappear into the tank room on many more occasions than I should. [emoji8] What are you thankful for? -Ty
  21. I didn't notice any ill effects with the ARM media but switched just to be safe.
  22. FWIW, after rereading an experiment conducted by Dana Riddle on the Hanna meters, I realized that I never researched more into the alk meter potentially reading high. http://www.advancedaquarist.com/2011/8/review From a quick Google search, I found some correcting by multiplying by 0.82. If this is true, my alk is not really at 8.0 dKh but really 6.56 dKh. Anywhere from 7-11 dKh are generally accepted levels. Since I haven't run any comparative tests to see how off my meter is or isn't, I've decided to at least bring my alk levels up a bit to 9.8 dKh, or 8.0 dKh if the meter is indeed off by 0.82. At least that way, both values are within acceptable ranges until I can get this correction factor sorted. To do that, I have ordered an alkalinity standard from Hanna, same as the phosphorus version I already have so that I can check my meter. I may follow up with a test from a Salifert and Red Sea kit to see where their values in respects to the Hanna meter. I'll report what I find out after the holidays. Sorry Bluemoon, mad scientist Ty is back in full effect! [emoji57]
  23. Right on cue... last night the PBT was chasing the yellow tang for a few rounds. Almost all aggression has ceased now that everyone got to huff their chests for a bit. It's amazing the activity level of the PBT! Compared to the other tangs, he's like the one kid that ate a whole box of candy before recess. I can see why they go nuts in smaller tanks. I'm a little worried my 215 isn't going to be enough! I'm sure the sohal and the clown tang probably have the same issues in smaller tanks and explains why all three have a reputation for becoming really aggresive. You stick me in a small room when I'm used to wide open runs and then start throwing more people in there with me and don't be surprised if I attack my new roommates. [emoji38]
  24. Guess not! Woohoo! FWIW, I think aiptasia should be censored... it's like a bad word in the reefing community. Maybe AEFW too! Holy Aiptasia! AEFW me!
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