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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. Other random shots of the tank:
  2. I was staring at my fishless tank and decided I'd share some pictures of it and the newly rebuilt left side of the tank. I still don't really like it but it is much better than the first attempt when I first destroyed it. Left side Right side FTS No good reef tank is complete without the fish!
  3. Beer and peeping through an open window to stare at a reef tank... sounds like a good night to me!
  4. I think Reburn just volunteered to pick it up for you Thai.
  5. Does that mean I can't come inside the house? Should I bring binoculars? [emoji12]
  6. You can get one new at most hardware stores or farm supply stores for under $100.
  7. I agree... hanna calcium checker is probably not worth it. I run the Red Sea kit and it is an easy test to perform and read.
  8. I've used aquacave and I've had good experiences with them.
  9. You're asking the wrong guy Hula. I'm all about the most efficient skimmer I can get to fit my system. I'll worry about running it at night only if it's too over powered. I do also feed a ton though so it just makes sense for me to try to export a ton as well, since I don't do water changes.
  10. Also, for FWIW, I know I am always on the high side of the bioload so when I look at ratings, I always go with their lower end of the range. If it's rated 300-500 gallons, I assume it'll be handling 300 gallons with my tank... if that makes any sense.
  11. They are all great skimmers! I honestly don't think you could go wrong with any of them. If it were me, I'd get the highest rated of the 6 options that can fit into my sump. FWIW, I have the Skimz Monster SM201 and I love it. Consistent performance, doesn't ever overflow for no reason, quiet as a mouse, and built like a tank. I've heard great things about both the AquaMaxx and the Vertex Omega's as well but have never tried either one of them. The Vertex auto-neck cleaner I got was solid and well built so I'll throw some first-hand credibility to their build quality. The boxing and packaging for the auto-neck cleaner was truly impressive as well... I know that's superficial but I've never seen a product boxed with such perfectly cut foam and the thickest cardboard box I've ever seen!
  12. Alk is on the high end of the recommended range but as long as everything is happy, I'd just leave it alone. Just keep an eye on it as the SPS frags become acclimated to your system and start growing. What do you measure your PO4 with?
  13. Well what do you need me for Madsalt! [emoji13]
  14. Don is getting out so I'm sure he's unloading some equipment.
  15. Looks great! Keep an eye on the alk with all those SPS additions!
  16. Done and done! You beat me to the punch! We'll get you going in no time!
  17. If you already have two probes, just run with that. Just make sure your extra probe you've been storing was stored properly, else it's toast anyways. If it is toast, then just order the lab grade probe and use it on the reactor. You have the correct idea for controlling the CaRX. I tend to keep a tighter window than 6.4-6.8 for the solenoid. I currently am at 6.5-6.6 and my solenoid only turns on/off every 3 hrs. That's actually amazing as I usually have it actuating 2x/hr. You want to not have to actuate too much and try to have the setting on the regulator close enough to not even needing the solenoid to turn on/off much... that way if your solenoid ever stops working, which mine has done 2x in 4 years (so it happens), your system won't be flooded with CO2. Hopefully your controller alarms will go off to warn you of that but it's a nice failsafe to have the bubble rate close to what it's supposed to be anyways and not have the solenoid do all the work for you. I have two regular probes. If one ever doesn't calibrate well anymore or drifts too quickly after calibration, then my replacement will be a lab grade version. Either way, I only calibrate 2x/year and it doesn't drift too bad so Jim's experience with his regular probe might be more the exception than the rule. For your question on precision of the reactor ph probe, as precise as you can get. Even when I make a simple change of 0.02 pH on my controller, it has drastic effects on the amount of alk/Ca I am putting into my system through the reactor. The more precise, the better in my opinion. Hope that helps!
  18. Well, looks like you already mastered the tank videos with crazy music so I can jump past that step in the mentor program! [emoji12] Mental note... make another video and have crazier music than Madsalt this time around!
  19. Jim's right. With that equipment list, you can basically have any type tank you want. Be happy to see if I can help jumpstart version 2.0 of the Madsalt 180! Be advised, there will be testing involved! [emoji6]
  20. Oh wait, I'll have to confirm from the seller if it was ORA or not. I don't remember and I didn't notice you posted for an ORA piece.
  21. I have some but not fraggable in the near future. Maybe give me 6 months and we'll see where it's at if you haven't found a piece by then. They tend to be good growers when happy.
  22. No kidding! I wish I was around more but this summer/fall was crazy. The market has been so busy that I'm constantly working. Then the holidays come and goes so quick with all the family and friends in town. Yeah, I'd get a controller and call it a day. Just sit back, watch the tank, and enjoy the peacefulness of assisted stability.
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