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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. Hello ARC, Anybody in North Austin have 20 gallons of high quality H20 I can "borrow"? Realized my DI has been spent for who knows how long now and just wanted some holdover water until my filters get here probably mid-week from the BRS order. If nobody is close, I'll just run to one of the LFS. Much appreciated! [emoji16]
  2. I still have my money on setosa. The roundish branches clue me off to that. All my digitatas have somewhat flattened branches, especially in the ends of the branches. Also, most digitatas have whitish growth tips. We'll see in about a month.
  3. I'll pull the TDS reading after the filters later today. Have to head out for lunch.
  4. I lied, 9ppm after RO. I'm actually glad you made me check. I was getting lazy and only visually checked my color changing DI resin for exhaustion. When I actually kicked on the TDS meter, it was reading the same number going out as going into DI. Means my DI has been completed exhausted... for how long... who knows. It was only less than 6 months ago that i had replaced it so not too crazy long I'd imagine. I'm sure it went a lot quicker this time around because of all the water changes I did with the marine velvet treatment. That would explain the cyano and algal growth that appeared when a couple months back when I pulled out all my fish. I was blaming it on that... apparently... I just don't know how to use my RO/DI. [emoji16]
  5. This is based off my awful memory... I could be remembering the TDS when it first fires up instead of once it normalizes. A good membrane gets about 95% rejection rate if I remember right... but everything is based on my loose memory. [emoji16]
  6. Who are these Jackson and Lincoln guys? I only know Benjamin! [emoji41]
  7. I would imagine a slow flow but since I've never done it, you may want to do some research online before proceeding. I bet you can just use a maxijet with a throttle on it or perhaps one of the Tom's aqualifters can do the job. I'll measure my TDS after the filters later today and let you know what I get. If I remember right, my TDS is around 350 and then after membrane is 30-45 and then 0 after DI. I've never checked my after filters TDS reading so I'll try it out later and report back.
  8. Quit quoting legal babble and run for your life Brian! The goons are coming!
  9. Are you talking about green fungia plates? [emoji12]
  10. TDS Chris, not DTS. I keep having my surround sound receiver pop in my head everytime you type DTS. [emoji39] With your TDS readings at every point of your RO/DI system, I think your system is setup just fine. Those are all in line with a regular system, IMO. I think we need to revisit the CO2 content of your water. I heard aerating for 8-12 hrs will suffice before pumping it through the RO/DI system.
  11. Just wanted to start a thread topic where people can post what they might plan on bringing to the C4 Frag swap. I know this is kind of preemptive but I thought it would be nice to have a place to start posting frags to build up anticipation for this event! Here's what I'm working with so far... it was just what was in my frag section... but now I know there's going an official C4 frag swap, I'm going to be fragging a ton in anticipation of the event! [emoji16] There's going to be fungia plates, purple stylos, screaming green birdsnest mini colonies, ORA hawkins echinatas, kryptonite candy canes, ORA Jeremys montis, AquaSD funky purple war corals, blue milles, Oregon torts, PC rainbows, Jedi mind tricks, meteor shower cyphanstreas, zombie eye zoas, blondies zoas, cat eye palys, orange bam bams, fire and ice zoas, etc. [emoji41]
  12. I wish! Those flaming suns almost look like mandarin orange zoas! I think blondies is the answer. I kind of remember the person I got them from mentioning blondies anyways, I think.
  13. Oh no... I did a rookie mistake of negotiating... I named the other party! Run for your life Brian!
  14. Live rock scares the heck out of me! One guy on here was finding mantis shrimp 6 months later from his order of Florida live rock. I like the dry rock method and some seed rocks borrowed from established and safe tanks. Dan's right though, you can't beat the diversity of live rock... I'm just too much of a control freak that the unknowns make me go the dry rock route.
  15. You might have something there... my wife tells me I'm color blind all the time when I get dressed for an evening out.
  16. I'm one of those polyp counters sir... no fooling me! [emoji41]
  17. I would have accepted... hmmm... they may be blondies but I'd need to have them for overnight observation in my tank before confirming. [emoji6]
  18. With the screen name change theme going on today, you should change yours to "Generically Correct".
  19. You mean these guys Neon Reefer?
  20. Ahh heck, they could be blondies that need to color up still too... zoas drive me nuts!
  21. Nothing like a picture of a pearlberry acro coloring up to cure a gloomy, rainy day. [emoji14] Here's some more progression pics of the mari culture I got. It's darkening up nicely and encrusted a little bit at the base. One more week and I'll deem it healthy enough to start moving it off the sandbed and on to the rocks where it can get blasted with par and see its true potential hopefully! Original Acclimated on sandbed
  22. No thanks to Gig'em but I think I found it. [emoji39] Eye of the storm zoas http://www.zoaid.com/index.php?module=Gallery2&g2_itemId=8867
  23. I can't wait until you start up a coral aquaculture facility! Uh yeah, the pearlberry acro... I mean... the assorted stick corals, I'll take that one for $5.
  24. I liked the old name and the story behind it but I understand needing the name change. I may be upon one myself soon too.
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