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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. Anybody actually seen what Haley Joel-Osmont looks like now as an adult? I saw it the other day...
  2. I would at least guess that the API will give you a good ballpark... I always like 2nd opinions.
  3. Double reflection! What does it mean? [emoji24] Anybody want to take a guess at why?
  4. You need to ease off on the weight training Hula! Good detective work by the way.
  5. Hmmm, maybe you should get your money back for your mentor. [emoji57] It is really strange with the alk but I guess I see no harm in trying to dose it up 0.9 dKh. My cautious side is worried you are really not at 7.1 dKh at all. I say if you dosed it and it's still not at 8.0 dKh or close, then I'd wait on the BRS stuff at that point.
  6. Sorry bud for the rotten luck! That's awful! While I can't frag any fish, if you need help restocking some of your corals that died, just hit me up when you're ready. If you have any interest, maybe I could swing by sometime next week and take a look at that CaRX with you and see if we can troubleshoot it and find out what happened. Let me know if I could be of any help otherwise. Know that the ARC community is feeling the pain with you.
  7. For now, I say let's just hold off on the alk dosing. Something is definitely wrong for you to get those kinds of swings from your current livestock and your media you are dosing within that timeframe. I feel like you are getting false readings, either from the type of media being used for dosing alk or perhaps the test itself... though the latter more unlikely. When the BRS media gets here, let's try dosing with it to see if it gives you the concentrations you are expecting and maintains it there.
  8. Is this fish really just in love with its reflection? [emoji23]
  9. If I was a hand with a camera in it, I'd be fighting that 5% reflection Tim for territorial and reproductive rights. [emoji24] Here's an interesting thought, maybe we have all the dumb fish? And the smart ones are still in the ocean? [emoji6]
  10. Not to mention possibly cause head and lateral line erosion (HLLE).
  11. So, I realized its a lot harder to observe your fish's health in a tub while only being able to look down on them. I noticed in the last couple of days, the naso tang barely has an interest in food and basically the whole fish population just lackadaisically eats and does not attack the food with gusto as usual. When I had my 30 gallons of new saltwater ready to conduct a water change for nutrient removal purposes, I stared at the fish and started noticing that my tangs looked really thin. A closer inspection showed that they were definitely not eating as much lately and have gotten a tad thinner from it. I sat there and tried to think of why that could be... I know chloroquine phosphate does have some reports of it being an appetite suppressant. It also tastes awful to fish so perhaps they just got tired of their food soaking in the non-tasty CP tub water. The main fish population had been in the CP treatment since the middle of January... perhaps the extended duration of the treatment caused them to lose their appetite. Either case, I thought it more prudent to stop the CP treatment at this time, especially with the known infected original population being treated for velvet for almost 1.5 months now (treatment period for velvet is 21 days in CP), I was probably safe from velvet and the more pressing concern was the lack of appetite of the fish. I did a full water change to remove all medications in the tank, even the prophylactic prazipro treatment for intestinal worms and flukes. The goal was to remove all medications and hopefully restore the feeding responses from the fish. I also added activated carbon to assist in removing any residual medication in the tub. I'll test their feeding response tomorrow afternoon... probably soak the food in selcon and garlic to entice them a bit. No tang can resist a nice garlic soaked sheet of nori!
  12. The mute button is a wonderful thing!
  13. Actually, about 5% of light is reflected from a glass sheet. The reason we normally don't see our reflection in the tank glass (and for the same reason the fish doesn't usually see it's own reflection) is because of the amount of transmitted light (or refracted light) overwhelms the reflected light. But when you remove the amount of transmitted light from the other side of the glass, you can then make out the reflected light. Hence, when the room is dark, the fish aren't overwhelmed by transmitted light anymore from the room and can see their own reflections in the glass. Very much in the same way you can see your reflection in the glass when the room is lit but the tank is dark. Even better examples are when you can't see into an office building during the day but you can at night when they have a light on inside. Yay physics! This might debunk my fighting with the mirror theory though. Really, the fish is probably just in love with itself. http://www.advancedaquarist.com/blog/the-mirror-trick-might-not-work-because-fish-arent-that-stupid
  14. I'm with you, I say lower it like you were thinking. My structure on the right is higher and even though my SPS are still just frags, I can see myself losing vertical growth space already.
  15. I would have thrown you a bone Jose. [emoji6]
  16. I would have wrote an irritated anal orifice to sound smart Jose. [emoji4] But my official diagnosis would be territorially fighting with his own reflection... though it's hard to tell with the sides missing in the video and that awful background music. [emoji16]
  17. The video police would be all over you. They'd ask if you still use AOL to get on the internet and if you still had a flip phone. [emoji14]
  18. You made short work of that. Nice!
  19. Tub o' fish! Please turn down the volume on the video. I got carried away with my funky music for my videos... even I couldn't stand the song for long.
  20. http://www.austinreefclub.com/topic/30857-how-to-post-a-video/
  21. That was quite the jump in alk indeed. I wonder if your last test results could have just been off? Like I said, it's always the ones you don't want to catch that go in there.
  22. Prazipro plus aerator = bubble party! A nice shot of the regal in his isolation chamber too.
  23. Bump, easy instructions on how to post a video
  24. Bump, let's see some more videos folks! Remember to hold your phone sideways. [emoji6]
  25. Great. Was just curious of your bioload. Seems about average and not overly stocked.
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