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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. I'd keep in mind expected bioload of corals/clams that will need Ca/alk supplementation as well. My old tank had a total volume of about 160 gallons but was SPS dominant with larger colonies. At the end of its life, it was maxing out my Koralin CaRX rated for up to 400 gallons.
  2. First 10 minutes are free...
  3. For us tapatalk users: Username - jeeperty Password - corals
  4. Some good clownfish spawning action on the live cam right now. Get it while it's hot! See the link in my signature.
  5. Is that some kind of new hip insult, calling a dude bambi? [emoji6]
  6. If I wanted, I could just throw the sheet of Nori in there and they'd grab it and tear it apart. No need to affix to anything. Not sure if your fish are at that comfort level with it yet or not but I would be happy with that as an temporary alternative for 2 weeks if it was me.
  7. FarmerTy


    Only thing I'm looking for these days is a pink lemonade.
  8. While it may not fit for your criteria to sink, I use a clip and then tie a piece of fishing line to it and allow it to hang in the water mid-way. Then I just clip a piece of nori to it and drop in the tank and it hangs there until it gets eaten. I then just pull it back up by the string and it's ready to use for the next drop.
  9. Those triggers are awesome!
  10. Manny didn't tell you you'd have to go to Canada to view it! Manny, it's only creepy if you take a screen grab and then send it to me... and then I have my ISP trace it and they say... it was sent from inside your house!!! [emoji33] I watch too many scary movies! [emoji57] I always edit my videos through youtube and click the smooth video option. My hand control isn't always the smoothest.
  11. Introduce the music slowly Manny. The trick is to get the following of people first and slowly sneak in crazy background music while they aren't paying attention. It helps to have things in the videos to distract them, like crazy colors and polyps dancing! Just a thought, as I always share more than what people probably want me to share... but I worry that adding the reef energy portion of the program will push your nutrient load and cause the dinos to get worse. I'd almost aim to start the nutrient reduction first, which in conjuction with the hydrogen peroxide, should nip the dinos in the bud. Then once you have a clean slate of lower nutrients, your alk should have naturally dropped by that time so alk should be inline, and you hit the system with the energy program and whatever reef foundation program you mentioned. Just my 2 cents.
  12. You know what's boring? The 4th Quarter Groundwater Monitoring report you're working on right now for the 7-year project in Corpus. That's what is boring! *ducks right back*
  13. #13 just hit a funny bone on me for some reason. Hilarious!
  14. Dude, I love my chromis! Best part, they're 1/6th the price of any other fish in my tank.
  15. Good looking dwarf lion! I've wanted one for some time now but I have 2 chromis that will still fit in its mouth.
  16. Great stuff Bigsby! The digi from me is an ORA Jeremy's Montipora.
  17. Sand is not too expensive. I always just bought more sand, rinsed, and slowly replaced what was siphoned off.
  18. FarmerTy


    I was going to throw my input out there as well but this is only concerning SPS frags. They're all fresh cut from wild colonies and if they don't die immediately upon arrival or within a few weeks, they'll color up entirely to another color since he never gives them a chance to color up under regular tank lights. I had around 30 new frags in my tank from online vendors, LFS, and local reefers. Out of the 30, all 6 of his died and only 3 died from other sources. I can't lend any experience to his zoas or LPS but that has been my experience with him on SPS. Take a look around online for feedback on him and I think you won't like what you find.
  19. Oiy! I can't leave you guys alone for more than a couple of hours by yourselves!
  20. FarmerTy


    Have you ordered from them before?
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