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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. Thank you both for the offers. I'm back on track again with some slight modifications to my light rack. Let there be light!
  2. I'm down to order some stuff. Probably about $30-50 worth of cleaners.
  3. I have assessed you one demerit in the mentor program for working on a freshwater project before a saltwater project. Please don't let it happen again.
  4. That sounds like a good plan. Good luck! I don't have a par meter but I believe RCA rents one out if you want to get a hold of theirs.
  5. I'd snap a couple pieces off and try different placements around the tank. My suspicion is it likes super high par.
  6. I'd always look into nutrients if lighting and flow is sufficient. I know you keep a tight check on your parameters. What have you been reading lately? Any algae, cyano, or Dino growth?
  7. Huzzah! 9 dKh! It's like the holy grail right now! Non-reefers just don't understand! Yeah, I think just cranking down the lights for a bit for everything to adjust should have you rocking and rolling now. Once that maintenance dose is calculated, you can sit back and start enjoying the fruits of your labor.
  8. You always take the best photos DoMa! That is one happy looking fish!
  9. Not to threadjack, but actually guys, that was news to me. We've had viglink for several years, but as admin I guess I don't see the links. If you notice things like this that are bothersome, please don't hesitate to PM me. One of the perks of premium membership is that you're not supposed to be bothered with these kinds of things.I'm going to report you to an administrator for hijacking my thread mFrame! [emoji12]
  10. Thanks Tim! I'm leaning towards the sledge hammer at this moment. [emoji30]
  11. I think if you part and piece your tank together, it'll be cheaper than the biocube, it just won't look ad nice as an all in one (AIO). But I do agree it is a great first tank to start with and lots of modifications are already tried and true for it already. If you can find a used one, that would be ideal.
  12. I have the mogul bulbs reeflover though I'm thinking I may have a different problem. I'll hopefully get to troubleshoot some more later today after work.
  13. Just wondering if anybody has a metal halide bulb socket laying around? I'd be happy to buy it from you or give you a frag for it. Trying to diagnose why my right MH light did not fire up today and after swapping around ballasts, realized it may be the socket itself. All 3 ballasts are working just fine.
  14. I didn't go to class watching HD so this is even better! All of ours were on cruddy standard definition video.
  15. Oh nice, since you bumped up this topic. I received my pump this Friday... and it did ship from Hong Kong for $3 whole dollars in shipping. At least that's what the DHL attendant told me when I went to pick it up from their hub at the airport (I was showing homes that day and so I opted to pick up then to have them redeliver). It had Hong Kong packaging tape all over it so I assume it was actually in Hong Kong. The only thing that baffles me is I ordered it on the 2nd, got confirmation that it is shipping out on the 5th, and received it the 6th. My only guess is the attendant was incorrect, that it came from the New Jersey warehouse location and it just still had it's old Hong Kong shipping package to it. Again, unless they shot it from a canon from Hong Kong on Thursday and it landed in Austin on Friday. Either way, $3 shipping, and I got it 4 days later. Can't complain.
  16. I know cucumbers don't wear pants... but if they did, I'm sure they would be yoga pants.
  17. Sam, you have a problem! And I am fully supportive of it! [emoji23]
  18. Most of the corals appeared to have survived the lack of attention pretty well. If looking for a new tank, I've always been a fan of the AIO tanks like nanocubes and biocubes. With some modification, they can do a superb job at keeping corals and fish and also stay pretty low maintenance.
  19. Glad you're still with the club Makena. [emoji106] Looking forward to the update.
  20. Welcome to the club!
  21. Ran across a fun video of plankton with some great video capture of the little buggers.
  22. I honestly wouldn't bother putting Mg on a doser. You can dose it monthly to top it off to your preferred concentration of it. It doesn't really irritate anything if the levels fluctuate a bit, just as long as it's around 1280 ppm, you're set. If you bought a 3rd doser for Mg, I'd use it to dose something else, like amino acids or something else fun.
  23. I really need to get a real camera. I realized that I can't away with top down pics with my camera phone. The zoom is not good enough for the depth of my tank at 29".
  24. Perhaps so. Maybe your rock is really porous as well so they would impact the displacement even less. If I ever go wireless, I guess you can show me the ropes. You should be a pro by then!
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