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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. I was counting myself as 3 people. [emoji57] I also read an article on tank moving once so I'm an expert now. [emoji16]
  2. Oh man, I just threw out my back just thinking about the 3/4" glass. On a totally different and unrelated topic, I see I have to work that Saturday... which Saturday you ask? Whichever one you are moving on. [emoji12] Kidding! Alright, 4 people it is. No two-person job here.
  3. Man, it would be perfect if you moved the same Saturday and the same crew that just lifted and slid OceansTraveler's tank into her house shoot over and move yours real quick as well. Just thinking in an ideal world. As long as I don't have to work that Saturday, I'm in to help. It's only an 185-gallon... I've moved that with me and one other person before, no problem... unless it's like freakishly thick glass like 3/4", which they usually don't use that on a 185-gallon.
  4. Nice sump work! That's a compliment you'll only get and receive in our hobby and truly appreciate it. How long did the silicone dry before you went wet again? I'll say this, I know looking back you'd hope you were much further along in a year but think about this, imagine how much your knowledge of corals and associated subjects in reef keeping has expanded over that same year. Sometimes, it's nice to focus on the knowledge gained over the year and lessons learned and less so on the final end product. With what you know now, the Sascha 2.0 tank will be that much better and started off on the right foot... or stand I should say?
  5. Oh, I'm genuinely weird as most that know me can attest to. I think I live in the right town for it though.
  6. I see the logic, the more aeration, the better. I was just teasing about the air stone. I currently have one in my QT. The slime remover seems to be doing its job well. If your system has hit a good balance, the cyano should stay away. If you still have nutrient issues, they'll come back. Sometimes, the slime remover is the perfect tipping point to totally remove it from your system after your nutrients have balanced out though. I'm rooting for the last scenario. [emoji106]
  7. Don't tell me Neon Reefer got the 125-gallon? If so, that'll make two of my old tanks he has! [emoji14]
  8. If it is a cloudy eye, it could be from an injury. If both eyes are cloudy, I would suspect a bacterial infection. Freshwater dips are not very effective if it's bacterial in nature. Freshwater dips are typically good for external/gill flukes or temporary relief from marine velvet (trust me, I know that one on a personal level). For bacterial infections, I typically use Furan 2 as it is a wide spectrum antibiotic. It will treat both gram positive and gram negative bacterial infections. Going to the root of the problem, fish will typically get bacterial infections due to substandard water quality. While I know nothing of your system, I would suspect that increased water changes may help. Also, nutrition is also important and you may want to review what you are feeding your fish and make sure it is adequate, nutrionally.
  9. I think it's a little more complicated than that. They were demonstrating that carbon was the limiting factor in bacterial growth and then went on to explain the compounding issues of high carbon leading to higher bacterial growth...macro algae growth..etc... then how that issue compounds and feeds itself to kill off coral reefs. For carbon dosing in a tank, we're dealing with a much different environment. What applies in the ocean, doesn't always translate to our little boxes of water and electricity. For carbon dosing in a reef tank, the bacteria cultured is actually removed if done properly. Most will tie their biopellet reactor output directly to the skimmer to export bacteria produced and never let it into the tank system. For liquid carbon dosing, that's a little harder to do since it's dosed into the tank system itself and not contained in a reactor. Either way, carbon dosing is always paired with aggressive skimming so most of the bacteria created will be removed... ideally exporting the nutrients with them.
  10. Oh no, opening only Madsalt! The mess is the owners alone... best part of the mentor program. All the joy, none of the mess!
  11. Haha, the airstone cracks me up. I was going to look for spongebob or a treasure chest with a diver in it as well! You can also just remove your skimmer cup and let it overflow in your sump as an alternative to the airstone as well. Glad you're on your way to a cyano free tank! Keep an eye out for any snotty looking brown algae once the cyano clears. I've had the unfortunate luck that the two times I removed cyano, dinos took over instead.
  12. Wait, I was supposed to get to open them all!
  13. I wouldn't qualify myself as an expert on fish diseases... more like well read. Haha. More firsthand experience is needed for that moniker.
  14. Chicken or the egg Bpb... which came first... hiding expenses or online security? [emoji23]
  15. I'd look into water quality as an issue if bacterial infections are involved.
  16. I've only seen wounds like that associated with some type of bacterial infection. It's a shot in the dark though. Some type of antiobiotic medication might help, like Furan 2.
  17. Ty Ta, CNE (certified negotiation expert), IW (infinite wisdom per Wardlaw), and IAW (I am weird per Vietpride). [emoji6]
  18. It isn't dialed in yet for amount needed for the 215 gallon but it's actually laughable the small amount in there. It's probably less than half a cup of biopellets for a total volume of 250 gallons. Biopellets are super efficient and I'd never even think of using the "recommended" amount that all manufacturers put on the side of their product. On my old 125-gallon, I barely used a 1/4 cup of pellets. If you go to the 1st page of my build thread, there's a video of my old 125-gallon for reference.
  19. I used to run it in a modified TLF 150 reactor on my old 125-gallon... worked for 2 years like that. I am currently using a giant TLF 550 reactor now, slightly repurposed as well. Only issues with repurposing a reactor not made for biopellets is the lack of control of the output versus a recirculating model but I've run them for 3 years this way with no issue so it was not worth it for me to spend $150+ for a specific biopellet reactor. I just use the amount of biopellets added as my control instead.
  20. Yes sir. One cleaner wrasse, red headed solon fairy wrasse, leopard wrasse, chromis, and a flame angel as well.
  21. I don't think the wrasses understand the concept of an isolation chamber...
  22. Can anybody tell me when the biopellets came back online? [emoji6]
  23. I'm going to add that designation to my business card... Ty Ta, CNE, IW.
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