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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. Not a ton of details yet but it's supposed to happen in June. There will be speakers, prizes, raffles, and a frag swap. It's like Austin's version of Reefapalooza or Macna.
  2. You can at the frag swap at C4. [emoji14]
  3. Great job with the silicone. It's harder than it looks to do so that's impressive.
  4. An indirect your welcome sir. [emoji12]
  5. I dropped my turkey-sized ball of chaeto off to them about a month ago. Was filled with tons of pods, brittle stars, and micro snails.
  6. There's a ton at Niko's the last time I was there.
  7. I know a guy at the city, he'll get you through all those red flags.... no problem! [emoji4]
  8. Whoops, misquoted! That's what I get for posting this late on a Saturday night. [emoji6]
  9. Me or Chris? If me, definitely not.
  10. I'm still astonished at the rate your Mg drops but I guess I've been running a CaRX for so long that I really can't remember how often I used to have to dose Mg. I'd just keep doing what you're doing... keeping those parameters stable. I will say that your lighting changes I would consider to be a "big swing" so just give the corals some time to acclimate and I'm sure everything will be happy again. The toughest job you have now is just to leave things alone and not mess with anything. Just keep those parameters stable and it'll reward you in time.
  11. That's awesome! You should start a mentor-mentee-mentor thread. [emoji14]
  12. This thread has been split up due to performance issues...
  13. At the rate Dan is going, it's going to hate both of our build threads pretty soon. [emoji23]
  14. Thank you sir! I'm all taken care of now... but know that you passed my mentor thread test of always have good water on hand.... yeah... that's it. [emoji12]
  15. Sometimes I have to decipher his genius to layman's terms so we can all understand. [emoji13]
  16. Thank you sir! I got Gig'em pumping out the good stuff right now so he's got me set! Thanks for the offer. Hope the new frags are looking sweet in that tank of yours.
  17. You'll regret it... I'm like that pesky cousin that never goes away. I'm pretty sure ARC as a whole cringes everytime I post. I'll take the company anytime. I work from home most days. Though I have to preface it with I have cyano/algae out the wazoo right now because I didn't realize my DI was spent and I'm missing half my fish population due to marine velvet... but you'd already know that if you did your required reading already. There will be a quiz when you arrive.
  18. Don't thank me... Jim's the brains behind the operation... I just take his words and scream them through a megaphone for all to hear! [emoji4]
  19. You're the man! I take back all those things I've said about you... but just for today only. [emoji12]
  20. That's nice to know that my build thread that's so near and dear to me is a form of hazing now! [emoji27] Actually, a beer would be appropriate while reading... a lot of hilarity ensues... high salinity, high nitrates, 20 fish, no fish... etc.
  21. I forgot about your 215 Bigsby. Keep us updated man! I want to see how the progression has gone!
  22. Thank you sir. I'll crank it to half sun exposure for now. [emoji4]
  23. Now we know... Reburn... goon for hire if needed. [emoji6]
  24. Same, I bought cheap ones off ebay. Any will do.
  25. +1 to Jim. There really is no need to calibrate them for the most part. I would just do what Jim suggested and find out what the dosing rate of your unit is now and then just program their function off of that. If it's dosing 1.3 ml/min now, then program your dosing regiment with that rate, if it's dosing 0.9 ml/min, then do the same with that number. Just my 2 cents.
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