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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. I believe that IS one of the suggested rules of selling on this forum... just most don't abide by it or forget to do it... or most often is the case, have no idea how to do it. Just in case, for those that don't know how to do it, just click the edit post button on your very first post of the thread, click on "use full editor", and then scroll up until you see the original post title and add SOLD to the end of it. If it's too much trouble, then just keep looking for ReeferKy to block in traffic from changing lanes as an alternative and we'll call it all good. It helps if you post your vehicle description on here. [emoji12]
  2. Oh no! You're showing early symptoms of advanced reefing disease... loss of sleep and abnormal eating regiment. I'd start up a QT immediately in the backyard... usually I aim to QT the affected individual with non-reef-related friends for an evening that can joke about and discuss things that aren't calcium reactors, alk levels, and funny fish stories. Physical symptoms include salty skin, flattened noses from being pressed against the tank glass for long periods of time, and traces of 2-part epoxy/super glue on their hands. I also administer about a minimum of 24 fl oz of saccharifived starch and the fermented sugar end product... typically mixed with hops and stored in glass bottles, aluminum cans, or in large volume containers known as kegs. The addition of high protein based foods such as ribs, brisket, and steak during this QT period is critical to ensure the resulting meat coma will aid in subduing the individual as it recovers from the quick onset of advanced reefing disease. If caught early enough and quarantined appropriately, most individuals can still resume somewhat of a normal life and can be added back into the display.
  3. Not sure if you have enough reagent or not to last you. I will be working most of the day. You could always leave the trap at the door if you're in the area anyways. If you need some reagent, just let me know before 10:30am so I can leave some by the door for you.
  4. They are located right below the live fish tanks. They aren't always in stock so it's hit or miss. I am not sure of the species identification as I never tried to use them.
  5. Oh jeez! Nothing like waking up to a self-initiated catastrophe to start the week off! At least this gives you an excuse to finally get the return plumbing the way you want it. I'm always looking for the bright side! At least it's only affecting meal schedule... the bigger concern is if it ever creeps into your sleep schedule!
  6. If you need a loaner bottle of alk reagent, you can borrow one of mine and replace with your next order. I'll trade you for a fish trap and syringe if you're done with them. [emoji106]
  7. I think you're making some good observations about your alk usage. It helps to be able to visually see the data. For now, I would discount the 9.2 as anamolous data unless you tested it twice and still got 9.2. For a whole number of reasons, the results of that test could be off. Anytime I personally get an oddball result when testing, I make sure to retest to doublecheck if any errors on my part attributed to it. If it still reads the same result again, sometimes I will consult another test kit or reefer to make sure before any changes to the tank are made.
  8. Great! I'll bring a pin and we can drop it in the room and see if we can hear it the next time I'm in the area. I wouldn't delay too much in adding the emergency drain. Murphy is always just a door knock away from showing up. If you can,graph your results on Apex Fusion and post it. We can take a good look at your alk readings over time and see what the trend has been.
  9. Yeah, you should be able to find one at one of the big box hardware stores. You may have to adjust to do less times per day as I remember something about half the ones I looked at before I had an Apex only allowed up to 7 on/off cycles a day or something like that. Digital timer technology might have vastly improved since 2010 though.
  10. I read it Hula. It was a good post but I understand the desire to give it more of a chance first. Hope you can get it working like you want.
  11. Sorry for your losses. That's odd indeed, with no physical signs of stress or disease. I wonder if temp fluctuations or salinity may be a culprit?
  12. That looks great Kim! You're so crazy handy, it's awesome!
  13. Haha, that's hilarious! Your phone should have flipped the video so the right side was up! Sorry, those instructions were written last year and youtube changed up their icons. You should hit the button in the top right of the page that is your photo, then click on "creator studio". I've updated the instructions: http://www.austinreefclub.com/topic/30857-how-to-post-a-video/
  14. Nice! Except that it's sideways! It looks good though! The fish doing much better? They look happy!
  15. Video post fail! It's private!
  16. As promised! Finally caught her doing her thing! Female urchin releasing eggs: You can see her rhythmic pulsing of her tentacles from the center of her body outwards. One male is right beside her and on occasion, you can see him release gametes as well. The other 3 urchins in my tank (just by observation, probably are male) where all in position to release gametes as well and only 1 of them did during that time. The most interesting thing was the spawning was in response to me dosing 25 ml of hydrogen peroxide in my tank. It will less than 2 minutes after I dosed that the urchins all started responding and then releasing gametes. I'll see if this is reproducible in a couple of weeks. Give them a little time to recharge. I know that there have been similar results from injections of potassium chloride (which by coincidence I do have a 40 lb bag in the garage) or raising the temperature. I think this will be the first with hydrogen peroxide if I can reproduce it.
  17. Dude, nothing against the old scape but I like this one a lot! Glad your favorite fish pulled through!
  18. Oiy! Not what I wanted to start my weekend with!
  19. Only surfing I do these days is on the interwebs! I don't know how you norcal folks did it anyways... I much more enjoyed my surfing in socal.
  20. That seems like a likely scenario for what happened, especially if the feed line and the CO2 line are combined in your reactor. I'd agree with Reburn on the 2nd probe, it probably could have averted all this or at least given you enough time to respond to it and save more livestock. If you do kick it back up, I wouldn't do it without the 2nd probe.
  21. Careful, that brute force is what got you in trouble in the first place!
  22. If my solenoid failed right now, my tank wouldn't be gassed because my bubble rate is close to where it should be anyways. If my regulator malfunctioned and put tons of gas out, my solenoid would shut it off once my pH started dropping. If both failed at the same time... then I'm one unlucky reefer and the reef gods were out to get me anyway.
  23. This is hard to diagnose without actually seeing the setup, at least for me. There are so many variables with a CaRX to think about. If I had a wild guess, I'd go with your bubble rate being set too high and solenoid failure. It's hard to gas a tank if your bubble rate is basically maintained the same, with or without the solenoid. The solenoid is just for insurance. The only way this setup would fail is if the regulator malfunctioned and dumped tons of gas into the tank. The hope though is that your solenoid is functioning and would put a quick stop to that.
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