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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. That's awesome! Did you hand model that yourself Bpb?
  2. I'm a big fan of aminos. While my experience is anecdotal because I didn't run a true experiment on them, I find that they help with my SPS coloration.
  3. Yes sir! Thanks for coordinating!
  4. And Brian will buy you lunch just to mess with your tank too! Take him up on it!
  5. I see nothing! <----- In my best Schultz impersonation.
  6. I appreciate it Manny. Just not ready to even think about QT'ING another batch of fish. If it's still around when I decide to add a naso back to the system, I might hit you up. Right now the QT'ed fish are sitting in the tub and I don't want to introduce anything to that stability.
  7. When you spend your one day off fragging a giant war coral and setting back up your frag station in your sump. Goodbye chaeto, hello frag station again! Oh, and picking up clean-up crews for distribution.
  8. I wouldn't mind it but for the same price, there's a lot of more coveted fish I'd rather pick up right now.
  9. When life gives you lemons... Here's another attempt at a top down shot. Jedi mind trick colony... about the size of my face!
  10. Sweet! Tell him I'll let him play with the drone!
  11. Man, it's one thing if it was a baby shark, fish, or octopus. But when it's one of your pets... it's gets into a weird territory for me. You have to also remember my wife is a vegetarian. The last time I pointed out a dead baby bird in the backyard, I thought I had broken her heart. Instant tears man! [emoji26] That's why I love her though!
  12. Awww man, don't make me pull back out my reeflo hammerhead! I guess 5,550 gph will provide plenty of flow. I'll have to rework my chiller setup though. Ol aggie I think just helped me figure out where my flow went. 1.5" output on sicce pump, then through manifold to 1" output, then down to 3/4" pvc to return valves... one T and four 90 degree elbows later and...
  13. Thanks guys. I'll rebound, like I always do. Tough to keep a reefer down! [emoji4] Purely coincidental, I had bought a used 57-watt AquaUV sterilizer and came back with it when I discovered the regal was dead. I guess now is a better time than ever to hook it up. I'm having a little trouble diagnosing the plumbing of it though. Ideally, I'd like for it to pull water from the bottom of the tank and return water to the top but that's just not feasible in my tank without having an ugly tube or pipe showing up in my tank. Although ideal, I'm not going to bother. Alternatively, I'd really like to have it plumbed to my return pump line so that an additional pump is not needed. AquaUVs recommended flow through the UV for reef tanks is 2,100 gph. I don't think that's going to be a reality. I have a sicce syncra 12 as my return right now with a 3200 gph rating (with 6' head puts it roughly 2,600 gph) but I measured the returns and they only putting out 720 gph together. I have 240 gph feeding my chiller (which after measuring realized it's not fast enough either through the chiller) and roughly 120 gph for my biopellet reactor. That puts me at 1,080 gph. Where's my other 1,520 gph?
  14. Dang it, I just missed it by a couple of months!
  15. Well, I have some sad news to report. The regal angel that I had spent all this time and effort to train to eat mysis and pellets and treated for all manner of diseases, perished today for no known reason. He didn't look diseased and had a healthy appetite the last 1.5 weeks. Maybe there was something else I could have done but perhaps not. I don't know. I've read about adults having a hard time acclimating to tank conditions and will make it a month and then just die. I wonder if that's what happened? Either case, I'm pretty bummed and probably will not be trying another one right now. I'll wait until all my fish are back in the tank and happy again before I even think of going through the whole QT process again. I forgot to mention that my naso died a couple weeks back. He looked oddly constipated and would not eat. I tried some different methods to help him pass but they didn't work and he ended up passing away. I'm not sure if it was a reaction to the QT treatments or if I inadvertently fed him something that he probably shouldn't have eaten. I know I tried a lot of different foods to get my regal to eat and perhaps the naso ate something that didn't agree with his system. This fish catastrophe has definitely been trying with the marine velvet outbreak and the resultant deaths of other fishes, whether from the disease itself or from the QT process. I have however learned at lot on a subject that was always one of my weaker disciplines within the reefing world. I've learned a lot about symptoms of various diseases, how to treat different diseases, what medication is best applied when needed, and how to setup an appropriate QT system. I hope that this experience, as with many others I get with this hobby, only helps to strengthen my knowledge and experience so that I can forgo some of the same pitfalls the next time around. One thing I learned for sure... QT QT QT... I've just been on the + side of the gamble for the past 11 years... all it takes is one fish to destroy your entire fish population!
  16. It's easier if you don't fight the chloroform pup... that's easy... nice and easy... alright... here are your snails!
  17. Unless you meant plant as in factory, then nevermind. [emoji16]
  18. What? I thought there was tilapia? Is the alligator a typo, for instance alligator gar? Or are there real alligators in it? Is the 30,000 tomatoes a typo too? That seems like an ubsurd number of tomatoes for one plant in a year, but I'm not gardener so who knows! Really cool stuff! Thanks for sharing!
  19. The numbers look great! Much improved from when we first started! The best part is you have a pretty good regiment to keep them there.
  20. Oh man, I'm applying for that old member forever discount too! What's the cutoff date?
  21. Awww, I miss seeing you guys! Tank looks great! I'm still cracking up on how you are able to keep looking at the camera while spackling the hole with a butter knife. [emoji24]
  22. I've run 2-part and Carx for 4 years now... better go knock on wood Madsalt... I still get alk issues on occasion.
  23. Former environmental scientist and BS in Ocean and Coastal Resources here... sign me up! I have to say my wife is allergic to the sun though... dang that red hair!
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