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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. Your thoughts say a lot about you Ty. In fact the resemble you in a very accurate manner. They're short. I was thinking concise... to the point.
  2. Great looking setup! Have James throw in a free cable management training session with purchase. [emoji12]
  3. I have no idea what you're talking about. [emoji30] I'll just call it the dual personality fishroom/dining room. [emoji6]
  4. I heard Shaq was in town...
  5. I think the foundation kit is for Ca, Alk, and Mg.
  6. Well, my first company sponsored contest got off with a fizzle. Sorry guys, it probably wasn't the best idea to kick this off during the holidays when everyone is at their busiest... including myself. I didn't even get a chance to set it up for voting. I'll kickstart it again after the new year and give more lead time for those to create their videos. As a consellation prize for Makena putting in her entry, you can grab a couple of frags from me whenever your frag from the pH party guessing game arrives from Victoly. Charity video contest reboot in 2015! Be ready! -Ty the Real Estate Guy
  7. I've been doing a lot of research so I wanted to post my thoughts on the Red Sea program. My thoughts.
  8. I haven't been used as a hiding spot... ever. Good luck with that one Reburn.
  9. You haven't put any thought into this, have you? Just rushing in huh? Looking forward to this setup! You should post the picture of your dining table. [emoji12]
  10. I was this close to pulling the trigger on some shoe frags! Phew!
  11. Awesome! Hopefully that means the build will continue!
  12. I've already put it in your stocking bigsby. It's been in there for two weeks now. I'm sure it's fine though.
  13. Yeah, haven't seen it in forever. Vividaquariums had one but I think it got lost in their tank crash a couple years ago.
  14. I think very highly of the Red Sea pro kits and use them myself for any parameters that are not covered by the Hanna meters, minus the Ca Hanna meter.
  15. If possible, I'd have a LFS hold the coral/livestock for you and ship them to you once you have a setup ready to go. If you want to drive them, then for sure purchase an aerator and have an inverter to run the aerator. That'll give you the best chances of survival.
  16. That's a shame! What a great looking tank and build. I hope everything works out and wish you well.
  17. What happened Lenver? Did it not fit in the house?
  18. I have a soft spot for nanos... I ran one for 5 years before jumping into the bigger tanks. The fun part is the ease of just redecorating the tank at your leisure so I understand the desire to change things up. It's looking great in there. The towers definitely give it some presence.
  19. Bpb is correct, their 20k runs more 14k and then 14k is more of a 10k.
  20. Haha, was just joking. Yes, they would probably murder each other... either that or get married. So is life...
  21. I can't help now but after Christmas, I might have some time if it isn't move by then already.
  22. You forgot option 4. Give Ty your tang and don't complain.
  23. Looking great! What made you decide to go barebottom?
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