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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. They have frags of ice fire echinata and strawberry shortcakes at RCA. I'd think either would work as a substitute for my echinata for the coloring up challenge.
  2. I'm starting to think he bought his way to fame... [emoji33]
  3. I thought that's why we sell frags Sascha?
  4. After hours sale on my birthday! Is there a birthday surprise for me Jake if I make it? [emoji57]
  5. I thought about it Jim... but it's soooo purdy!
  6. We can all pitch in and make you a T-shirt to wear around proudly. Reefer of the Year! 2014! Be interesting to hear what your friends and family say when they see the shirt.
  7. Better document this ORA Chips acro I picked up in Dallas around Thanksgiving before the New Year's resolutions kick in. [emoji41]
  8. Have a flame angel with a small maxima clam and a gigantic deresa clam. The angel has only been in there for 2 months so too early to tell but no nipping so far.
  9. So it really did happen! [emoji6] Thanks for the pics! Now get that video cranking! [emoji38] Looks great in there! That setosa really took off! Maybe you need to hold some of my SPS for 6 months?
  10. I have a sicce syncra 12 and they replaced the impeller for me when it wouldn't start up. Maybe you caught them on a bad day?
  11. I thought it would be fun to list our resolutions for the new year regarding our shared hobby. 1) Empty and clean the skimmer cup more often 2) Clean up the rats nest of wires in the stand 3) No more corals! [emoji57]
  12. My Hawkins is working on that. Grow little guy, grow!
  13. I like the idea of the black sand. I've always liked the look of black sand in nanos. I've had the same problem with towers. They are great accent pieces but they do limit your coral placement depending on the structure of the tower. My favorite aquascape in my old nano was a horseshoe shape with it slowly sloping higher towards the middle. It had an appearance very similar to a cove and gave me ample room for coral placement and viewability. Don't worry about screwing up. I've been keeping reef tanks for over a decade now and I still screw up all the time. To err is human... forgive yourself NanoReeferKy... I heard it divine. [emoji6]
  14. Did you hook up the megaCaRX? Or are you running the Geo? That frag tank looks like it's begging to be filled with frags already. Do you have the ability to bypass it? Basically use it as a quarantine when needed for corals? Setup is looking great!
  15. Pics or it didn't happen rockstarwiggle. [emoji6]
  16. Haha, you should be used to my dry sense of humor by now Sascha. Naturally I was joking. [emoji16]
  17. I'm gonna slap some LEDs over the tank and stuff a ton of macro in the sump next. It'll be awesome! [emoji6]
  18. Well, the hard work on the cleaner wrasse has already been done by the previous owner so I'll take no credit for that. Haha. The leopard wrasse behavior fascinates me. I'd love to hear any personal observations you've had of your leopard wrasse. She is starting to sync up with my light schedule and I heard you could set your clock to it as they have a well developed internal clock. She cruises the rocks all day looking for unfortunate pods and worms that don't hide quick enough. When I feed, she'll eat everything! Her leopard pattern is hypnotizing and is a great accent to all the mono-colored fish in my tank.
  19. The leopard wrasse has fascinated me for awhile now ever since I saw the two swimming around in the Aquadome show tank. It just about flipped when I found out I could get one already acclimated to tank life. She picked a perfect spot in the back corner of my tank where there are no corals to burrow every night. I just see her swim into the back corner and then a giant cloud of dust rises and that's my signal that it's time for bed. I would have never bought a cleaner wrasse as they are better served in the ocean where they belong since they are such pivotal members of the reef community. They are a key part of keeping natural fish populations pest free from external parasites and their removal could be detrimental to the community health. They also have dismal survival rates in captivity as well. I figured since it's been alive for the better part of a year in the tank, I'd give it a shot. It's happily cruising the tank and eating almost anything I throw in the tank. I catch it constantly cleaning and picking at its tankmate and doing the job it was built for. Odd thing, but it loves nori! I threw a sheet in there and as usual, the tangs destroyed it and as the little pieces flake off, the other fish usually pick those off instead of getting into the tang feeding frenzy. This little guy dives right in the scrum with 6 large tangs and doesn't bat a fish eyelash... if those even exists. I guess cleaner wrasses were raised with a little crazy in them if they are often seen in nature cleaning some fish that would easily make a snack out of them. Oh, I missed a spot right by your back teeth. Let me get that for you.
  20. The holiday has been so busy that I haven't been able to enjoy my new additions. Female Leopard Wrasse Cleaner wrasse Both of them together Both came from an established tank and happily eat mysis, nori, and flakes.
  21. I'd put the fans on a condition based on temperature only so it's not on unnecessarily tied to the MH lights... just in case there was ever an instance you wanted lights on but no fan. There is no condition where when the temperature is warmer than I want for the fans to NOT kick on, so that's why I tied those together. Same with the heater. Why tie it to the lights when temperature should be the only determining factor? I'm sure you were trying to save the heaters use by having the lights warm the tank instead of the heater when the lights are on but why risk the tank with that type of programming. I'd throw in a conditional lights off above a certain temperature as well so your tank doesn't keep cooking past what your fans can cool if that situation ever presents itself like yesterday.
  22. Looks like a well thought out design. Only suggestion I have is to maybe cure the rock with your actual sump light at your friend's house if possible... that way the light stays consistent. I'd use the Ceramico ceramic block anyways over live rock just because it's perfectly flat. I couldn't imagine trying to balance my skimmer on a really flat piece of live rock... I don't care how flat it is, it won't be as flat as that manufactured block and it would bug me that it doesn't sit straight.
  23. Nooo! That explains why my heart skipped a beat last night... I can feel fungia plates dying within a 300 mile radius. Leave those skeletons and maybe you'll get some daughter colony surprises. I'd add some programming to your Apex regarding temperature. I have my MH lights shutoff one by one at varying temperatures so I have a visual indication that it is getting hotter than it should be in my tank and then it will also send me a text letting me know the temperature has gone above a limit I have set. I'd also do the same for a dip in temperature. My heater will kick on and it'll send me a text as well. Stupid finicky SPS!
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