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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. Is someone visiting your house? Burrnnn! Ouch! [emoji26] Haha.
  2. Well, the weekend got away from me so no UV yet! At least I decided on where I'm going to mount it. Just have to pick up some hardware to mount it now and find some time to get it done!
  3. Sounds like you need to bring those corals over here to someone who will be more careful with them! [emoji12]
  4. You did a pretty good impression of a basketball player today. I wonder if I could do a good impression of a soccer player?
  5. Looks like you're losing flesh and there is some STN on the corals. I'd say anything caught up in the changes of alk, Mg, and Ca up to this point is not going to be happy for a bit. They don't really like changes. Hopefully they survive but I think it's going to be an uphill battle. Are all SPS looking bad or are there happy ones too?
  6. Pros baby! That amateur stuff drives me nuts! I am enjoying that I'm number 6 in my bracket out of 25 but the tides can turn anytime. I'll count you in for our next games in two weekends.
  7. I'm not talking professional here, even though in my head I think I'm Stephen Curry. [emoji41] I have a regular group I've played with for 8 years now and our numbers have been dwindling. You can blame it on marriage, kids, or broken body parts. Anyways, looking to add more to the group. We usually play on weekend mornings and sometimes weekday evenings at an outdoor court near the Domain. If anybody has any interest to play, let me know. We're all decent players who focus on lots of team defense and good passing. We can mostly make consistent shots as well. No "Michael Jordan" ball here where one guy hogs all the shots so you don't have to worry about that. Anyways, hit me up. We're actually playing at 11am today if there are any takers. -Ty
  8. Depending what day, I might be able to help pick up at the airport. Right now, Wednesday is a bad day for me since I have a closing that day.
  9. So you're going to ship it to your work Thai? Or just wait for it to arrive and then take it there?
  10. [emoji87] [emoji85] [emoji86] [emoji35] [emoji36] [emoji26] [emoji27]
  11. Is it wrong to get excited about a jar full of AEFW eggs? [emoji15] I'm pretty sure Gig 'em could hear maniacal laughter as I left his house. [emoji4]
  12. Engineering! Not in my thread! How dare you! If someone mentions relays, I'm going to lose it!
  13. I don't trust anything without a scale on it Jim! [emoji6]
  14. Just a thought, but we're looking at 3 boxes. I'd be happy to volunteer to have a box shipped to my house so that people don't have to drive up all the way up to Hutto. I don't want to complicate it any more than needed but just throwing an idea out there since I am ordering a decent amount of fish. I'll leave it up to Thai if he has any desire to even mess with that or not. I can also pick up my fish and pick up any else's order to hold in bags at my place as well. I'm near the Domain, accessible from I35 or Mopac pretty easily.
  15. I don't think that's a bad idea if everything lines up on paper the same way it lines up in real life. My only reservation is the expected flow from the biopellet reactor. You want a nice tumble, but not too fast. I can see dialing it in might throw some loops down the circuit in your perfectly engineered flow path of perfection... or I like to call it... PEFPOP. [emoji14]
  16. Either today or tomorrow is going to be the big day! One giant 57-watt UV, check! All plumbing parts already bought, check! The wife wondering what you're doing on her final weekend of Spring Break... uh... hmmm... better rethink this. [emoji30]
  17. Nothing seems amiss... everything was still flowing polyps and happy... very odd.
  18. Hmmm, nothing like getting baked for 14 hrs by a 400-watt metal halide. My left MH light stayed on overnight after its owner decided he wanted to lower his light cycle down to 6 hrs under the MHs and then quickly forgot to use military time to program. What makes it even more sad is the same owner that programmed it incorrectly used to write field notes in military time for 10 years prior to his career change. [emoji30]
  19. C'mon Reburn! UV first, then skimmer = no bubbles! You had too much fun last night? Didn't you? [emoji12] Aquatop already beat us to it... however a much more rudimentary version. The ARC UV Skimmer will have a 57-watt UV bulb and a giant Skimz Skimmer in a nice little package. I'll go ahead and run the first test runs in my system.
  20. Better yet... UV kills it, skimmer removes it! Win win! [emoji87] At least UV will kill free floating parasites as well where skimming by itself won't. That's it, everybody, buy a UV and a skimmer.
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