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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. Haha, in this instance, I know it was a lone one. I saw it creep off the sponge onto the rock so I consider the aiptasia problem... handled! Of course that means there will be a million in my tank this morning because I spoke blasphemous words about aiptasia. There are several denominations of zoa/paly currency.... trash palys being on the lower side of that Brian. They are like the unwanted pennies of the polyp world. Now 15 polyps of utter chaos will get you much farther in your stay at the Tysmahal 215.
  2. Haha, you might be right there sir.
  3. Deposit makes it sound like you might actually get them back. I consider that more of a fee.
  4. Actually, in hindsight I should have used a leasing analogy. Well right now we're still processing their applications. The blue hippo's credit score is lower than what we usually approve for tenants but we can make an exception this time based on their rental history. We will need to take an additional deposit of 50 pellets but you can get that back with 9 months of on time payments. We will need a pet deposit for the regal angelfish though as it has a reputation of destroying coral landscaping.
  5. Thanks guys! My fish enjoy it too... they've all reapplied for their work visas in hopes they get approved to move into it in about 4-6 weeks. This tub is a dump! Can't wait to move back into the old place! Wardlaw - we'll right that ship as quick as we can. Now get on those water changes! [emoji4]
  6. Since I've had to redo the left side aquascape chasing the one lone aiptasia, the new positioning of cyphastrea face makes him look even more ominous in that corner over there. Sitting there and judging me... mocking me whenever I screw something up... I'm watching you too Mr. Cyphastrea face! You're not better than me!
  7. Maybe a better FTS. Not 100% sure if I like the result from the HDR setting in the previous FTS.
  8. ORA echinata getting better colors now Pretty cool mariculture that's coloring up really nice Blue mille mari piece that lost some coloration Blue polyp acro, terrible picture... it was hard to photograph and capture true color Same with pearlberry... impossible to capture subtle colors but growth has been amazing on this piece. Blue bottlebrush that's taken off Good ol' Oregon tort... growing surprisingly fast for a slow grower Some zoas and montis HDR FTS
  9. I think unrestricted editing of posts is a benefit of being a premium member.
  10. Yikes! Good thing you caught it right away. I'd be surprised if anything died. I'm sure some might be perturbed for a little bit but they will survive. To edit the title, just go to the first post, click edit, then click full editor... scroll to the top and change the title.
  11. FarmerTy


    Wouldn't that be an ironic death... eaten by the very thing that you eat.
  12. Can't kill them even if you tried! [emoji57]
  13. The whole notion of this thread cracks me up! [emoji24] I love it!
  14. FarmerTy


    It would just laugh at my CaRX. Puny human and your puny reactor! Muahahaha.
  15. Tank looks amazing! Maybe you and Reburn should get together, he has the stand and equipment and no tank... and you have the tank and still working on the other parts. [emoji12]
  16. I feel that way sometimes too but honestly, my Apex could run my tank by itself. I'm just there to keep tweaking things but it's fine without me being there. I just do those things because I enjoy it. I think adding any type of bacteria wouldn't hurt your chances. Just be patient is my advice. Cyano will almost always go away once your system stabilizes as long as you don't have a nutrient issue. Carbon dosing of any type does have the possibility to feed cyano growth. I can't remember off the top of my head but I believe a certain type of acid is a byproduct of the bacteria consuming the carbon/nitrates/phosphates and this acid byproduct is believed to fuel the cyano outbreak sometimes associated with carbon dosing of any form. Mark "Mr. Saltwater Tank" is a great guy and we miss him being around the club.
  17. Glad he's back to normal and you have the Temps wrangled in before our cold spell here in Austin.
  18. Glad that Skimz is doing a bang up job! I'm really impressed with their build quality and reliability. I can say one thing for sure, all this hard work will pay off in a very nice, stable tank that you can just about grow anything in. If I can say one thing, it'll be that you're doing a lot of work now but once it's stable and you have a routine, you'll have a ton more time to just enjoy the tank. I've said it before and I'll say it again, you're a pro when you can keep your parameters stable, but you're a reefing master if you can keep your alk stable. That's when you know, reefing... I got this!
  19. Just by context clues... it couldn't be Patrick... I said "good" PT... Burrrnnnnn!!!!
  20. That's a shame Manny. I'll be happy to give you 2 frags for everytime you've bought coral from me directly. [emoji57]
  21. The FTS/SUMP pic with the room dark makes it look like some futuristic robot bird.
  22. Can you go ahead and tell the other board members the equipment you run on that gateway tank? It's enough to run a much larger tank easily.
  23. FarmerTy


    They eat velvet? Get me a 100-pack!
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