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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. Maybe not eating cookies should be a resolution?
  2. Well, in my defense, everyone always throws in one resolution that they know they won't keep... like getting in shape, eating better, being a nicer person...
  3. I thought you were the voice of reason Brian?
  4. For those that got their flame wrasses, how are they doing? Pictures? Thinking about maybe jumping in on the 2nd round of this.
  5. I think that's Bpb's default answer for anything that is a great deal! [emoji6]
  6. Was it still there after the 3 days of darkness? Sounds like you took out some rocks to treat. Did you apply the peroxide directly to them or did you dip the rocks? I saw this the other day at Walgreens that might be useful. Spray bottle hydrogen peroxide... genius! Maybe remove the rocks and apply directly? It would reduce beneficial bacteria death over dipping the whole rock.
  7. It's been very tempting... especially now that there is a second chance on the order!
  8. The sea cucumber decided to entertain me to distract me from the fishless tank I have. The anemone has gotten huge now that it's two roommates aren't smacking it with their fins all day long. The zoas have never looked fuller in a fishless tank! KimP had asked if you can dose CP and tetracycline together. It worked fine for the two days of treatment for the midas blenny but the next two days after that looked like this!
  9. Just to update my build thread, I'm adding my marine velvet treatment discussion: http://www.austinreefclub.com/topic/33229-marine-velvet-treatment/ All remaining fish have taken well to the chloroquine phosphate treatment and are symptom free so far. Two fish, the midas blenny and chocolate tang, broke out with a secondary bacterial infection during the CP treatment, and are being treated for bacteria as well with tetracycline. CP reduces immune system response in people (it's an antimalarial drug) so I'd imagine it would do the same in the fishes. Casualties so far are my powder blue tang and two mandarin gobies... with a chromis dying but his death may be unrelated as he was not symptomatic of marine velvet. I have a dartfish still left in the tank that has still eluded me to this point. The clock starts on the tank being fallow when he is removed. After much thought and an ARC poll, I think I will be adding some fish stock to the QT tank to replace some lost fish. The goal is to to use the already iniatiated QT protocol on the current livestock and run new livestock conccurently in the treatment as well. I figured, might as well do it while I'm going through the trouble to treat my current livestock. Goal of treatment is a freshwater dip for flukes, the CP to treat ich/marine velvet, and prazipro for intestinal worms. Tetracycline would be applied if any fish show bacterial signs of infection. Thoughts of adding a regal angel have entertained my mind but realistically, I may just replace my lost fish and add two new fairy wrasses and call it a day for my fish stock.
  10. For the reasons Victoly mentioned. You can Google it pretty easy to read more on the subject if wanted but that sums it up pretty nicely.
  11. Did you do days of darkness? Reduce lighting schedule? Blasting it off the rocks/sand with turkey baster?
  12. Still got one fish in there ckyuv. I'm going with the 2-day starve out and then baiting the trap tomorrow. He'll be so desperate that he'll be mine in no time! I'll buy a peppermint angel if you spot me the money for the first one? I actually don't think there will be too much territorial fighting going on. My fish have plenty of room to call dibs on a space and any new addition... other than the initial first couple days of chest puffing, have integrated easily with the existing stock. I still like the minimal aquascaping and would like to keep it that way if possible... despite my inability to stop collecting fish and coral.
  13. I think you're right. I seem to remember my old 125-gallon and I removed the fish and when I put them back in, they all went back to their usual spots.
  14. Yeah, Gig'em read it before I even cracked the book open. Go pick his brain on leds and clams.
  15. Yeah, it was Mitch. Good call for sure as I knock on wood!
  16. Sorry for the rotten luck KimP! It sounds like a lot survived the overfeeding over the break. I think you're doing all the right things to getting it back on track. If I had to send in my Apex, I think my head would explode with all the manual tasks I had to do from that point!
  17. Awesome! Glad you guys got it! My wife and I have your FIL in our prayers!
  18. I believe the lights are going on his new tank.
  19. Man, good thing I'm used to reading the fine print! Good call on the bacterial decline dshel1217. I will aim to "ghost feed" the DT while all the fish are in QT. Just dump tons of microfoods for the SPS during that time and hopefully it'll equate to some of the bioload of all my fishes. I'm sure the SPS will enjoy it. Then I buy some more fish and throw it in with the one's being QT'ed. Lastly, I'll drop off frags at dshel's and we're all good!
  20. ...your fish are practically sucking on the return hose for oxygen before you realize you have marine velvet.
  21. I forgot, we're in a group of enablers! [emoji6]
  22. Hey ARC, I wanted a gut check before I went too far with this idea. I figured since I lost some fish and all fish but one have been removed from the tank. This would be a good time to add additions to my fish population since 1) I'm already QTing all fish and could just add the new fish to the treatments (doing chloroquine phosphate for marine velvet and ich, prazipro for intestinal worms and flukes, and freshwater dip and 2) when I reintroduce the fish, the "territories" start all over again. Am I crazy to add new fish now? To add to that, am I even more crazy to want to add a regal angel? I could care less about it nipping LPS and softies but I've grown fond of my clam. Anyways, just wanted to throw it out there so maybe people can talk some sense into me. Thanks for the time.
  23. Would you consider splitting them up? If so, how much for each of them Madsalt?
  24. Sorry Sam! Tell your wife I wish her father a successful surgery and a quick recovery!
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