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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. My ears were burning... Did someone say plusrite? I'm a cheap reefer, $13/bulb is always a winner for me. You just have to deal with inconsistent manufacturing quality but at that price, order an extra one or two bulbs and you're still ahead on price. The thought of running hardcore 10k for growth has crossed my mind over the years. Unless it is ridiculously substantial growth under 10k lighting though, I find it too hard for me to stomach the yellow look for the added growth. Plus, in a stable system, SPS grow ridiculously fast anyways so the need to push it (push it real good - thanks Salt N' Peppa) with the 10ks at least for me seemed unnecessary. Bpb knows his metal halides though so I'd heed his advice. I'm just a plusrite man.
  2. Those sailfin tangs also get giant!
  3. Any other fish I would say yes but the PBTs are so active and I feel claustrophobic that putting it in the sump for a few days to a week would be quite stressful for it. It would just pace back and forth all day.
  4. Nice! Fungia are so much fun to propagate. Pics or it didn't happen! [emoji16]
  5. I'm in the skimmer camp. Those that run skimmerless either have an alternate route to nutrient removal (turf scrubber, refugium), run a more natural system and keep corals that are fine with higher nutrients, or keep a lower bioload. To me it's like driving without power steering. Can you drive the car without power steering? Yes. Do you want to? Me, preferably not. Why not take the extra assistance with nutrient removal if it's right there and you can afford it? I'm not saying keeping a thriving, gorgeous tank full of high end corals and tons of fish isn't possible without a skimmer, but the odds are less in your favor without one in my opinion.
  6. I've always wanted to do this but my tank is not against the garage wall. My idea was instead of letting the system just sit in the garage, I'd wall it in and insulate it as a separate tank room and run an AC vent to it to keep it close to ambient of the house temperature.
  7. I'd see if you could borrow a larger QT and go with your QT idea.
  8. Have you been peeking in with my webcam to check growth? [emoji16]
  9. You need to redo your priority list man. 1) Tank 2) The rest
  10. You sir may have had the easiest battle against dinos recorded by mankind. I'd wait a week or two and make sure it doesn't try to make a comeback first and then invest in the snails. If it does come back, it'll wipe them out again.
  11. Yeah, I'm with you. I'm tired of seeing frags in the main tank. I need to glue up the rest of my corals and any for sale need to go or I need to convert my sump back to a frag tank.
  12. If Santa brings me a new 500 gallon tank with new equipment... you'll have a nice Christmas too!
  13. I'd have to look for my old par readings when running my 250-watt MHs but 400 at the top doesn't sound too far off. Running 400s would definitely be overkill for your 75-gallon I'd imagine.
  14. Glad I could indirectly help! [emoji106]
  15. I'm not sure either on the propaganda on man made live rock versus harvested. I just wonder with so much seeded diversity and bacteria from other people's tanks that is there much of a need for harvested live rock anymore? I know the cycling will be quicker but is there that much more bacterial diversity from a harvested live rock than one you borrow from a other member's tank to seed your own dry rock? I argue that there may be a better suited bacterial population in the borrowed rock than the harvested rock as its already geared toward aquarium conditions. I have no need or desire to buy harvested live rock anymore, even if I upgrade to 500 gallons. I'll just buy dry rock again and seed with my own live rock. If I didn't have any live rock, I'd just borrow a few rocks from another reefer and allow it to seed the dry rock. I know our hobby does have an impact on natural reef environments. Anything we can do to minimize that is I think beneficial. I'm not saying don't buy wildcaught fish or corals as we all still do that to some degree, but when possible, I try to minimize my impact where possible.
  16. Dumb question but did you make sure the impeller was placed back correctly and can freely spin?
  17. This one male urchin has been at it the past two days. This usually goes on for about 30-45 mins. In the video is what I caught last night and what I just caught about an hour ago. From reading some research on the process, I am keeping my eye out for the female as they tend to release the eggs 30-45 mins after the male releases his gametes.
  18. Noooo, the dinos! Maybe talk to Manny and see how he eradicated it so quickly. Took me months to remove it from my tank. It put up quite the fight.
  19. No worries. Since you have it in front of you and can judge the color, any way you can point me to a pic online that is best representative of its color? Sorry for the hassle.
  20. I got the DIY discount. I built than stand out of plywood and my own two hands... take a closer look and you'll see its definitely DIY. [emoji57] As I explained to my wife, that vent fan is basically free if you think about the humidity damage I'll be avoiding with it installed now. [emoji6] You done with your tank upgrade yet? Quit goofing around! It only took me ... er... a year to upgrade you slacker!
  21. Hey Thai,You have a picture in more white lighting? I might be interested in the anemone.
  22. Hamp, I'd look at the first post again and just text them. You'll wait around forever for a response via PM or responding in the thread as they aren't usually on the forum.
  23. Just the Apex... I don't use an external logging software.
  24. I'm sure Thai will chime in but when I saw it a Nikos, that thing was more than a foot across at least.
  25. It is GINORMOUS! Definitely going to be an amazing centerpiece for your species-specific tank. Thai bought it from Niko's.
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