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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. I think that's a perfect plan to not have the water changes too close together. Did you get a replacement nitrate kit? Once your alk and nitrates line up, if you are truly interested in no water changes, we can discuss possible alternative strageties to maintain your tank levels for Ca, alk, Mg stable and also account for the nutrient level (phosphate and nitrate) as well. This may require some additional purchase of reactors but we'll let your water parameters decide what is needed once we have some stability. I believe you mentioned possibily reconfiguring your sump into a 4-baffle sump for more even distribution of drain from the two overflows and more room for a fuge or a place to grow some frags? I thought your sump was functional as is but I always understand the desire for some reconfiguring. For the uneven draining of the overflows, I consider that a non-issue for functionality but if it is something you don't prefer, your idea of making your sump with a central return chamber has merit. Just a thought, would putting a ball valve on one drain to even it's flow not achieve something similar? Or is it really the longer run and the associated noise that bothers you too?
  2. That's great that the dosing and water changes have gotten your alk and Mg in line. The GFO is doing its thing on the phosphate levels so the only unknown is your nitrates. I'd imagine the the water changes have helped for the nitrate level but I'm curious where they are at. Seems like you're on the right road and we can see if just consistent water changes will keep your levels in line. 8.3 is actually a great pH level so that's a great sign. I haven't really kept much leathers but hear they can be a little finicky with light changes.
  3. That's so weird... even my cheapie TLF reactor is doing it just fine. I find it harder to tumble biopellets. How much GFO do you use?
  4. My thought is that the biopellets would be used at a much slower rate than the addition of phosphate in your tank, rendering the GFO that slowly gets released from the biopellets less effective on lowering your phosphate level. I say get a better GFO reactor and call it a day. Not sure what you're using but order something more solid if it's just a TLF reactor?
  5. The JeeperTy scribbled in algae? Or the device itself? What if I had it spell out ckyuv? Or SPS rule, zoas drool? Would that change your mind?
  6. I naturally assume it will be hidden in the back when not cleaning. It says it cleans a tank in like under 15 mins, so the rest of the time is probably chilling in the back. I like it... kind of like a 3d printer meets glass cleaning. Maybe I can get it and have it write JEEPERTY on the front glass through the algae.
  7. The real answer is probably all of them were off a bit to some degree and the accumulative effect was what threw it off. I've also found the estimates of our actual water volume in our tanks could be off as we don't realize how much actual displacement occurs in our tanks from rocks, sand, corals, livestock, and equipment. If it is only a little less than two dKh in two days, I'm sure you'll be fine.
  8. I know! That part sold me! It just may not be functional with overflows I would imagine.
  9. Cyphanstrea face working hard to hold on to that flake food.
  10. Tuxedo urchin is my recommendation.
  11. Uhhh... want! http://reefbuilders.com/2015/02/09/ocean-swipe-360-robot-clean-sides-aquarium/
  12. Long-term I prefer urchins, turbo snails, fighting conchs, and emerald crabs. I despise hermit crabs... annoying little buggers.
  13. This is what happens when you have no fish to look at in your tank... you default to the cleanup crew.
  14. I'd "like" your comment but it looks like I have maxed out my quota for the day!
  15. That's pretty cool indeed! How'd you do that? Sketchup? I think those are some skills I need to acquire!
  16. Hand feed corals!? Ain't nobody got time for dat! Plus, I have a million plates... that'll take me all night! LazyreeferTy here!
  17. You may be able to modify the trickle portion for the turf scrubber. I'd do some research into turf scrubbers and see if you can "engineer" it to work. You may want to reach out to NvrEnuf and pick his brain about them. He's had great success with them.
  18. That's interesting. I had mine for a year and it never killed anything. I saw things swing right past its tentacles with ill effect. Maybe we found the one thing that can kill damsels?
  19. You want me to test the alk in it?
  20. A little algae scrubber goes a long way. Hopefully nvrEnuf chimes in on his experience. I'd honestly toss the ceramic media and trickle filter. It's so efficient at converting ammonia/nitrites to nitrate that you will have excess nitrates in your system. That is the epitome of a nitrate factory right there. The reactors with carbon and GFO should help with organics and phosphates, respectively, but you will still have excess nitrates to deal with. You can remove nitrates through water changes, a deep sand band, a Ceramico block in a low flow environment, macro algae, turf scrubber, or carbon dosing.
  21. In that case, I have some Ty's Food to sell you... high dollar masago... hand collected from the fish myself!
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