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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. Any clues? Wanted to ask here first in case someone knows off the bat before I start looking at pictures online. I've been a little removed from zoas so I'm not up to date on a lot of names these days.
  2. Glad the mystery has been solved!
  3. The emperor is already taking care of that. Back in your hole shrimpy!
  4. You know what I've found that keeps them in line? Giant fish! I'm not kidding. When I had all my tangs swimming around, the shrimp wouldn't step into the light to save his life. Now that I don't have them anymore, the shrimp roams the tank like he owns it.
  5. As in any open market, competition will drive prices. I've got a standing offer from Brian to use his Go Pro and at a much more pleasing exchange ratio. [emoji12] Would you like to amend your offer in any way before I make a decision? [emoji41]
  6. Dang! I can't make a masterpiece in an hour! Genius takes time to happen!
  7. It's on! I'll frag some more corals this weekend to get a nice little batch ready for C4! [emoji41]
  8. I'm a little confused by this calculator. When I change the DTS to a lower number, it is saying I have a higher % of depletion by CO2, high shows lower % of depletion, shouldn't it be the other way around? You got me. Maybe the CO2 binds to some of these solids causing the number to be lower? Anyways, going off Victoly's theory, I just wanted to mention that the guy's at Filter Guy's recommended that for membrane installation, you actually don't want the membrane seated flush against the back of the chamber. You want to pull out the membrane and push it in just enough to be able to get the cap on. Then from that point, use the tightening of the cap to push the membrane in the rest of the way. They said if you don't do this, you could not seal properly and allow for your water to bypass some of the membrane. Just a tip, don't touch the membrane with your hands... you will contaminate it. Wear some gloves if possible.
  9. That actually looks pretty good. I'd keep an eye on the base and note if it starts encrusting over the frag plug or not. I've had some plugs grow at the base and be perfectly healthy but just take a little more time to extend the polyps.
  10. Gig'em has one... I'm on it. I'm going to design a fish helmet and strap it to my emperor. We'll get the fishes-eye-view.
  11. When you're right, you're right! Lol. Anybody have an underwater microphone? I'll start sending out mix tapes for everyone. Better yet, I'll use them as background music for my videos... they might be an upgrade.
  12. Save em for C4 Oh awesome! So we're having a frag swap with it too! Save me a table then! FarmerTy is coming! [emoji2]
  13. You might be a reefer.... if you aerate tap water before sending it through your RO/DI.
  14. Yeah, some larger angels grunt... kind of sounds like a baby pig or something, just not as extended. My cardinal used to click all the time during feedings. Sounded like two sticks being clanged together. Keep talking Gig'em... I know where you live. I can drop off a heaping pile of cyano in your sump when you're not looking.
  15. Hint, feed the shrimp first until it's about to burst... then feed the anemone. I can literally picture your mind blown right now as you read it Gig'em. [emoji24]
  16. I think your problem is high CO2 content in your water. Try aerating your water for 8-12 hrs prior to pumping it into your RO/DI. Here's a handy calculator for CO2 DI depletion. http://www.hamzasreef.com/Contents/Calculators/CO2DIDepletion.php
  17. Good picture of the emperors' pattern and color change. You can see a little yellow on the top of the body and the swirls of the juvenile are slowing straightening up. The face has remained mostly in juvenile form so it'll be exciting to see the transformation of it. I'll try to document it as best as I can. Btw, this guy eats like a pig and devoured everything I threw in the tank. He ate pellets, mysis, bloodworms, flakes, and nori. Kudos to the good care he received prior to my tank. Oh, and I forgot to mention, he grunted at me for walking up to the tank last night. Guess it's a gentle reminder that it's his tank now.
  18. Here's a high five for your swap Ty! Let me know when the tank is cruising and ready for some testers!
  19. So, funny story. Yesterday, my new emperor angelfish decides to scare the heck out of me and taste literally everything in my tank. I MEAN EVERYTHING! He nibbled at SPS polyps, LPS polyps, sponges, algae, live rock, sand, effluent plumbing, asterina starfish, zoa polyps, cyano, you name it... it took a test bite. Funny thing is, no damage whatsoever, other than a couple of really scared SPS polyps. Even better, after testing everything, he stopped nibbling. It seemed like a more aggressive version of what my old rabbitfish did... just testing everything with his mouth first... a fish version of feeling around. I wasn't so worried about the SPS polyps honestly... because if he spent all day nibbling at them, there's enough in the tank for him to spread around the damage and not really cause much damage at all. I was more worried about having to give up the few LPS that are allowed to stay in my system or the zoa polyps that started my whole coral crazy in the first place. Let's hope he's done "testing".
  20. If we don't end up doing it at Dan's house or anywhere else, I say SPRING FRAG SWAP!!! I need to unload some corals!
  21. FarmerTy


    Sent you my order Reburn.
  22. FarmerTy


    James, you might as well get the chloramines kit since you're up in Round Rock. Just a thought and it being a negligible price difference.
  23. FarmerTy


    There's 10% off if we order by end of the day tomorrow. I can get my order together that quick if everyone else can.
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