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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. That's a shame! I understand that sometimes a faulty product is shipped out but it's always a bummer when it ends up being you to receive it. I'm sure they'll take care of it in no time.
  2. Awesome! I'll give them time to settle in a bit and swing by to check them all out. Looking good!
  3. Man, awesome stuff! I'm smitten by that plana looking one (2nd post, 2nd pic)! I'm glad you got a surhasoni... mine died off with my last alk spike. You know where I'm going with that statement, right? [emoji6]
  4. This looks like a PVC version of an external overflow box used for non-drilled tanks.
  5. Tough to ID. It would help if the pictures were under more white lighting. Here are my guesses: 1) acropora plana (possibly similar to a chip's acro, though I can't tell with the magenta light) 2) acropora valida (Tricolor valida)
  6. I'll give update photos as it goes. I'd be a little sad if it turns into something only a mother colony could love but that's half the fun I guess... the diamonds in the rough.
  7. I'd figure they'd be a little happier by now. Got a picture of it?
  8. This mariculture has some potential. It had blue polyps in the store! Doesn't always mean they'll stay that way but fun to see how it'll color up.
  9. My old midas blenny's successor... the cave must be a midas blenny's dream home... they are just drawn to it.
  10. 3 weeks ago: Today: Not too shabby... I'm sure you'll see the same results.
  11. Alright, alright! [emoji5] Still not installed yet but tadah!
  12. Still hard to tell but my guess would be what Timfish said, lymphocystis.
  13. You mean like Triton (duck!) Hilarious! [emoji23]
  14. The tie straps are all yours to borrow James. I'm going to have to miss out on the moving party if its Saturday. It's my mom's birthday. I may be available Sunday to help though if it ends up on that day.
  15. Sounds like a plan. I should be around tomorrow. I'm giving myself a much deserved day off before the weekend gets here! Just text me when you have a timeframe.
  16. 60% may even be the max you'd ever run. I'd run with that test first. I highly doubt it's the alk, especially if your numbers are around 9 dKh. The worry for SChrisEv was that his alk was lower, and so with the correction factor, may really be lower than that so he could potentially be tip-toeing dangerous on the low side. With your 9 dKh, even if yours read low, you'd still probably be in the 7.5-8 range and that's perfectly acceptable for SPS. I have the alk standard if you want to use it. Just swing by and bring your unit and we can test it out and work on your correction factor.
  17. FarmerTy

    LFS Nano fish

    Go back to the first post, then click on edit and use the full editor. Scroll to the top and you should be able to change the title if you're a premium member.
  18. Jim and I cross checked our hanna meters to the Hanna standard and also with the Red Sea test. My correction factor came out to be 6%, so not too far off. I don't remember what Jim's was.
  19. Also, remind me of your lights you are using. Any idea what your nitrates are?
  20. I think it's time for an experiment! See if you could reproduce the simultaneous eating response and if so, then physically separate them with a barrier and try it again. Then publish your results and become famous!
  21. That is very interesting indeed! I could only imagine what connection one would have with the other half of yourself! My guess is just the physical response of touching is enough of a sign to start closing when you feel the neighboring tentacle close... whether it's actually connected still or not.
  22. Perhaps you could chat with TheOceansTraveler regarding her tank. She has a similar setup as you but on a bigger scale and her tank looks fantastic! I'm with KimP, my urchin is an indiscriminate mower of algae on rocks so I'm surprised it didn't just mow over the GHA. If you could, I'd manually pull what I could and then remove the rock from the tank, drip/spray some peroxide directly on the rock, being careful to avoid your anemone, and let it bubble a bit to kill off the algae. If you really wanted to be careful with the anemone, see if you could submerge the rock but leave the side with the anemone in the water and the rest of the rock exposed to the air and hit it with peroxide then.
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