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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. If you're serious about keeping them, kalk, 2-part dosing, or a CaRX are a must in my opinion. It's hard for me to trust anything else other than those 3 tried and true staples of dosing.
  2. Sorry for the losses Manny. The tank was looking pretty good too. If you're an SPS keeper, alk is always going to be a thorn in your side. One slip and poof!
  3. Lanthanum chloride and a commercial fluidized sand reactors. Get it done Gig'em!
  4. These guys!http://www.austinreefclub.com/topic/33714-anyone-want-to-remodel-a-kitchen/#entry266267
  5. I'll flash my Realtor license. Official real estate business here sir. The snails are for staging a home for sale.
  6. Welcome to my ool. Notice there's no "p" in it... let's keep it that way.
  7. Sick! Did it turn blue around you sir?
  8. Thanks for helping us hit free shipping! [emoji106]
  9. This is an official one of a kind, butt-fragged echinata for sale. I sat on the colony in the spa. [emoji24]
  10. What, no props for the human body heater idea? Last time I ever help you ckyuv! Apex live technical support out!
  11. What's hilarious is the guy ripping the tanks in the comments below. He used to work for the company that maintained the tanks.
  12. If anybody else wants me to play the pack mule role and pickup theirs from MantaFan as well (I live near the Domain), I'd be happy to do it.
  13. Well, when they were first introduced, you had extremely low alk, low Mg, high nitrates, and slightly high phosphates. That's a lot of parameters not in ideal levels to be introduced to during a stressful event as a tank transfer itself. I'm not suprised the birdsnest died. For a good beginner coral, they are just sometimes finicky and will die quickly if not happy. I've seen a colony melt over night when not happy... something I rarely see with acros, as it's more of a slow STN event. I've only had small frags of acros RTN overnight on me, but never a full colony like a birdsnest will do. My guess is they are hardier in the sense of unfavorable water conditions, but more prone to bacterial infections that can wipe a colony. Either case, your frags were probably stressed after introduction to your tank and then during the changes that were occurring to get the parameters in the correct ranges. Most SPS will typically respond to stressor events a week or so after the actual event. It's kind of a delayed negative response sometimes. You'll understand what I'm talking about once you've had old colonies sitting around and then you have an alk spike or drop and nothing happens to your SPS. Then 1-2 weeks later you start getting STN. The remaining montis and SPS you picked up are good tester corals and are super hardy so I'm sure they'll recover.
  14. Very exciting news to hear you've dialed in your 2-part dosing system! I'd just keep checking it as the weeks go by and as you see it stay very stable, then the frequency of testing can be decreased at that point. It doesn't take too long for your corals to start responding positively to the stable parameters. Perhaps even your not so happy first editions of SPS will make a comeback in a couple of weeks.
  15. Awesome! Free shipping!!! Yeah, no problem. MantaFan already let me know that I will be in charge of the snail bus.
  16. Doesn't take much to dislodge them. If you aim to leave a little of the original budding point, you'll most often be rewarded with another plate growing in the same spot. I've said too much already! [emoji33] Now you're going to put me out of business with that orange plate too!
  17. Most of the time I gripe about being rich doesn't buy you good taste... but I don't hate that kitchen aquarium. [emoji57]
  18. I've always heard them referred to as "show" tanks. Sorry, don't mean to detract from your sale thread. I was just wondering the same thing about a tub tank and wondered what it was too.
  19. Your body temperature is a warm 98.6 degrees isn't it? And you run off of protein, carbs, and sugars right? Do I need to draw a line for you? [emoji24]
  20. Low and shaded never hurt anything as you acclimate frags to your tank.
  21. Woohoo! Don't you love it when things work out!
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