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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. FarmerTy

    Snail Death

    I'd test your water. I'd doubt it's your fish. They are just capitalizing on the fact that the snails are lethargic and unable to fend for themselves. What's your acclimation procedure for the snails?
  2. Also, I'd look at online pictures of ich and marine velvet. Mandarins tend to have a stronger immunity to ich due to the extra mucous on their skin but they are prone to marine velvet, which can be mistaken for ich sometimes. Were there any new additions to the tank? Notice any of your other fish swimming in front of powerheads to get extra oxygen, especially when the lights are out?
  3. I like that plan and it's good to know you weren't reading 0.5 ppm as listed before.
  4. I really have nothing to add but I wanted to mention some important criterias to think about when comparing percentage levels is to also find out how high above the water/corals the fixtures are mounted and what predominantly is kept in the tanks.
  5. Mine were about 8-10" off the water. I'd get splashing on the bulb on occasion but never had one blow up on me in the 4 years I've been running them. That's not to say I haven't been stupid lucky up to this point. [emoji12]
  6. I have no idea what you're talking about Bpb. [emoji86] Tank is looking pretty good for just being through a move.
  7. For moguls I don't, since I'm sure you already know that the SE bulbs already have built-in UV protection. If you are running your lights lower over your tank though, I could see the benefit of glass shields to reduce splatter on the reflective aluminum side.
  8. Fish back from the dead, using RO/DI, and running GFO? It's like the ultimate, awesome trifecta!
  9. I've never been so excited to see ballasts! Those look sharp!
  10. I figured the phosphate was a typo and you really are at 0.05 ppm, because I remember you saying you were at 0.1 ppm last time I believe. I was asking just out of curiosity only. 9 dKh is fine, though I've noticed that there is such a high range of alk levels run on successful SPS tanks so I don't really think there's much rule of thumb to it. If I try to take mine past 8.5-9 dKh, I get burnt tips and STN but that's because I'm running biopellets. That might be a good experiment for you while you have the SPS tester corals. See what alk they prefer and keep it stable there.
  11. Any particular reason you're aiming for 9 dKh? Also, I was asking about your phosphate concentration. Were you getting 0.05 ppm or 0.5 ppm? Your nitrates are fine for now but I still doubt it's results as it was reading about that concentration but my Red Sea was reading around 20 ppm if I remember correctly.
  12. What's your alk trend been looking like? I didn't realize you had gotten up to 10 dKh at one point. Also, is your phosphate 0.05 ppm or 0.5 ppm?
  13. It's not all hard coral in here [emoji4]
  14. Nice to have the frag tank back in full effect again with a 250-watt MH over it. Fungia factory back in business!
  15. I'd consider it an involuntary 3-days of darkness if you don't find a Par38. [emoji6]
  16. Well that bites that you're losing some livestock still but that's a very good sign that you're seeing pods again. Looks like your coralline is making a comeback too! Nice additions to the tank. Keep knocking that alk down and keep a good eye on the sps coral and see how it reacts.
  17. Awesome! I like this blame game! Victoly, you're it!
  18. Ha.....funny. there was a reason i was feeling blue.....then my light just stop working then i really felt blue!Be careful pushing the ironies of life too far... they push back sometimes!
  19. Done. Way to go Sam! [emoji12]
  20. Oiy! Looks like I'm a go-getter on the evidence items! I better start figuring out this credits system. Makeshift setup is looking good sir. I wish you well in the tank repair!
  21. +1 to what everyone has said so far. I personally run mine at an average of 81-82 degrees but I let the season dictate the temperature average for my tank as I try not to fight the heating/cooling desires of 250 gallons too much.
  22. I'm pretty sure Manny is somehow to blame! Once you catch it, document it for posterity!
  23. Nice work. I used the momentum as well for my front glass repair on my tank and it's still holding solid. How long have you been married? I've only made it to #45 on the divorce evidence items but I'm just breaking year 2 now of married life. I just want to see if I'm ahead or behind schedule.
  24. E...I...E...I...O... [emoji4]
  25. I changed my light cycle up to have it end with only the right MH on at night. I like how it highlights the structure of the rock and the SPS on the right with the dimly lit background of the left side in view. Frag sump back in action, as soon as I throw my 250 watt MH back over it. That yellow refugium light isn't cutting it. Best part is my display tank gets to be a display tank again without a million random frags on the sand messing up my view.
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