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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. The Skimz skimmer already has a drain port in the collection cup. The next step is to get a large reservoir for collection of the skimmate and throw a float valve in there to let me know it's time to empty it... as well as shut off my skimmer so it doesn't overflow.
  2. With the luck I've had with catching the dartfish, I don't think any plans that involve nets are in my future.
  3. I'm officially off of skimmer neck cleaning duty! [emoji106]
  4. Ha, my tank costs $100, with $18 of silicone to reseal it. The stainless steel stand and sump were free. I bought my entire lighting setup over the years for around $170 because everybody was running in droves to LEDs and selling their MHs for cheap. I use $13 bulbs and don't do water changes. I've collected all my equipment used except my irreplaceable Apex system, which I bought new. So based on that, I should buy chromis and damsels since it's more fitting. [emoji23]
  5. You guys must think I'm making a killing right now with real estate! [emoji15] $300-$6000 fish!
  6. It's because I couldn't keep a pH probe calibrated... [emoji33]
  7. Brian already called clam dibs if I get the regal angel and it decides to start snacking on clam mantles. [emoji20] I'm torn on the regal angel versus two flame wrasses. I'll still aim to replace the two mandarins I lost but I'm officially done with powder blues for sure.
  8. You forgot to mention my other theory... that you were a bad scientist! [emoji24] Bwahahaha! It is quite baffling to have that much of a rise in alk with basically a neutral solution like you said. We might not ever know but your plan forward seems solid.
  9. Last I knew, he doesn't even keep a tank but I could be wrong. His old tank is at Niko's Reef. Maybe he setup a new tank?
  10. Sorry, it has ethanol, which vodka is comprised of and acetic acid, which is vinegar is mostly comprised of as well..
  11. I forget if you run a skimmer or not Manny but if you don't, then I could see the resultant bacteria population that the NOPOX created in your tank, if not exported by a skimmer, to possibly out compete the cyano bacteria or the dinoflaggelates.
  12. NOPOX is just a mixture of vinegar and vodka. It's just liquid carbon dosing, but with good guidelines so you don't nuke your tank. Carbon dosing exports nitrates very well and also exports phosphates to a small degree. I would never count on it to lower your phosphates to the level you want alone unless you just have a small bioload. I would also combine with GFO or maybe a large refugium.
  13. I'd be afraid to use it to stun... they had some fish deaths from the treatment.
  14. Fighting conchs are only called that because of the high point on their shells that makes it look like armor. They don't actually fight each other.
  15. I've got 3 conchs and I've never seen them either. Maybe I just haven't paid attention! Cool observation!
  16. We got one more Sam!!! Keep converting everyone! Those frags are gonna look great in that tank once it all grows out!
  17. Forgot Ty's "marine velvet" zoas.
  18. Designated nano polyp tank and all the hermit crab shells will have polyps glued on them. We'll give them all ridiculous names like Jim's "solid state relays" and Seth's "overbuilt frag tanks".
  19. Sure, your "wife" would love those Jim... those aren't for you at all. [emoji38]
  20. Fascinating indeed! I think this will eliminate AEFW from the map if used correctly! Well, at least for us reefers.
  21. Have you been forum stalking me Jim? [emoji15] I was going to incorporate his dipping regiment into my SPS dipping bag of tricks!
  22. Anybody have a small heater for a 20-30 gal I could borrow? Preferably in North Austin but beggars can't be choosers. [emoji57] I need one to use to treat my chocolate tang for his bacterial infection.
  23. I'd give up cookies WAY before giving up having a drink any day!
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