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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. Alright, offer expired. I have to run somewhere afterwards and don't want then to sit too long in the car.
  2. If anybody needs transport north, I'm heading down south in a few and could probably swing by and grab them for you if you want to pick up later at my house near the Domain. That is if it's okay with KimP as well. Just wanted to offer up.
  3. I'm pretty sure it was really because the additional dog that came over was only 7 lbs, and my calculations were based on a 15 lb or larger dog. Yup, I'm pretty sure that's what did it.
  4. She says she would but you'd kill it anyway. And when I said she... I meant me...
  5. I didn't factor in the vent fan in the hood. During the spring ARC meeting at my house, I didn't have the vent fan installed at the time. And since it was hot outside, all doors and windows remained closed and we just ran the AC. This time around, there were so many additional variables that I was way off base with my guess. The vent fan vented a lot of the air in the tank enclosure. It got warm enough with that many bodies in the house that my wife/guests opened some windows. At one point the wife turned on the AC too and didn't tell me. That's a lot of additional air turnover that wasn't expected for the get-together.
  6. I'll take that purple gorg off your hands sir. I'll grab it when I get my pink lemonade frag too!
  7. I'm exhausted! Hosting is hard work! Alright, well, I feel pretty pathetic for being so far off and it's my own dang tank! 7.95 was the pH at the stroke of midnight... and the winner is... oh no, not THAT guy! Manny! Right on the freakin' dot... 7.95! Congratulations Manny and thank you all for humoring me and playing along. It was good fun!
  8. T-minus 9 hrs and 15 mins. Get your guesses in! Free frag of cyphastrea courtesy of Victoly for the closest guess!
  9. I say peroxide and nuke the bacteria anyways. Some rocks may not require peroxide and will be able to seed your tank again.
  10. If you don't mind the funky music... here's my latest. It was a video to highlight my new powder blue tang so excuse the quick motions. He's fast! I have actually moved some corals around on the sandbed recently and the giant clam to open back up the middle and front sandy beaches to give it that true negative space there but frags just keep coming into my tank somehow and filling back in.
  11. I run mine 24/7 and my drip rate should really be considered a flow rate. I have a solid stream coming out of my reactor... imagine somewhere in between the fastest stream possible coming out of the 1/4 tubing and the slowest stream possible... I'm right in the middle of that. I have no idea how big your reactor is or how much media you're running so hard to gauge if that'll be enough or not. I tend to use the flow rate as my "coarse" adjustment and the reactor pH value as my "fine" adjustment. I agree with your gameplan though to start it slow and work up from there.
  12. What?! I thought you made a ghetto scrubber last winter with a soda bottle when Victoly posted the pH swings due to the increased level in CO2 in his home when his furnace was running. I won't change my answer to maintain integrity of my guess.What? These skilled hands have never made anything that could be considered rigged together and subpar! [emoji38] I ran it for 3 weeks and then realized to bump my pH 0.2-0.3, I would have added another maintenance task and asked myself, is it really worth it? The answer was a giant, no. I'm a lazy reefer... hence the no water changes... or the RO/DI line that runs through my garage wall to my tank.
  13. Keep 'em coming!!! T-minus 25 hrs 48 mins!
  14. If it was me, I'd have the auto feeder just feed once every other day while you're gone. No need for frozen at all during this time unless any of your fishes don't eat pellets. In that case, I'd have someone come in 2-3x a week to feed frozen. You're fish can go a stretch without eating every day. I personally feel your normal feeding level is just fine. Just keep an eye on nutrients and if they start getting elevated, then perhaps adjust your feedings accordingly. When I feed my tank, it's like a snow storm! I have an autofeeder feed 3x a day and I also feed frozen in the evenings. I also have a ton more water volume and a giant skimmer so each system is going to be different. What is the same is to monitor your nutrient levels in your system and feed accordingly (or utilize other ways of nutrient removal). I'm of the camp... feed heavy, export heavy.
  15. 250 gallon total volume, lights will stay on their regular schedule so their indirect impact to pH levels has been accounted for in the pH data provided. I don't run a CO2 scrubber on the skimmer so I don't know if that changes your answer.
  16. You have no idea what you have just unleashed Jim! [emoji33] Victoly, I'll be updating the first post to lock in guesses.
  17. So good, I sold the owner on it! [emoji57]
  18. Ello (in my worst British accent)! BTW, weighing the guests would be disastrous. The enrollment in the Speech Language Pathology Masters program is almost 95% female. It'll be written on my epitaph... had a good life, was kind to others when possible, met his end while setting up scale at SLP grad school function. He will be sorely missed... mainly by his tangs that survive him and the many generations of his corals that have been passed around in the Austin community.
  19. I'm gonna need to see the NIST certification on your calibration solutions and the SRF slope on your most recent cals. I'll contact my in-lab tech and have him forward you the report.
  20. Subject A, neutured, 17 lbs Subject B, unknown, heard it was smaller though, spayed/neutured - unknown
  21. In case its helpful, my DT ph values and my CaRX eflluent pH values. To throw a twist in it, I adjusted my pH from a range of 6.75-6.85 down to 6.70-6.80 just last night. Muahahahaha!
  22. The winner is the person who guesses the value that is the smallest in absolute value from the final pH reading at 11:59pm.
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