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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. FarmerTy


    Hmmm, now what to convince myself to buy that I don't really need.
  2. FarmerTy


    I'd scratch the PC bulbs. Personally, I'd do option #2 because I like the ability to reuse as a sump light down the road on your new tank.
  3. Well there goes my Diseases of the Reef Tank calendar I was going to make you as a wedding present.
  4. I'll make sure to find a way to spend your money.... errr... I mean save you money the next time I see something you must have!
  5. Any update on this? Are we having a meeting for May? Is C4 happening? If not, are we doing a Spring Frag Swap instead?
  6. I have my giant fish trap that I can acclimate them in and James made me an awesome acclimation box before he moved that I have yet to glue together. I think I'll go with the bombarding method. Add like 5 fish at the same time and there will be too many for him to key in on one. [emoji16]
  7. I still want to add a regal angelfish. You're the fish king... you think it would work out to have both? I've heard the emperors are very territorial... I'm afraid the regal will get harassed bigtime.
  8. Might not help you much but I have an IceCap 660 that's been sitting in my shed for 2 years now. You're more than welcome to try it but I have no idea it's current working status. I took it offline quite awhile ago. You're also more than welcome to rig it up to the current T5 fixture I let you borrow just to make sure it isn't a wiring issue or bulb issue. I trust your wiring skills and I'm sure you can put it back together.
  9. Good, just wanted to check. Were you able to keep the color the on the acro frag? Is it turning brown at all? Having PE is definitely a good sign.
  10. Yes Wardlaw, 2-3 years in an established tank was enough for me. If anything was to kill him, it would have done it already by now. I just did an external check and he had no torn fins and looked very fat and happy. The emperor was an absolute deal indeed! Too crazy to pass up on... it wasn't even in my plans but Gig'em was whispering in my ear about how great an emperor would look in the tank and I jumped on it. I was really just trying to copy ol' aggie and get one too. He's mine Juiceman! You have like 1,000 fish... give ole JeeperTy one after his whole marine velvet fiasco! The whole time Bobby was trying to catch him... some mysterious texts kept popping up saying... just say no Ty. [emoji12]
  11. The cool thing is the previous owner has had him for 2-3 years now. You can see he's already starting to change as you can see some light yellow on him and some of his swirls are going away.
  12. I've watched enough Game of Thrones to know what happens next! I'm like the King Joffrey of reefkeeping... everybody's just waiting...
  13. Nice, that's a good size UV sterilizer unit. For disease control, you should run it at the recommended 967-1160 GPH flowrate. If you don't know the age on the bulb, I'd replace it. AquaUV bulbs generally last 14 months. I don't know if it is the wiper model but in that case, I'd replace the rubber wiper as well and probably go ahead and order another sealed nut has they have a tendency to leak over time. At least you won't have to replace the nut right away but just have one for backup when it does decide to leak. Yeah, if your biopellets aren't tumbling, you're definitely not getting the most use out of them. That may be a blessing in disguise right now while your alk is still high. I was only asking about the fish swimming in front of the powerhead at night because that may be a symptom of marine velvet. I doubt it's that since you've had no new additions but just wanted to rule it out. They have a tendency to avoid the light when they are stricken with marine velvet.
  14. Jeez, if I was to ever produce cliff notes to my build thread, I should probably consult you guys!
  15. Hmmm... I'm guessing this would be a bad time to bring up this guy, wouldn't it?
  16. Hit me in the soft spot man. Now I'll have to reprogram my automatic skimmer neck cleaner to wipe the tears off my face...
  17. She's purdy! I picked up this frag 7 months ago when I was last in Houston and just stuck it to my frag rack and walked away. Nice little surprise there... she's turning into a real beauty.
  18. What is this LED business people keep talking about? I'm going home now and watch my favorite VHS tape, ET and then play some Pitfall on my Atari while wearing my slap bracelet and listening to MC Hammer.
  19. Don't let me get my hands on it James... I'll start growing acro colonies in it instead! Let me just add a CARX here and change the spectrum to 14k here... [emoji12]
  20. That's great that the deaths of fish have stopped. It still concerns me that they stay hidden. You wouldn't happen to see them in the middle of the night swimming in front of your powerheads, do you? Hey, you stole my new website name! TytheReefGuy.com! PE is always good to see on a new frag. I sometimes get maricultures that come in and don't extend their polyps for a month! Once they do, I stop worrying about them not making it. Here are my thoughts on your reactors. Yes, take the biopellets and put them in their own reactor. It's hard enough to dial the biopellets in to have a nice tumble but to have to coordinate that with trying to fluidized GFO just sounds like a lot of trouble. Go back to the GAC and GFO dual reactor setup and get an independent one for the biopellets. Another thought, I worry about you still running biopellets with an alk at 10 dKh. Normally, when you carbon dose, you want your alk on the low side, 7-8 dKh. You'll often get alk burnt tips otherwise... something to do with the amount of available carbon causing competing issues with the zooxanthallae and the actual growth of the coral. If you're not seeing any of these issues, then I guess continue what you're doing. I'd hate to have it swing you another problem by increased nitrates if the biopellets shut down. Just keep an eye on the acro tester piece and we'll see how much issues the high dKh combined with the carbon dosing causes you. For carbon, I've been running it passively in a sock for years. I just throw it in a high flow area and replace monthly. Have fun replumbing! I always end up with at least one slightly leaking connection and have to redo it. Once you find out what size UV you are running, match it up with your tank size and we can see what the recommended flow is for it. AquaUV recommends you add it after any mechanical filtration so probably last in line before it goes back in your tank.
  21. How are the fish doing? How's the little tester acro frag doing?
  22. Is it the 400-watt MHs? A chiller helps a lot Gig'em!
  23. I'd hit up Chris at Niko's reef. He's handy with that kind of stuff.
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