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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. Looks great! Pretty much looks like a reef tank to me already!
  2. I don't think either heal themselves and would need treatment, but I'll defer to others experiences as I am not an expert on fish diseases.
  3. Ich, brooklynella, marine ich, and gill flukes are some of what I can think of that can cause rapid breathing.
  4. Mine just keeps scraping at the rocks, clearing an area to lay eggs. Sometimes his mouth will be white from the activity.
  5. Mine will hide behind the anemone in preparation for the eggs for a week or so. He'll come out and feed here and there but it seems like his focus is prep for the eggs. Usually when I see that however, the female is also prepping the area. If they both aren't doing it to some degree, I would suspect the male is ill.
  6. I've seen most cuts down the middle survive. I don't think you have much to worry about unless the stress of the actual move itself kills it, such as water parameters that are off or a huge lighting change.
  7. He's in the intern phase right now with Richard and Pham. [emoji24]
  8. Give me a couple more years and I'll be getting my brokers license and opening up an office! We'll talk again then. Wait, we are talking real estate and not reefing right? Maybe I can train you on both! Oh yeah, he just went there!
  9. You, Pham, Sam, and Richard should start a new show called Reef Hoarders! When you don't see a spec of sand... you might be a reef hoarder. When you don't have an open spot in your egg crate... you might be a reef hoarder. When you have more frags than articles of clothing... you might be a reef hoarder.
  10. I'll be happy to make good use of all your hard work and put it in my tank!
  11. I think I roughly used 1 cup per month. It kept my levels pretty stable at 0.03 ppm for 2 years with a moderate fish load and a tank full of corals. I was running a skimmer and biopellets too but no water changes during that time.
  12. I went through the whole process of setting up everything so that it can keep up with a dynamic IP address and then for 3-4 years mine never changed with Uverse. So with my webcam, I just made sure I forwarded my port through the firewall and that's all I needed. If the IP address ever changes, I'll worry about it then but just forwarding the port worked for me in my scenario.
  13. Hmmm, maybe stop the pappone too? I'm sure you don't want to hear that but ceasing all "extra" activites would be where I would start to diagnose your SPS's unhappiness.
  14. Jeez, if you want to be even more of a slave to your tank, knock yourself out! I'm a glutton for punishment with SPS but having to keep up with all the dosing with zeo would drive me nuts!
  15. I'd cease the KNO3 additions and see how things turn out. Not sure if even just a brief spike due to the additions would cause them to be ticked. I'd be surprised if the ROX caused issue but if you used too much, I could potentially see that. That ROX stuff is way more potent than your regular GAC.
  16. I don't know of any but I know a good tank consultant if you need one! [emoji12]
  17. I vote for scenario 2. I think something has ticked your SPS off and their growth has stopped... also halting the uptake of alk/Ca causing your concentration to start increasing as your dosing levels have stayed the same.
  18. That's because I need to find something to pull over my face when I come steal your SPS! MINE?! MINE?! Maybe you need to quit your job, become a real estate agent, and then have some time to take care of your tank during the day when you're not showing houses.
  19. It's a much more sane world... much more relaxing! [emoji16]
  20. Are you sure it wasn't pumice? Just kidding! Well, I still don't think the urchin will move any rocks but that depends on if there are any crevices it can shove itself into.
  21. Oddly, I never thought of that Jestep. I went scouring through Target as my wife shopped and found silly putty in a plastic ball container. I just cut a small slit in the container and prestro, a concave surface to tumble pellets with. If I went your route, I think there would have been less women staring at me as I scanned the pantyhose aisle looking for those eggshaped containers they used to come in. Apparently, they don't come in those anymore... or at least at Target. [emoji16]
  22. I've never experienced them jostling rock work but most of my pieces are 20 lbs and up so there's a reason for that. I'd imagine the rock boring urchin is what may have sullied the names of urchins for a reef tank. I'd be very surprised if a tuxedo urchin moved around any rocks. If you end up getting one, you'll end up mastering how to glue frags down. Give them a corner to lift or an angle to squeeze themselves behind the frag and be assured, they'll knock it loose eventually.
  23. One important question I forgot to ask. Do you have a skimmer?
  24. If I'm that convincing, maybe I can talk you back into the urchins. I love them and have 5 tuxedo urchins in my tank. They are fascinating to watch and I've never seen a more indiscriminate live rock cleaner than urchins. They'll literally cruise by and remove anything that is not the rock itself. They'll clean my powerheads too for me and not even really damage the plastic with their beaks. Their recent mating/spawning activities in my tank have been fascinating! I for sure have at least 3 males and 1 female. Not sure about the last one... we'll call it Pat for now (old school SNL reference there). Their only downsides would be that they can knock over frags that aren't glued well and have a tendency to pick up small things and put them on their back to carry around. One of mine has been carrying fire and ice zoas for 2 months now. I actually think they are sprouting more heads! Altogether entertaining and highly usely in a reef environment. Their decline in the Caribbean caused coral reef decimation in those areas as algae overgrew the corals. If that's an indicator as to how important they are to a reef environment, sign me up for a couple in my tank... was my thinking! [emoji106]
  25. Haha, knowing my luck the emerald crab will terrorize your tank and hold your fish hostage! I've never kept Sally Lightfoots so I can't comment.
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